
Hadrian Peverell in Twilight

Harry Potter after the war became the Master Of Death,but through this he finds the deception of his so called friends and even the whole of wizarding Britain turns on him calling him a Dark feeling tired of the world he asks Death to take him away from this world.Thus he ends up in the Twilight world

Just_for_fun1997 · Movies
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89 Chs

Chapter 34 (Accident)

Sarah Black she was a full-time mother and part-time painter, working mostly with watercolors. Her daughter, Rebecca showed talent int he field.Hadrian was able to get her a good mentor,thus her paintings were actually selling quite well.

Sarah soon gave birth to a baby boy named Jacob,Hadrian didn't know why but he didn't know why,he had feeling if he didn't keep an eye on this brat he was going to be trouble.

Charlie was told that Bella would visit her father in Forks for one month every summer, and  it was during that time Bella met Rachel, Rebecca,Jacob Black and Lily Peverell.It was not something,

But soon things would go south as Billy and Sarah are driving back home,they were coming back after some shopping.Sarah tells Billy"You should really wear your seatbelt." Before he can answer they suddenly see's car in opposite direction get important of him.If not for his Shifter reaction he wouldn't able to move the car enough to shield his wife ,but the hit caused Billy to go flying through the windshield.

Billy then gets up... unharmed.It was amazing to see the large wound on his face heal so quickly before the naked eye.He then rushed to find his wife Sarah who was bleeding from the crash,only thing went through his mind"Ancestor help us."

Hadrian heard the distressed thoughts of Billy and quickly apparated their.Hadrian on reaching their quickly went to check on Sarah as Billy was sobbing and muttering"Help her please."

Hadrian quickly started healing her wounds,he was pretty sure if Billy didn't take the full brunt of the hit Sarah would have been killed.

While Billy was really scared to death,Sarah was his Imprint and soulmate without her,he was pretty sure he would not continue to live.

Hadrian after making sure everything was okay took Billy and Sarah back to his place,while he made sure to modify the memories of the one who caused the incident.

When he returned he saw Billy running toward Hadrian and asking"She is gonna be okay,right."

Hadrian nodding replied"She is gonna be fine,she just needs to rest now."

Hadrian took a couple of potions and gave it to Billy saying"Just give her these when she wakes up."

Billy was really glad as he took the vials and nodded.Hadrian saw Rebecca,Rachel and Jacob next to their grand parents,they were asleep he was sure they didn't understand what was happening.

Sarah would wake up and was shocked hearing that how close she had come to losing her life.Billy kneeled infront of Hadrian and while sobbing said"I am in your debt,you have my word we will follow you to the end of the world."

Hadrian shook his head and with sigh replied"I told you,we are family.I would have helped even without you asking."

Hadrian then slowly helped Billy up and said"I am really grateful that Sarah is alive."

Hadrian knew if Sarah died chances were Billy would follow his wife or disappear because of intense pain from the death of the imprint.Thankfully that didn't happen and the children have their mother.

It was in 1995 when Bella who was eight years old would first meet Rebecca,Rachel and Lily.All three would try to be friends with the moody girl,but because of her moody and whiny behavior they would start to be annoyed the girl.But out of there respect of Uncle Charlie all three would still try to include her when they are playing.Even Jacob tried to befriend,but that too didn't last long as Jacob liked playing outside and Bella was not athletic,but she would still would push herself for them.Her bland complacent attitude like go with the flow and have no opinion behavior also made her practically ghost in the group.

[A/N:I read Bella never had any friends in Arizona and she was pretty much a background character with no personality or opinion.You can see int the first movie she had slight personality and interest like reading,listening to music..etc.the beginning, Bella seemed interested in literature, particularly William Shakespeare's plays. She was intelligent in biology, and she loved her rustic truck. However, as the saga progressed, Bella lost her hobbies and ambitions. She doesn't even pursue a career. She only wants to become a vampire, which is selling herself short since she had so much potential when viewers were first introduced to her.]