

Jeon Jungkook is an alpha Mafia Bosses son. He falls in love with his personal maid, Park Jimin, an omega. I'm his family it's tradition for an alpha to marry an alpha. They run away and stage their own deaths yet some how ended up on a remote island and has a hard time deciding whether to stay or head back to civilization. Then they're found by sex traffickers, and somehow they are saved. When Jungkook's father finds out about Jimin's and his son's relationship he put a bounty on Jimin's head for 100 million won. At the end of the day Jimin is shot in the heart, will he survive to marry his love? On the other hand, Kim Taehyung accidentally gets pregnant with his step brothers baby....twice *This is an omegaverse but I did make up a lot of new parts, please do feel free to use some of my ideas if you're a writer too*

Nick_Prince_95 · Celebrities
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37 Chs

34: Jungmin's not right

"Hyung...." Taehyung said softly knocking on Namjoon's door, "Yes, V-ssi? Are you alright yet?" Namjoon asked, Taehyung nodded slowly and walked over to the desk that Namjoon was working at.

"T-thank you, for earlier. You didn't touch me even though I asked you too, and for the lotion...." Namjoon smiled happily and nodded, he gently caressed Taehyung's armon both sides.

"I'm so thankful that you don't hate me...." Namjoon said moving his hands from his arms to his waist, on instinct from the pressure on his waist Taehyung went to sit down on Namjoon's lap, "U-oh, how nice." He said with a smirk still gently holding his waist. "I-i thought about something.... and, are you in love with Yoongi hyung?"

Namjoon gave him a confused and shocked face, "I just- I don't really have a reason to think this but your friendship, it seemed a bit off for a normal friendship." Taehyung explained, namjoon gave him another smirk and moved one of his hands to gently take a hold on Taehyung's thigh.

"I love him, you're right. I love him more anything else in the world, I love him more then the world itself. He was there for me when I was only a child and he basically raised me since I was young, he's like a big brother to me and he was the only person who actually cared. But that's all he is, he's my hyung. He's my big brother and the one who cared, I don't love him the way you love Hoseok." Namjoon explained, Taehyung immediately got defensive, "N-no, it's not like that! I'm not in love with Hobi he's my brother!"

"V, don't bother trying to lie, he loves you too. I don't see why you guys can't be together." "Because.... well, I don't know why, I guess it just.. it can't happen." Taehyung explained with a sad face, suddenly he heard stomping footsteps coming towards the bedroom, "Rm have you seen Taehyung he snuck out." Hoseok growled and Taehyung quickly scooted and got up.

Namjoon just expected him to stand there but instead he ran to crawl under the bed, "No, I haven't seen him- wait, he was in the kitchen earlier. When did he sneak out? Maybe he just went for a walk outside." Namjoon happily lied smiling politely, Hoseok looked at him defeated, "He wouldnt leave alone.... what if something happened to him?" Hoseok began to tear up scared to death, Namjoon quickly went to hug and comfort him, "Maybe he's in the house but you didn't look correctly? Maybe he's hiding from you? I'll help you look okey? If we can't find him we should call Yoongi." Namjoon offered walking with Hoseok out the bedroom.

Taehyung crawled out and went to quietly follow them ready to just walk normally if they turn around, they past the bathroom without looking inside so Taehyung took the opportunity and went inside.

He wet his hair quickly in the sink and removed his clothes, he quickly threw a towel over his waist and opened the door and walking over to his bedroom normally.

"Taehyungie! I've been looking for you where did yo- were you just taking a shower? Did I freak out for nothing?!" "Yes, I was in the shower, why did you look for me anyway? Something wrong?" "I was just worried..." "Well don't bother!" Taehyung yelled slamming his bedroom door shut.

"What did you do to him?" Namjoon asked with a slight chuckle, "I'm the reason he had to kill a child that's done nothing wrong...." Hoseok answered with head hung low.

There where the sky's were grey and the eyes were filled with tears of joy, stood Yoongi happy holding Jimin's hand. They had just found out that the baby is healthy and they're having a boy, or at least jimin is having one. Now he stood happily waiting for Yoongi who was buying him ice-cream, Yoongi came back quickly with his ice-cream and threw his arm over Jimin's shoulder once he handed Jimin the icecream.

"Hyung, what do you think we should name him?" Jimin asked licking his banana flavoured ice-cream, "We? It's your baby, you decide." "B-but I... well I just thought that y-you would, you know? Maybe have a say...." Jimin said starting to cry, "N-no no that's not what I meant! I didn't think I did have a say please don't cry baby!" Yoongi exclaimed immediately hugging him, though Jimin kept crying in his chest like a big baby.

"It's okey baby, I would love to help name the baby!" Yoongi hugged Jimin tightly, he really hates these mood swings, especially when Jimin starts crying.

"So what were some of your ideas? Maybe something that resembles his father or Jungkook itself?" Yoongi asked hesitantly not wanting to make Jimin sad, "Sniffles, no, Jungkookie's dead and I don't want a permanent reminder that I'll never see him again," Jimin answered finally stopping to cry, "I was thinking something with your name maybe..." Yoongi's heart did a spin, he knew that jimin liked him a lot but not enough to name his child after him.

"Y-yea, that'd actually be really amazing..." Yoongi said with Jimin still clung to his side, "What would you name your child, hyumg?" Jimin asked looking up at yoongi slightly, Yoongi thought about it for a while with several names going through his head, "Yunguk, Jungmin, Jung Ji." But everything had Jungkook's name envolved, "Min Ji... Park Min Ji," Yoongi whispered softly, "Or... maybe one day... Min Min Ji? I chose Min Ji because there's a bit of you in there, Ji-min, and Min Yoongi, Min Ji. Or just Jimin backwards..." Yoongi chuckled, he really liked the name Jungmin but it had a bit of Jungkook in it and Jimin made it clear he didn't like that.

"I like it a lot... but people will think I named him that only to name him something with my own name in it." Jimin smiled chuckling with Yoongi, Yoongi paused for a bit debating if requesting Jungmin would upset Jimin or not, "What are you thinking hyung?" Jimin asked poking at Yoongi's cheek, "Jungmin?" Yoongi asked suddenly, Jimin's eyes widened and started to water again. "I told you no!" Jimin almost yelled pushing him away and running the opposite direction, Yoongi quickly followed already regretting it.

He caught up with jimin easily and grabbed his arm to make him stop, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you I swear!" Yoongi hugged Jimin again, trying not to break down in tears too.

"I miss him so much.... I don't want to do this without him hyung...."