
Chapter 46

Viktor decided to do the stupidest thing,which was intimidating Hadrian and Marxus using his Death dealers and doing this all infront of thr council to show his authority.

This incident would not only solidify Alexander and Hadrian's power in every vampier councils mind.

The Great Hall awaited the arrival of Hadrian and Alexander's group. Vampires, resplendent in fine black silks and satins, lined the walls of the vast chamber and loitered alongside the towering stone archways and pillars. Viktor sat proudly atop his throne with Marcus and Amelia by his side,while the High Council was seated to either side of the throne in two rows of six chairs each.

As ever, Tanis stood at the Elder's left hand, his quill poised to record the events for posterity. Flames crackled atop the chandeliers and within wrought-iron braziers.

Death Dealers were stationed at every entrance. A pair of large double doors barred the far end of the hall.

Marcus with slight irritation told Viktor"Please keep you arroggance and contempt in check,these are people you don't want as enemies."

Viktor ignored and ordered"Let them in."

Marcus rolled his eyes and a part of him knew Viktor was going to fuck this up and he was really looking forward to this.

The ponderous doors creaked open and a fanfare of trumpets announced there arrival.

Alexander and Hadrian walking side by side every vampier could feel the imposing presence from both these individuals.Only those that followed Marcus or older council members knew about Alexander,but Hadrian was mystery to them.

Alexander was dressed black, some kind of military getup with pocket sand bandoliers, over which he wore a black-leather longcoat.

Hadrian was also dressed completely in black with armour, which is a little sleeker with bulky wrist bands, darker side golden-streaked pants and a black coat with pleated green cloth as a visible inner layer, keeping consistent with his armored self that was interweaved the soft greens with leather.Hadrian had enchantment that made it very hard for even enhchanted blades to penetrate him and he kept metals to a minimum like arm guards.

Amelia knew Viktor would mess this up and she had an intuition that Marcus was not lying.So she spoke up and with smile"Welcome to Corvinus Castle,Lord Alexander and Lord Hadrian."

Alexander was stoic just gave a nod, but his eyes soften seeing his son.While Hadrian gave a small smile to Marcus and even Amelia,but he turned cold seeing Viktor.

Amelia could feel the pressure from these two,while Viktor was ignorant of this stood up from his throne and with sneer said"I suppose you came here for your beast of a son."

Alexander glared at Vikor, while Hadrian eyes blazed green as Viktor continued"I made sure to imprison him somewhere you will never find him."

Before Vikotor could react he was knocked off his feet, seized by an invisible grasp and tossed into the air. He cried out, squirming, and then was slammed against one of the walls with such force that cracks formed on it.

The Death dealers were ready to jump into action, but suddenly they could't move anymore, it was as if they turned into statues.

While Amelia was shocked seeing this,sure she has seen powers held by Lena and her mother as she thought"What kind of sorcery is this?"

As she felt this was completely unatural then she remembered Marcus saying how Hadrian was able raze this whole place to thr ground as she gulped.The coucilors were also in similar position,they never seen somthing like this.But one thing was sure all of them made a decision to not annoy Hadrian and Alexander.

Hadrian then simply released the magical hold on Vikor, who slowly stood up and glared at Hadrian and yelled"I will never let you have that beast,Do you want war?"

Hadrian snorted and replied"Try it, you will see how many vampires exist after that."

Amelia quickly grabbed a shaken Vikor and muttered"Viktor,shut up our army is already tired from William's rampage.Another war is out of the option."

While Amelia once again turning towards Hadrian and Alexander said"I know it is hard for you to see your son like this, but William is a danger to everyone and If you can find a cure for him.We will give him to you, but until then please for the safety of all, William will be secured with us."

The Elders are the most powerful Vampires in the world, ruling over the Covens with the assistance of the Vampire Council. The Elders hold the highest power in any Coven and all Vampires must answer to them, the exception being maybe another Elder.But with this stunt their power and rule will be questioned and Amelia was now doing damage control.

Hadrian telepathcially told Alexander and Marcus"I already have his location,so let them believe he is in a secure location.We will get him out after this."

Marcus and Alexander were happy,but didn't show it outside.As Alexander acting sad nodded and replied"I know how much William's rampage has caused everyone,so until we find a cure William is in your care."

Amelia nodded,while she was happy with the outcome.But another part was questioning how fast the other side gave up,but she shook it off and felt with the powers other party had restraing William would not be a trouble and she could ask Marcus more about this.

Viktor glared at Amelia, who glared back and. muttered"You are making unnecessary enemies here Viktor.Also if they do find a cure, it would at least make sure William is out of our hands and Lord "

Before this Amelia was on Viktors side before ,both sought to undermine Marcus's authority and status.But now Amelia felt Viktor was the problematic one and Marcus could be alteast reasoned with.

While Viktor glared at Hadrian with venom, while a part of him was also scared about this power he just saw.That could freeze all death dealers, which was something he felt he needed look into.But Viktor would always come in empty handed, also his attempt to do the Var Dohr Sacred Ritual would also be for nought.