

Jeon Jungkook is an alpha Mafia Bosses son. He falls in love with his personal maid, Park Jimin, an omega. I'm his family it's tradition for an alpha to marry an alpha. They run away and stage their own deaths yet some how ended up on a remote island and has a hard time deciding whether to stay or head back to civilization. Then they're found by sex traffickers, and somehow they are saved. When Jungkook's father finds out about Jimin's and his son's relationship he put a bounty on Jimin's head for 100 million won. At the end of the day Jimin is shot in the heart, will he survive to marry his love? On the other hand, Kim Taehyung accidentally gets pregnant with his step brothers baby....twice *This is an omegaverse but I did make up a lot of new parts, please do feel free to use some of my ideas if you're a writer too*

Nick_Prince_95 · Celebrities
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37 Chs

Chapter 35: Sex with the dead

"After a lot of discussing we decided to name the baby Min Ji..." Yoongi typed into his phone and pressed send to Jungkook's number, "It's gonna be a boy, Jungkook-ah." Yoongi typed again, he waited a few hours before he rose in his seat and started running towards the door of his office to go to the island after seeing a message Jungkook's doctor send him.

"Jungkookie had a panic attack, he's not responding to anything we do or say to him, he's awake but it's like he's brain dead."

Without leaving an explanation to anyone Yoongi just got in his helicopter and flew to the island, when he got there he was terrified to see that Jungkook, was indeed, brain dead. Not really but he was just sitting on his bed staring into nothing with a blood stained shirt.

Yoongi instantly went over to hug him and asked the doctor what happened, "I don't know, one minute he was fine and the next he always screaming constantly and no one could calm him down. Eventually he passed out and when he woke up he didn't respond to any type of touch or voice, nothing. It's been hours and every few minutes his nose starts bleeding."

Yoongi took note of everything while holding Jungkook, he dismissed everyone in the room and started singing for him when no one was there anymore. And just like the doctor said his nose started bleeding from high blood pressure or something.

Though unlike the doctor said he started sobbing quietly and cuddled into Yoongi's chest, "Shh, it's okey. You're safe, Jimin is safe, Min Ji is safe. Nonodys hurt I promise." Yoongi said softly rubbing Jungkook's nape while pressing kisses all over his head, "Min Ji... such a beautiful name...." Jungkook whispered sniffling in Yoongi's chest, he soon came up amd with a pout. "I'm sorry hyung, I didn't mean to disturb you. You can go back I'm really sorry." Jungkook suddenly said, Yoongi just sighed and layed down on the bed, "Come here my lovely, come. Lay on hyungs chest you'll feel better." Yoongi instructed sweetly and Jungkook without hesitation layed down on his chest to listen to Yoongi's heartbeat.

"You hear how fast it is? It's just for you, love. You scared me so much that my heart wants to jump out my chest and hug you, don't be sorry, okey? It's not your fault, I should've told you something like that in person." Yoongi softly played with Jungkook's hair while speaking, it was very relaxing to Jungkook.

Jungkook looked up at yoongi, Yoongi was smiled softly expecting anything other then being kissed on his lips. Yoongi was too stunned to even close his eyes, when Jungkook pulled back he went straight to laying back down on his chest.

"I know you probably don't like me, and you probably think I'm a horrible person for this. But it's best for Jimin hyung to not have someone like me by his side, especially not to raise a baby. Thank you for taking care of both me, Jimin, and his baby. It really means the world to me and I dont expect anything else from you. I just thought you should know how I feel, even if it disgusts you that I like two people at the same time."

"I'm not disgusted.... I have the same problem.." Yoongi confessed, he slowly lifted up Jungkook's chin and kissed him again, it was just a few hours ago that he asked Jimin to be his boyfriend even though it didn't register in Jimin's brain that naming their child Min Min Ji meant that they'd need to get married.

And now he's here making out with Jimin's ex, he's by far the most disgusting person in his mind.

Jungkook lifted his body to throw his leg over Yoongi's waist so he could kiss him one leg on either side of his waist, he's been waiting a very long time to get the courage to do this and he wasn't expecting Yoongi to kiss back. So of cours he's going to take advantage while he can.

Yoongi instantly took a hold of Jungkook's waist and ass and started groping the poor, unexpected man. Jungkook moaned into Yoongi's mouth feeling the hand travel up his shirt.

"You smell like fucking blood," Yoongi growled forcing Jungkook's body to be bottom, "And tastes like it even more what the fuck did you do?" "I don't know~" Jungkook whined while his nipples are being pinched, "Argh, I hate it so much." Yoongi mumbled going down Jungkook's jawline placing sloppy wet kisses every where.

"I'm sorry~" Jungkook moaned shutting his eyes closed recieving a harsh bite, "Urgh, you're not in trouble." Yoongi stated threw even more kisses, he hated the taste of blood but he knew whatever Jungkook did to his mouth or lips to taste so strongly wasn't his fault.

Yoongi hurriedly ripped at Jungkook's shirt hating the fabric that kept him from perfection. Jungkook lifted up his chest to take it off before Yoongi tore it, Yoongi grabbed the t-shirt and hurled it at the wall forcing Jungkook back down by his throat.

