
Questions and Regrets

Troy is Matt's boyfriend, the realization bounced around my head like echoes.

"You know him?"

"I used to work here when I newly came to America"

"You don't sound foreign"

"I've heard that a lot, it's starting to sound foreign" Wait, doesn't that mean that the Ferrari belongs to Troy? "I didn't know you were rich"

"I like to dress simple"

"Why work then?"

"I'm bored"

He's bored?

"Anyway, babe, we have a question. You've dated a lot of girls, right?"

"Don't tell me you're still jealous about that?"

"No, but my friend has a question"

Troy focuses his eyes on me and I shrink from the embarrassment that's about to hit me.

"What is it?"

"Tell us what you'd do if you like a girl and don't want to tell her"

"That's the question? Why don't you start from the beginning"


I resign to my fate.