
Chapter 24

Hadrian already knew there was some kinks in Dimension creation ritual,since he some how landed in already existing dimension.The more he talked with Tars,the more sure he was about the fact that Urassan and Hypos were really the same Hyperborean Kingdoms and both probably ended up in this dimension after the destruction of Gorinium or the dimension was created by them.

Hadrian was now out ridings with Naula and Nuada on there Direhorses.

Nuala grins and points, excitedly as a herd of Strumbeest,which was a massive six-legged creatures reminiscent of buffalo and it was thundering across the river.

Nuada also studied a lot from Tars about some if the beasts inside the forest.Only the inner part of Forest remain a mystery,just like the name suggested the Forest was considered not approachable by many,only Tharks went in and even they didn't go too far inside.

Nuada studying the creatures said"Looks like a bull, six cows and some juveniles."

Nuala was also watching answered"The bull has the red on the dorsal armor?"

Hadrian nodded,while suddenly hundreds of purple winged creatures take flight from a lake, startled by the direhorses. They skim the water above their own reflections.

Hadrian said"Let's go."

As they were galloping away on there horses,they came across a herd of hammerhead titans

Hammerhead titan was twice that size of elephant.Its massive, low-slung head has projections of bone giving it the look of a hammerhead shark. It skin was mainly blue, with gray and light brown legs and atop the hammerhead structure,they possess a brightly-colored display crest with rigid, chitinous backings that can be raised when confronted by an adversary. The skin flaps on some of them are shades of purple and blue, but it looked like the herd leaders have yellow-orange ones.

The beast eye colour was yellowish-orange,these baleful eyes locked onto them.The creature snorts and then bellows and lowers its 3 meter wide sledgehammer of a skull.

But seeing they were no threat and Hadrian own aura,it slowly backed away moving its heard away from the location.

Nuada muttered"No wonder nobody came to this part of the forest,If the plant eaters are like this,then think about the predators."

Hadrian hummed agreeing with him,while Nuala smiled and said"They seem to not think elves as dangerous."

Hadrian nodded,he knew these creatures really didn't see the elves as dangerous.Since the elves were really called the Sons of the Earth.

Also Hadrian was working with Nuada in bringing some of the Dwarves to create a city or base here.It was something they needed urgently and Tars was more than happy to capture a few Direhorses for them to travel around the forests.

The Dwarves were amazing worker's and with Hadrian's magic the creation of the new city of fast.But after King Balor came to the dimension,they explored more of the forest.

That's when Hadrian realized how dangerous this Forest,among them was big three who were the once to Lookout for.

1)A Thanator.It is a black six-limbed panther from Hell, with an armored head and massive distensible jaws,if not for his nature blessing the beast would have attacked without question.

2)It was a dragon like beast that was flying predator,the Ikran or Banshee they were masters of the sky,they were the reasons neither Hypos nor Urassan entered the Forest with there airships.

3)The last one was also an aerial predator much dangerous than Banshee,it was an apex predator the King of the Banshee's it was huge at least 25 meters/82 feet in wingspan alone and was primarily colored red and yellow, with black stripes and blue crests on the top of the head and under its lower jaw, though the crests can be albinistic or green. The crest on its head is razor sharp and it's eye colour was yellow with black pupils.

The Thanator and Banshee obeyed him,but the last one was tricky it didn't attack them nor did it obey him.So they were good on that level,the exploration went on and soon found an amazing location,which Balor fell in love with,it was the Great Tree,which was 170 meters tall, with a trunk four times the diameter of the largest Sequoia, and a base of massive mangrove-pillars.

Balor fell on love with it,since it reminded of him of Aeglin the Father Tree and wanted to build there main city below it.

Hadrian wasn't sure about it,since it was a huge and big target for everyone.Do they postponed that for now anr Hadrian placed a barrier around the tree concealing it.