
A Surprising Turn

A loud knock resonates through my room.

*Is everything alright in there, pumpkin?"

I drag Jason away from the door and push him to the farthest side of my bed.

"Everything's fine. I accidentally broke my favorite mug"

"Should I help you with it?"

"Kelvin, it's fine. I can take care of it"

"Alright, goodnight. If you need anything, I'm–"

"Just down the hall, I know"

I wait until I can no longer hear Kelvin's footsteps before I drag Jason from the corner.

"What are you doing here?" He wobbles unsteadily, I grab him to provide support.

The stench of alcohol invades my nostrils.

"Have you been drinking?"

There's a light whiff of something else that I couldn't decipher.

"I asked you something Jason, have you been drinking?"

"Who wants to know?"

"Me, that's why I asked"

"Just a few bottles"

"You call this a few bottles, you can barely stand" I help him to my bed. "So heavy"

I stumble from Jason's weight and we both crash on the bed.