

In a world that had never known anything but peace, the emergence of a sudden terror prompts the arrival of new warriors to undertake the task of keeping the world safe.

Starbrand29 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 12

the days washed past and Hong made sure to check in on Zise every single one of them. his healing herbs were replaced each day and his body absorbed them all in minutes each day.

three days later his body shone with a purple gold luster, the attendant at the time rushed to call for aid. the elders came in a rush followed by Hong however on arrival they were pleased instead of shocked.

this was because they could tell what was happening, despite his previous damage in just three days he was already attempting a breakthrough.

this was impressive indeed, the breakthrough indicated his body had healed already, the breakthrough succeeded not long after and his body was moved to his training area,

what he needed from this point onwards heaven and earth energy to grow his mana and blood essence, three more days and he woke up.

at waking up Zise went to meet his teacher first, whoever saw him was amazed that he had already recovered despite his severe injuries.

upon reaching his teacher's room he was welcomed mightily, Hong asked about Zise's situation only to discover that he was still very weak even though he was out of time.

in his current state he couldn't succeed in the graduation competitions, even though his endowments were amazing and he had gotten stronger, he still needed mana to fight.

in his sector The dragon started absorbing the crystals but although that process could help him it was incredibly slow and would take along time.

on the contrary he only had one day left, at that moment someone entered the door, it was a woman dressed in regal clothes,

cultivators normally wore regal clothes to distinguish them from regular people, however people from. if families had clothes that only they could afford.

because of this big family cultivators were extrairdinarily exquisitely dressed, this woman seemed to be one of them, she was dressed in white and gold clothes with a white veil on her face.

as she reached the room her gaze landed on Hong, he stood up upon her entry and the two of them looked at eachother for a while,

then Hong introduced her as Dai Yunji, his wife. everyone in the room was shocked because, it was believed that he didn't have a wife.

Hong then asked everyone except Zise to leave, Zise remained looking at the two of them and once everyone was gone, Hong introduced Zise as his student,

Yunji was visibly shocked upon hearing the statement and in that very moment she removed her face mask revealing her peerless beauty.

Even Zise who didn't care much about girls found himself staring at her blindly, she introduced her self as Yunji with a beautiful smile on her face.

Yunji's blood essence was triggered before he regained control, he bowed to her in respect calling her Aunty. he didn't need to introduce himself as that had already been done.

she then moved to give Hong a deep long hug, earlier it seemed like the two of them were angry with each other however now the situation was different.

they were more than happy to see eachother, after their hug Hong told her that he was happy to see her however he is more glad for another reason.

he told her about Zise's situation and how he needs to recover his energy in one day before his graduation test begins,

after listening to the story she simply says that no wonder Hong took Zise as a disciple, anyone would.

she then seems to be thinking deeply about something but when Hong asked her about it she discarded it as nothing.

she then condensed something in her palm, it was a ball of white energy which she shone down on Zise, during that moment he felt his mana increase at a fast pace, instantly he unleashed his bloodline and used his first bloodline skill devour.

he devoured the light energy at a very fast pace that even Yunji was shocked, however in the next instant she unleashed the light in greater quantities.

before long the entire room was glowing with white light, however regardless of how bright it got a vortex remained at the center devouring that energy at a very fast pace in large amounts.

about an hour later the lights dimmed and vanished, remaining in the center was Zise who had entered meditation, just then Yunji unleashed her mana ring and it was snow white with ten gold points on it,

however just above her mana ring was another silver ring designed just like her mana ring however it simply had one silver point on it,

Yunji was already a level 10 cultivator, she was at the peak of the world at the moment, with the direction of her hand Zise vanished from his spot and reappeared in his room right in his cultivation room.

how she had known that wasn't known but she did it well aware that it was his room, Hong simply commended her on her breakthrough.

the reason they were apart for so long was because they got married when they were both at level 9 peak, her spirit beast was at level 9 while his was at level 5.

because of that her family didn't oppose their marriage because of Hong's status however they insisted that Yunji first reach level 10 before she can live with him.

that was the main reason behind him leaving the central region, he had said that until he is reunited with his wife he wouldn't take a student of the big families, to fulfill that promise he left.

a few days prior Yunji had made her breakthrough and she learnt about Hong's promise and his departure from the central region.

she instantly set out to meet him, still she was shocked to see that he ajd already found a studnet moreover the student was way too gifted.

while Zise absorbed her energy she could sense his body clearly, the energy healed the remnants in his body and refilled his blood essence and mana reservoirs, infact the light also produced a sublimation of sorts in his body.

she could tell that it wouldn't belong before he achieved his blood essence core, is he was successful this would be a record breaking event.

every cultivator forged a blood essence core because it was vital when breaking through to level 100. however they normally developed in the advanced cultivation ranks of eighty to ninety,

Yunji was considered a genius having formed hers at the breakthrough to level 60. however is Zise is able to form one at level 36 then he will be a legend.

even though she was still with Hong in his office she could easily keep an eye on him in his room as he digested the energy he had absorbed.

this child was precious to Hong and that alone was enough for her to take special care of him, however she also had plans for him.

in order for those plans to be fulfilled she had to make him into the best version of himself he could be, as they caught up with Hong she kept waiting for the chance to come and not long after that she sensed the breakthrough appearing.

she grabbed Hong and they vanished and appeared in his room, there they could see that not only was his mana ring activated but his body was glowing and pulsing with purple gold light.

this was his bloodline essence and pulsating was a sign of core formation, Hing wasn't surprised by this, Zise had been suppressing his own bloodline just like his mana for the past seven years condensing them to the best of his potential.

the appearance of a core meant that his work was baring fruits, with the core formed then he didn't have to bother suppressing himself anymore.

his mana was also quickly approaching the 40th rank at which time he will form an elemental core, normally the elemental core is the first core to be formed by a cultivator and the blood essence core comes last after the spirit core.

some especially talented cultivators like Yunji would form a blood essence core after their elemental core and even that was rare, however Zise had reversed the situation and formed the blood essence core first.

this was because of two things, to form a blood essence core the spirit beast needs to reach level 5 first and the cultivator must have accumulated enough mana to support blood essence that thick in their meridians.

it was obvious that the dragon would break to level 5 soon due to the beast bodies and cores from before however the question was on Zise's side.

at this moment he needed the purest form of origin energy to facilitate his breakthrough, at that moment both Hong and Yunji started channeling origin energy from the world outside and funneling it all into Zise's body, a short while later they were joined by the elders of the association.

they too joined in the effort providing massive amounts of origin energy to Zise, the dragon's nature required him to devour massive amounts of origin energy so regardless of how much they poured into him it all just vanished like it was absorbed by a blackhole.

however the blood essence fluctuations were getting stronger, Zise was visibly concentrating and suddenly like as is a sublimation had been reached, the pulses from his essence fluctuation strengthened and the pulses expanded to a hundred fold.

these fluctuations were covering the entire association and some areas beyond it, outside the association people had been puzzled by the appearance of a funnel above the association that was sucking all origin energy from the environment,

however soon after that waves of purple gold e edgy were released form the association, wherever the waves went cultivators found themselves jubulating.

these waves were feeding their spirit beasts with the evolution energy they needed to not only get stronger but also advance levels at a very fast pace.

being closer to him Hong and the elders recieved the best nourishment, their spirit beasts jumpedrigjt out of their bodies and bowed towards Zise while absorbing his blood essence,

Hong's Phoenix had six points on its crown to indicate its six heads making it a level 6 spirit beast however the seventh head formed instantly ad in the hours that followed the seventh and eighth heads formed in succession.