
Guns & magic

In the magical realm of Mythoria , guns are relics of a forgotten era, seen as nothing more than curiosities—less effective than a wooden sword against the enchanted beasts and powerful sorcerers that inhabit the land. The world relies on magic, and those without it are often seen as weak and insignificant. This is a world where spells shape society, and the arcane arts are the ultimate form of power. Enter Alaric, a carefree and self-centered nobleman, infamous for his lack of magical talent. Despite his noble lineage, Alaric is a disappointment to his family and peers, more interested in living a life of leisure than engaging in the pursuits of magic. His lack of magical ability made him a constant target of mockery and disdain within the noble circles. On his Fifteenth birthday, Alaric's father, tired of his son's aimless existence, gifts him an old, dusty pistol as a cruel joke—a symbol of his uselessness in a world dominated by magic. Little do they know, this seemingly archaic weapon holds secrets that will soon change the fate of Mythoria.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Ch1:The kingdom of Mythoria.

In the heart of an enchanting realm , where magic reigns supreme, lies the kingdom of Mythoria,standing as the beacon of power and sovereignty. This is a paradise for mages, a place where untold wealth of knowledge and resources are at the fingertips of those skilled in the arcane arts. The kingdom is a magical powerhouse, a bastion of strength and wisdom, ruled by the venerable Vanaheim royal family.

At the helm of this illustrious dynasty is King Aldric Vanaheim, a wise and just ruler who commands respect and loyalty from his subjects. Yet, even a king as powerful as Aldric relies on the support of his most trusted allies—the four Dukes of Mythoria, each a master in their own right.

"The strength of a kingdom," King Aldric often mused, "is measured by the strength of its people. And I am blessed with the finest."

First among these stalwart supporters is Duke Edmund Hove, leader of the House of Hove. Known as the "Raging Cavalry," Duke Edmund's forces are unmatched on the battlefield. Mounted on fierce steeds, the cavalry charges with an unstoppable fury, their presence alone enough to send enemies fleeing in terror.

Duke Edmund, with his fiery red hair and a perpetual glint of determination in his eyes, addressed his men before every battle. "We ride not just for glory, but for the honor of Mythoria. Remember, our strength lies in our unity and our unyielding spirit."

Next is Duke Harald Granth of the House of Granth, commanding the "Mighty Warriors." These soldiers, renowned for their brute strength and indomitable will, form the backbone of Mythoria's military might. Clad in heavy armor, they march into battle like an unbreakable wall, crushing all who stand in their way.

"Strength is not just in the body but in the heart," Duke Harald would say to his warriors, his deep voice resonating with unwavering confidence. "We fight for our king, for our land, and for each other. With every swing of our swords, we carve our legacy into the annals of history."

The third pillar of support is Duchess Elara Farsie of the House of Farsie, leading the "Acute Archers." Her archers are known for their precision and deadly accuracy, able to strike targets from incredible distances with unerring accuracy. Their arrows rain down upon the battlefield like a deadly storm, turning the tide of battle in favor of Mythoria.

"Focus and precision," Duchess Elara would remind her archers, her eyes sharp and steady like a hawk's. "Every arrow we release carries our hopes and our duty. Aim true, for the future of Mythoria rests upon our shoulders."

Finally, there is Duke Lysander Veil of the House of Veil, the commander of the "Arcane Mages." These mages, masters of the mystical arts, wield magic with unparalleled skill and creativity. They are the kingdom's ultimate weapon, capable of casting spells that can alter the very fabric of reality.

"Magic is more than just power," Duke Lysander would lecture his apprentices, his voice filled with the wisdom of countless spells. "It is an art, a science, and a responsibility. We are the keepers of ancient knowledge, and it is our duty to use it wisely and protect our kingdom from the shadows that lurk beyond."

Together, these four Dukes and their formidable houses form the cornerstone of Mythoria's strength, each bringing their unique prowess to bear in service of their king and kingdom. Their loyalty to King Aldric and the royal family is unwavering, their dedication unmatched.