He immediately continue attacking Jungkook with wet kisses and bits while his hands traveled down the strings of Jungkook's sweatpants, "Fuck, you're too beautiful for you own good, you know that? Mm? Did you know how much I've been thinking about your beautiful, strong body? Huh?!" Yoongi growled as Jungkook could only whimper while Yoongi's hands worked wonders around the pants that he was busy pulling down.

"Hyungie~" Jungkookie moaned softly feeling Yoongi pump his shaft while kissing the sides, "Mm?" Yoongi hummed questioningly too preoccupied to speak, "P-please.... will you please fuck me hyung?!" He begged loudly jerking his dick into Yoongi's hands, yoongi made sure to push him back down while putting Jungkook's dick in his mouth.

Jungkook kept whining like a submissive even though he's much bigger then Yoongi, but Yoongi gave off very powerful and dominant and quite intimidating vibes that he couldn't overpower even if he tried.

"Hyungie please!" Jungkook exclaimed, his body was so desperate for someone elses touch, he's been deprived way too long and now Yoongi was taking his sweet time to make him cum. "Not yet, be patient." Yoongi demanded then went back down to suck onto Jungkook's cock, resulting in a loud and relatively deep moan and attempts to thrust up.

"I said be patient you stupid slut." Yoongi scolded angrily, he wanted Jungkook to wait and suffer. "B-but hyung- Ah!" Jungkook tried to protest but ended up bitten on his thigh, his legs started shaking in anticipation. Jungkook gave up on trying to hurry it up and just tried to enjoy it, which he did beyond believe. He came in less then fifteen minutes and was basically screaming softly.

"P-please hyung!" Jungkook begged again, by now Jungkook was in tears and Yoongi was clutching at both Jungkook's hands so he couldn't move them and his other hand was fixated on keeping Jungkook's hips from taking what he doesn't deserve yet.

"Beg for me...." Yoongi demanded softly caressing Jungkook's hips, "Please, please hyung I'm begging you! Please I'll do anything for you, just this once, please!" Jungkook was happy to beg, Yoongi smirked and went to go get his phone, "Could you beg just one more time." Oh how he loved having this much control over him.

"Please.... please hyung I'll do anything! I promise i-i'll be a good boy I'll do anything please hyung I promise I'll be your lap dog for a year just please fuck me please!" Jungkook begged once again, Yoongi was going to make him continue but then heard the desperate sobs coming out of his beautiful baby.

"Okey...." Yoongi whispered softly cupping Jungkook's cheeks, "Thank you... thank you hyung I promise I'll do anything you want I'll be your little slut I promise!" Jungkook's cute little begs and whimpers made Yoongi so turned on, but he still wanted to make him suffer and build up to what Jungkook is begging for.

"On your knees, baby, let me see your beautiful hole. Has anyone else ever touched it before?" Yoongi asked smirking, Jungkook instantly shot up to get on all fours, he stuck his butt into the air laying his head down on his arms.

"Mm, it's so beautiful." Yoongi hummed approvingly taking one buttcheek in each of his hands and spreading them apart, Jungkook was begging the heavens above to make Yoongi take him right there and now but no, more stalling.

Yoongi went down and started to eat out Jungkook's small little hole that's never fitted more then two fingers, he whined and cried out begging Yoongi to not do that but Yoongi did it anyway. "You said youll do anything for me, you're not allowed to say no now."

Jungkook screamed angrily into the blankets frustrated as hell, then felt a finger going inside of him, "H-hyung please I'm begging you! Just fuck me!" "It'll hurt to just put my dick in, you've seen how big it is. It'll destroy you." Yoongi chuckled fingering Jungkook trying to find his sweet spot which he did very quickly.

"I don't care I want to hurt! Please hyung I can't take this anymore!" Jungkook begged and begged, Yoongi knew if he just put it in without preparing him it would hurt him more then any other pain imaginable. But who was he to deny Jungkook what he's begging for? Jungkook could use the lesson and learn to be patient anyways.

"Okey, try not to scream too loudly." Yoongi teased pressing the tip of his dick onto Jungkook's unprepared little hole, no preparation, no lube, no condom. Nothing. Completely dry fuck that's bound to hurt like hell.

The moment he started pushing in Jungkook's vocals did turned into a flute in their high pitched ear breaking screech he tried to contain in the blankets, Yoongi wanted so badly to pull out but he knew he couldn't. So he just continued until he was completely inside, when he saw blood dripping down Jungkook's thighs he started to cry silently. He hated the fact that he hurt his Jungkookie baby.

"Shh... it's okey baby, I know it hurts. I know, just get used to it okey?" Yoongi tried to comfort him refusing to move his hips until Jungkook got used to his size, "Hyungie, you were right! it hurts so bad!" Jungkook cried into the blankets clutching them for dear life, it hurt like hell just like was warned.

"Shh, don't worry, I'll stop if you want me to." Yoongi offered ready to pull out any second, but Jungkook shook his head no hesitation written all over his shaky body, "Come on, just tell me to pull out it clearly hurts a lot." Yoongi tried to convince but Jungkook still shook no, and since Yoongi refused to to move Jungkook started moving his butt back and worth.

"Ah- stop stop!" Yoongi nearly begged grabbing his ass, it was so tight and good~