

In a world that had never known anything but peace, the emergence of a sudden terror prompts the arrival of new warriors to undertake the task of keeping the world safe.

Starbrand29 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 13

As Zise recieved the energy from Yunji he felt his body change drastically, his body lit up and his devour attribute awakened by itself,

the energy however never ended as it just kept flowing into his body, a while later the energy closed off because his body had finally been saturated.

at that moment his blood essence transformed I to a vortex and started churning through all his meridians, his mana refilled and recovered to its peak state however in his sector something else happened, in his full form, the dragon grew by another ten meters.

by his time it was coiling around he entire sector and instantly its origin crystal left its body, the crystal connected to his blood essence vortex and just when the two reached resonance, his blood essence spread outward and stayed absorbing energy once more.

in that instant he recieved a highly concentrated surge of origin energy, it was impossible for him to mobilize that much which meant he was being assisted from he outside,

in that case he chose to take he best of it, it lasted for a while with the vortex absorbing endlessly. however about an hour later the vortex ruptured and condensed back into a tiny sun like core

this tiny sun was emitting waves of blood essence fluctuations, and the origin energy was still entering his body, this little sun would then transform the energy into blood essence and use it to build itself,

Zise simply assisted it on its job and that went on for a long while as well, after what felt like eternity the blood essence core finally formed.

it was purple gold just like his blood essence and the origin crystal from the dragon detached from the absorption and returned to the dragon,

throughout this entire time the dragon didn't wake up, after the blood essence core was firmly located inside the sector he opened his eyes,

right in front of him was his master along with Yunji, they were seemingly waiting for him to wake up, however her on closer inspection he realized that it was the opposite.

master Hong was focused as if in meditation, above him was his Phoenix except it now had eight cores on its head instead of six.

it had grown, as he looked around he realized that there were more people and they too were with their spirit beasts. he turned to Yunjinand asked her what was happening.

she examined the situation to him in full and he was beyond shocked he didn't realize his blood essence could be that useful to other people.

he checked himself and realized that in addition to the core his mana had arisen another level and had now reached rank 37.

then slowly one by one the people in his room regained consciousness and the elders all left in a hurry to consolidate their results.

Zise remained with Hong and Yunji, he asked her how she was able to return his cultivation to its peak state, Hong told him that Yunji is a light elemental, because of that when she reached spiritual cultivation she chose the path of the light god Abo luo.

this path grants her control over not only light but also healing, after her breakthrough to level 100 all that was compounded and transformed into her power, it's how she was able to heal him and recover his mana,

he looked outside t realize it was already dark outside the academy graduation competitions would start in a few hours, as if reading his mind, Yunji said that they should let him recover for a while.

she says that she will be waiting for him to win his graduation competition the following day and then from there on if he wishes it's will guide him in his cultivation.

although Zise was highly gifted, he still lacked in his cultivation because he didn't have the guidance of a master his classmates were better than him in this because they had a myriad of teachers.

Master Hong was a great blacksmith but unfortunately he had taken the path of the blacksmith god Huo Shen, he couldn't help Zise on his cultivation path, Yunji was different.

even before she she had chosen the path of the light god she was exceptionally gifted in her cultivation, besides Abo Luo was also a warrior so she could still guide him about his fights.

That night Zise meditated to compound his achievements, he also discovered he could start the second level of the transcendence manual.

that night he studied all about the second level and chose to explore it further we he has time, not long after that morning had already arrived.

he left his room after cleaning up, had a hearty breakfast with his master and Yunji and then he set off for he academy.

he arrived to find he rest of his classmates gathering in the assembly grounds, most were shocked to see him, this was because although Zise hadn't noticed it, the formation his bloodline core had changed him,

his mere look now carried massive pressure on his rivals, many had heard about his training accident, some were secretly happy because this meant he wouldn't be their rival in the competitions.

although he was still at the lowest cultivation level, there weren't many that were certain of defeating him in a fight. his presence however was recieved with mixed feelings.

their teacher appeared not long after and he relayed his pleasure to have Zise back before the graduation ceremony starts.