As the sun set over the majestic capital of Mythoria, casting a golden glow over the spires and towers, King Aldric stood on the balcony of his palace, gazing out at his kingdom.

"With allies like these," he thought, a sense of pride swelling in his chest, "Mythoria will stand strong for generations to come. For in our unity, we find our greatest strength."

And so, under the wise rule of King Aldric Vanaheim and the steadfast support of the four Dukes, the kingdom of Mythoria flourished, a beacon of hope and magic in a world where the arcane arts reigned supreme.

However, all this grandeur and prestige is only skin deep.


The kingdom of Mythoria, with its shimmering towers and vibrant magic, harbors secrets that run as deep as its beauty. Beneath the façade of splendor, whispers of discontent and shadows of treachery lurk, threatening the very foundations of this magical realm.

In the grand halls of the royal palace, King Aldric Vanaheim, with his silver-streaked hair and piercing blue eyes, paced restlessly. His trusted advisor, Seraphina, a wise and powerful sorceress with an aura of mystery, stood by his side.

"Seraphina," King Aldric began, his voice heavy with concern, "there are whispers of unrest among the nobles. Our kingdom's unity is at risk."

Seraphina's eyes narrowed as she considered his words. "Your Majesty, we must tread carefully. The four Dukes are loyal, but even they cannot quell every dissenting voice. We must find the root of this discontent."


In the rugged lands of the House of Hove, Duke Edmund Hove, with his fiery red hair and commanding presence, was addressing his cavalry. His sister, Lady Isabel, a fierce warrior in her own right, stood beside him.

"Edmund," Lady Isabel said, her voice filled with concern, "there have been strange movements near our borders. Unidentified forces, moving under the cover of night."

Edmund's jaw tightened. "We cannot let our guard down, Isabel. Double the patrols. We must protect our land and our people."


In the fortified halls of the House of Granth, Duke Harald Granth, a towering figure with a stern expression, was deep in conversation with his most trusted lieutenant, Sir Cedric.

"Cedric," Harald's deep voice resonated, "rumors of rebellion are spreading. We must ensure our warriors are ready for anything."

Sir Cedric nodded. "We will stand strong, my lord. No force shall break our resolve."


In the lush forests of the House of Farsie, Duchess Elara Farsie, with her keen eyes and graceful demeanor, was training her archers. Her second-in-command, Captain Thorne, approached her with a troubled look.

"Elara," Thorne began, "there are murmurs of discontent among the archers. Some believe we are not receiving our fair share of the kingdom's resources."

Elara's eyes flashed with determination. "We must address their concerns, Thorne. Our unity is our strength, and we cannot afford to be divided."


In the arcane sanctum of the House of Veil, Duke Lysander Veil, with his flowing robes and enigmatic presence, was immersed in ancient tomes. His apprentice, young Aria, approached him hesitantly.

"Master Lysander," Aria whispered, "I have heard rumors of dark magic being practiced in secret. There are those who seek to undermine our kingdom from within."

Lysander's gaze sharpened. "We must uncover the truth, Aria. Knowledge is our greatest weapon, and we must use it to protect Mythoria."


As night fell over the kingdom, the grand illusion of peace and prosperity began to fracture. Each of the four Dukes and their houses faced their own challenges, their loyalty to King Aldric tested by unseen forces.

In the heart of the palace, King Aldric stood on his balcony, gazing at the stars with a heavy heart. "Is our kingdom truly as strong as it seems?" he pondered, his thoughts a tumult of worry and determination.

But in the shadows, a figure watched, a malevolent smile playing on their lips. "Let them believe in their strength," the figure whispered to the darkness. "Soon, Mythoria will crumble, and its secrets will be mine."

And so, beneath the shimmering surface of Mythoria's grandeur, a storm was brewing, one that would challenge the very core of the kingdom and its rulers.

However, the one who shall cause a even bigger turmoil is still unaware of how all of it will tie to him.