
Chapter 19

Hadrian soon saw the witch approaching, she arrived at the camp on a litter carried by Cyclops. They set her down and she stands down, and walks towards Aslan. The whole camp including the children are assembled in front of Aslan's tent.

Ginarrbrik announced"Empress of the Lone Islands!"

Someone brave enough yelled"You don't belong here! Go away!"

Another joined yelling"Go away, Witch!"

Aslan waits on the little rock plateau with Hadrian by his side, while White Witch narrowing his eyes at Edward said"You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan."

Hadrian heard gasps in the crowd

While Aslan simply replied"His offense was not against you."

White Witch sneered and asked"Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?"

Aslan was angry and replied"Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch.I was there when it was written."

White Witch: Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me.His blood is my property.

Susan looked at Hadrian,who gave a small nod.Which caused het fear for her brother and grab Edmunds hand.

While Peter bravely stepping forward and drawing his sword saying"Try and take him then."

At the same time Otmin on Jadis side takes a step forward to defend his queen.

White Witch: Do you think that mere force will deny me my right... ...little King? Aslan knows that unless I have blood, as the law demands,

She turns to face the crowd"All of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water."

She points at Edmund and added"That boy will die on the Stone Table... ...as is tradition.You dare not refuse me."

Aslan cut in"Enough. I shall talk with you alone."

They went inside with Hadrian following him.

The children sitting down on the grass waiting for the meeting to finish, but time went by as they become clearly bored.

Then Jadis throws open the flaps of the tent and comes out.Thus making everyone gets up! She walks back towards her seat, pausing to look at Edmund.

Aslan walks the edge of the plateau and announced"She has renounced her claim on the Son of Adam's blood."

Everyone cheers and pats Edmund on the back , while Jadis questioned"How will I know your promise will be kept?"

Aslan then roars causing the White Witch sits down suddenly in shock and fear, while everyone at Aslan'a camp laughs.

She leaves everyone celebrating.But Lucy notices Aslan standing alone looking very sad and Susan also looked at Hadrian, since she wanted to thank him and Aslan for saving her brother, she also the noticed the same thing as Lucy with Hadrian.

Before both of them went back into the tent, then some of the cheering distracts both of them.

While inside the tent, Hadrian was the first one to speak up"You are exchanging your life for the boy."

Aslan simply replied"It had to be done.Otherwise the deep magic would have claimed Narnia itself and we can't lose the children too."

Hadrian was sad then something hit him"But you are not a traitor, so this whole sacrifice will not work."

Aslan nodded and Hadrian could see a gleam in his eyes, while Aslan said"Yes and by giving myself up.There are multiple advantages one is thr children will take charge and learn there lessons, while second is Jadis will arrogant and you can take advantage of it."

Hadrian nodded and said"I will be waiting for you in battlefield, father."

Aslan nodded and replied"I will too.