they asked him if he had met the graduation criteria, see in order to graduate one needed to become a level 3 cultivator, previously Zise was still at level 2.

even though his fighting prowess rivalled level 3 he still wasn't level 3 yet, at that moment Zise made a point of sealing his bloodline fluctuation,

then he unleashed his mana circle and sure enough there were three golden markings on the circle, this meant he was already a level 3 cultivator.

many had already speculated that he had gotten injured during his breakthrough to level 3, they had assumed he had over absorbed an origin crystal and failed which meant he wasn't their rival anymore.

although he could still breakthrough he would be injured for at least a year meaning he couldn't catch up anymore.

he was asked to register his weapon for the competitions and he still used his regular purple-chrome staff,

based on his potential and who his mater was, many expected that he was only using the staff for training,

they believed that his master must have forged him a level 5 weapon to use.

they were all excited to see him use it in this competition however he still didn't use it but rather insisted on using his regular staff.

they were addressed by the dean not long after that, he told them that according to he records all of then had already achieved the conditions to graduate from the academy, however that was just he begining,

he told them that from here they will split up and they will head into different places to further their studies,

he says that the academy managed to secure three of them a spot in the regional qualification battles for Xila royal academy.

he says that the academy has to pick the best among them for this opportunity and so the academy board came up with he graduation competitions.

each year the graduants will compete against eachother to achieve the best three and these people will represent the academy in the regional qualifying battles in the capital of the southern region Xiang Nan city.

he then says that each year the competition order changes based on he number of graduating students, this year there are a total of 80 graduating students who h is a very large number.

unfortunately all the fights have to happen within one day so there will be mass elimination first. the eighty of them will each recieve a number from 01 to 80,

the arena will be separated into ten portions each portion having two people each, ten matches will be held at a go for a total of 4 rounds,

in the end there will be 40 students left, after which there will be another draw, the forty will then be reduced down to 20 via two more rounds.

from there the top 20 will be separated into four teams of five people each, the stage will also be divided into four partitions instead of 10 where each group will b participating in their own partition.

this will be a round robin tournament where each member will have to fight against four of heir rivals. this exercise will take up the majority of the day,

in the evening the top member of each group will be selected, and from a draw their opponents will be selected.

at this time the arena will be split into two partitions where both semifinal matches will happen concurrently, the two champions will take the first and second positions.

the losers will have a loser's battle to decide the third person to represent the academy, after their battle the final battle will be held to decide the first and second positions.

the top three students will receive rewards from the academy as appreciation for their good work, 1 month later the three of them will be transported to Xiang Nan city by the academy to represent them in h regional qualifiers.

the top 5 champions will get to represent their region as students in the new enrollment at Xila royal academy at the start of the academic year.

After that the teachers started giving out numbers, Zise waited patiently at his place until he was given a number as well. he turned out to be number 29.

after everyone had recieved their numbers they were led to the arena where the parents, citizens and dignitaries had already arrived in wait for he ceremony to start,

as they entered the arena, they found that the arena had already been divided into ten sections as explained, the students waited at the bottom below the fighting stage in groups of twenty.

twenty of them were in a side of the arena at a time then at the center of the Arena the dean approached, he gave a short speech where he welcomed the parents, teachers, studnets and dignified guests,

he went ahead to talk about the school and the competition as well as the graduants however by this time Zise had already zoned out,

although he had grown stronger recently he still couldn't say that he had 100% chances of winning the championship,

this is because although his colleagues couldn't compare to him in terms of talent and potential they had great instructors, 5 we already at level 4, about 10 of them was already at the peak of level 3 and the test weren't badly off.

to make matters worse, some of them even had elemental weapons which compounded their fighting capacity, Zise had only two fighting skills.

although they were of a high level they were still just the two of them, some of his classmates had already mastered as many as four or even five techniques.

some of them had level 5 elemental weapons and some of them already had elemental cores, this meant they were in no terms weak.

to win against them Zise needed to bring his A game, if he was forced to use his two skills at the start then things may be bad for him as his future rivals would prepare for these skills.

he prepared his secret technique which he had learnt thanks to studying a little portion of the second stage in the transcendence manual.