
War first strike 15

[A/N:I am introducing two worlds into this one is Maleficent,since it has quite a variety of magical beings in it,also there won't be an Aurora or Maleficent in this and second is Underworld with Vampires and Lycan's.

But since Underworld is added,I may well have this become a harem.




The war was going to fought at different fronts,Hadrian nor Nuada could be at every place at all time.Also Balor himself was entering the war taking the reigns of the army in the south,while Hadrian and Nuada took the east and west it was a very a bloody war.

But Hadrian and Nauda decided to launch an grouped attack on the human army.Hadrian and Nuada gallop through the gate. They rein in their horses and look over the elite Elven Guard riding well-groomed, snorting mounts and behind them was trolls,Orcs and other races, .

When Hadrian speaks his voice is clear and steady"This war is about the. wanting to not only get rid of magical beings everywhere,so remember your family back home and fight for them."

The Elven men roar. Nuada yells" For Aegelin is mother to us all. Fight for her!"

The men roar and thrust their spears and swords into the air. Hadrian and Nuada leads the charge throught the meadows.

While on the other side human King stands scanning field.Then he turns to face his men with smile and yelled"The scouts have found the army of beast approaching us.This is our chamce to wipe these monsters from our lands."

The human army cheer.While the human King points his sword toward the Bethmora Army.All the human soldiers raise their swords and cry out with one voice.

The King puts on his helmet,starts readying for battle.The army gallops towards them,but they didn't expect someone was.watching them,it was Hadrian who used his Nature blessing to spy on them with the birds.

So when they arrived at the perfect spot the elven archers behind Hadrian,who were able to seethr human army easily from there side.

Hadrian raises his hand ordering"wait... wait... captain of archers Now!"

The archers rise and release their arrows.Hundreds of arrows whistle through the air. The human soldiers,who where on there horses cry out as arrows hit them; they tumble from there horse and into the ground.The other arrows rip into the packed ground.

The remaining human soldiers, quickly clustered together and holding their shields above their heads, look at there general,who yells"Shield wall."

The valley floor as thousands of horsemen ride out after Hadrian and Nuada.Hadrian seeing humans create a shield wall telepathically told Nuada"I will break the shield,follow up behind me."

Nuada gave nod,

Hadrian gallops on his horse towards the human army,who launches a volley of arrows,as Hadrian

quickly changes to the rings to whips and starts spinning the rings around himself at high speed

and the Rings are creating bigger rings around Hadrian and surrounding him in a dome of energy.

which protects him from the rain of arrows.

While galloping on his horse straight towards the army.Hadrian on reaching the army uses the rings as a means of propulsion to launch himself into the air then while landing he launched the rings striking the ground again to clear the space for his safe landing.This created generating powerful shockwaves in both of the processes which knocked down the soldiers nearby.Thus opening up the Shield wall.

Hadrian then fires the rings as projectiles, emits concussive energy blasts taking out multiple soldiers easily his martial arts seems to be like Hung Gar style of Kung Fu,When thrown as projectiles the rings can be called back to return to them. He then used the rings and energy whips to attack the soldier left and right,then wraps around one of the soldier's neck and flipped him to the ground.

Nuada seeing the shield wall broken yells in elven"Charge,do not allow them to recover."

The Bethmora army charges through the hole like a flowing torrent and completely overwhelming the human army,it was a slaughter with trolls following behind the with Clubs there was nothing the human army could do

While Hadrian sees the human army recovering from the shock and charge at him,as he launches the 5 rings in his arm in the form of a disc which causes massive shockwave attack that sends all flying back among them those that were in the front died instantly.Then everything was bloody massacre.