

Waking up only to find himself having no recollection of who he was before only who he is now, H'El, adopted son of Jor El. H'El remembers all about the things he watched and read and so, armed with the knowledge and the power, he strives to have a good adventure.

Smilie_Smithie · Movies
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11 Chs

The Beginning

H'El could feel the blue light piercing through his closed eyes and he opted not to open his eyes directly. He covered them with his palm and opened them, making sure he was looking down. The first thing he saw was his course hands. It looked like he has been a factory worker since he was born because of how they looked. But, his skin was fair which he noticed all the way to his waist. His upper half had no clothes. On his chest was an insignia burnt into his skin. He looked at it once then used his free hand to trace the curving.

"The house of El insignia. Red cape tied on my waist, blue pants and boots, naked upper body, isn't this H'El?" he asked himself. Suddenly, memories flooded into his mind and be came to know how he got here. "A space storm! That's rare, like really rare. But, it appears that this other guy died then I took over. Or was I just dormant and just woke up now? This is confusing." H'El felt control returning to his body and he turned, making his back face the great light in front of him.

"I'm in space. Kryptonians can survive in space without issues let alone H'El who is a Kryptonian Meta. Now, let's see my power of flight," he said. H'El streamlined his body then started inching forward slowly by slowly until he was going as fast as an asteroid. In space there was no way to gain acceleration but it was covered by the psionic energy wrapped around his body. His brain could perform far faster than a human's so he able to navigate much more accurately even when flying at such speeds. His maneuevability was actually quite terrifying for it was like he was born to fly rather than show it was his first time. When he finally had enough, he stopped flying as he landed on a meteorite.

"This is so much fun. I don't know how long I have been absorbing the energy from the blue star but I feel so strong right now!" H'El said then stretched out his arms, flexed his muscles and brought his arms together for an almighty clap. He saw space ripple as the ripples destroyed everything as they spread out. What he didn't know was that the space storms had sent him back in time, like way back in time and he has been unconscious all this time, absorbing the energy of the blue star. It was initially a star at the brink of exploding but he made it almost become two thousand times dimmer than before! The amount of power in that clap erased so many heavenly bodies H'El couldn't even count!

"I'll remember not to do that. Now, I need to find an inhabited planet. I can teleport, let's see if I can teleport to one," H'El said to himself. He suddenly disappeared from space and appeared floating above a lake. H'El slowly opened his eyes when he felt air flowing through his hair and was overjoyed by the sight in front of him. He floated down slowly till he was standing on the surface of the lake.

"This is amazing," H'El said as he bent down and stirred the water off the lake causing an almighty wave to rush towards the shore.

"Right, right, super strength," he reminded himself. He sighed then started walking towards the shore, taking his time. Once there, he faced the lake then took a deep breath in then violently blew out icy cold winds that started freezing the lake solid, making it seem like it had just went through a whole year of harsh winter.

"Freeze breath is a check too," H'El said then bent and got hold of the ice from the edge. With no effort at all, he lifted the lake Worth of ice with one hand. "That's a lot of tonnes. Super strength, check." Just then, he heard a roar of an engine behind him. He put the frozen lake back down then turned around. He saw a vehicle coming towards him and he recognized it. It was a police patrol car. It stopped when it was thirty feet away from him and a woman police officer climbed out. She looked at him with a frown on her face.

"Are you alright there, sir?" she asked as she inched closer to him, her right hand resting on her holster.

"Never been better," H'El answered with a smile. The cop looked at his chest and frowned even more. She had seen others who had done the same thing with their chest. They claimed they were the children of Rao and worshipped Superman and Supergirl as gods! "Sir, can I see some ID?"

"I cannot show you what I do not have," H'El answered so simply she was confused. "I see the way you look at my chest as if you know this insignia. It means a house of El member survived Krypton's destruction and is here, right? Is it Jor El? Lara Lor-Van? Kal El? It doesn't matter, all I need to know is whether a Kryptonian is on this planet before I rip you in half." The woman became scared so she unholstered her gun and started shooting at him. H'El saw all this as if she was moving in slow motion and as he saw how the bullets were coming towards him, he started second guessing himself. The woman fired her weapon at him despite him having invulnability. He thought maybe the gun could hurt him so he dodged the bullets till she ran out of bullets. The next second, she was slammed onto the car's hood, H'El's left hand fingers around her neck like a vice.

"You chose option two, no problem. But first, I need information," H'El said and touched her head. The cop suddenly moaned as her eyes became blank for a couple of seconds which was the amount of time H'El probed her mind. Once he got all the necessary information, H'El let her be and flew off, leaving her unconscious. Once he was a couple hundred feet above, H'El looked down on this planet.

"Superman, Kal El, one and the same person. My memories seem to return as I see things that are familiar to me. I am in Iowa, USA and this universe is the DC universe. Good thing the space storm did not do the unexpected. Now, all I need to do is just survive."

"Hello, seagal," someone said. H'El looked around for the speaker but he couldn't see anyone. "You Kryptonians have this amazing gift of super hearing, I am jealous. The main man is nowhere near you but orbiting this planet you came to. I have a bounty on your head and I am coming to collect." H'El looked up at the sky and with his amazing eyesight, he finally saw the speaker.

"Lobo," he muttered before he disappeared then reappeared in front of the alien.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Lobo. I've been your fan since I was four," H'El said, lying about the age part. Lobo was stunned by the new development, making him stare at H'El as if he lost his voice. This was the first time his bounty started admiring him instead of running away, screaming.

"I am flattered, really. Now, we can go to the main issue at hand,"

"Who paid you to hunt me down? All I know is that I have been chilling next to star for a long time,"

"Apparently, you made two star harvesters miss out on a deal of obtaining a blue star at the end of its cycle. It was a huge deal too," Lobo answered as he started arming himself. H'El nodded as if he understood then his right hand started glowing and Lobo found himself immobile.

"Tell me something,Lobo, if I throw you into a star, is it the same a damnation in hell? You will continue burning over and over again as you continue healing. In fact, I have been having that question in my head as soon as I saw you. Will you go mad with pain as time progresses or will your hatred for me keep you sane?"H'El asked, a maniacal smile on his face. "Guess we'll never know till we find out."

"Attention aliens, you are in Earth's atmosphere and any fighting done here will be taken as an act against Earth and it will be met with lethal force. Come down and face the authorities or fly away to where you came from," a booming voice came from below them. Both of them turned their eyes down and saw a flying machine aiming their guns at them. H'El's pale grey eyes lit up lightly as he looked through the machine and saw the one driving was a human wearing black armour and a helmet with two pointy ears at each side.

"They catch on fast," Lobo cursed.

"Batman," H'El said with a slight frown. Just then, a man in a blue suit and a red cape flew next to the bat plane. "Kal El." Superman was startled to hear him mention his Kryptonians name then looked at his chest where he saw the insignia of his house.

"You are also an El?" he asked in Kryptonian.

"Your father, Jor El adopted me into the house. Did he come with you?" he asked.

"He didn't make it," Superman answered sadly then looked at Lobo. "Lobo, it appears you didn't learn your lesson last time."

"Relax shitbird, I'm only here for the new Kryptonian," Lobo struggled to say.

"It appears we have been delayed enough, Lobo, time for the experiment," H'El said then snapped his fingers. Lobo and his bike disappeared, leaving the two Earth heroes surprised.

"Did you just disintegrate him?"Superman asked.

"I wish, the bugger can survive anything. But, I just sent him into the sun. We won't be seeing him for a while now. So, why don't we talk, Kal El, without the human," H'El said.

"The human stays," Batman growled back.