
Gun Evolver

Mark, an experienced soldier was transmigrated into the body of a young boy in a new world where Mages and Qi cultivators reign supreme, However, it seems like his fate was not tied down to this planet and the the resolution of getting stronger with the help of His mysterious soul artifact will lead him on an interesting journey through the universe. With a Gun in hand, He suppresses all races. Note: This is my first novel.

Duan_Ling_Tian_2381 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Beginning of a Love Triangle

Teacher Song ignored their expressions and continued his lesson; "According to the Juman Alliance Research Institute, Qi is the vital energy or the life force that maintains the balance of life in the universe and can be found anywhere a living thing is found, while mana which is used by the Mages is a supreme force that can control all elements of nature, you need to understand this two things very well and make sure not to confuse them".

He paused and ensured that the students were listening with rapt attention before continuing; "After the planet evolution, on the Kinases continent, mana was the only energy discovered, however, after meeting with the leaders from the other continents after the mutant beasts war, we discovered the existence of another power system called Qi Cultivation, and we found out that most of those who were unable to become a mage, could actually become a qi cultivator, and Qi Cultivation became another power system in addition to Magic, we also discovered that this two forces are opposing forces and can't be wielded by the same person, if you try, you'll meet an horrible death, in the name of Immediate Explosion".

 The students started murmuring among themselves as some of them had never heard this information and always wondered if it's possible, however their doubts were cleared by the explanation from Instructor Song.

 A student raised his hand to ask a question and Song Qian, gave him the permission to ask his question.

 The student stood up from his mat and said; "Excuse me sir, you said the earlier time that there are two power systems to become stronger, if i may ask sir, is it possible for another power system to exist?"

 Teacher Song Qian, nodded thoughtfully and asked the student to take his seat; "That was a good question, The answer to your question is Yes, nothing is impossible, however we haven't discovered any, The method of the Carnitel organization is not considered a power system, due to it's cruel nature and very obvious limitations, Any other questions?".

 None of the students raised their and and Teacher Song continued; "If there is no more questions, I want to inform you that due to the fact that this is your first class, The physical training session will not be held and we will be moving straight to the Cultivation session part of the class, and i want you to follow my instructions as long as you are in this hall, and discard any previous training you've had, Now i give everyone of you two minutes to sit properly on your mat and clear out evey thought in your mind".

The students adjusted their positions and sat crosslegged with their back straight, Mark included, he proceeded to clear out every thought in his mind and maintained a state of Tranquility according to the teacher's instructions.

 He soon heard the voice of Teacher Song; "Breath in and breath out slowly ten times".

 The students followed the instructions and Song Qian continued; "Now feel the surrounding qi energy, do not activate your Cultivation technique to absorb it but make sure to achieve a balance."

 "Only when you have felt the balance between the surrounding qi energies, you can activate your Cultivation technique and slowly absorb the qi and maneuver it according to your Cultivation techniques.


Mark left the Cultivation hall feeling refreshed and he felt that his energy capacity has increased impressively compared to his former cultivation results, meaning he is getting more closer to reaching the required energy capacity to open the next acupoint.

 He made his way to the cafeteria with Eric to grab a lunch, before going to the dormitories.

 When Mark and Eric got to the dormitories, he decided to follow Eric to his room, to have a chat with Nathan.

'Knock, Knock, Knock'

"Who is there?", an hoarse voice that was surely Nathan's was heard from the inside.

 "It's me", Eric replied, and there was a sound of the Lock being twisted.

 Mark and Eric entered and were suprised to see a young lady sitting on one of the two chairs in the room, she was slim and if Mark wanted to give her Marks on her body proportions, he would give her 3/10, though she has a beautiful delicate face with a cute expression, her hair was tied up in a bun, further adding to her cuteness.

 Mark recognized her as one of his classmates although he couldn't remember her name, he remembered that she was a shy girl that said she was a Mage with the wood affinity, although he was wondering, what she could be doing in Nathan's room of all places, His thoughts couldn't help but wander..... Perhaps....

Mark snapped out of his unholy trance when Nathan invited him to seat on the bed on the bottom bunk, while Eric sat on the other empty chair.

"Wow you guys are actually late, did you go somewhere before coming over, and you Eric must you always forget your key at home?" Nathan broke the silence.

"Oh I'm sorry, it won't happen again, Yeah, we went to the cafeteria, and who is this beautiful lady?". Eric asked with his eyes still darting between Nathan and the Wood Mage.

 "Oh my bad, this is Lily and she's my new friend, Lily this is Eric my roommate, and this is Mark my close friend,". He made pointing gestures in other to let her identify them.

 Mark stretched out his hand for an handshake and said; "Nice to meet you".

 Lily received the handshake with a red face while Eric merely nodded at her.

Nathan stood up and brought out bottles of cold drinks and Glasses from his bottle distributing one for each person inside the room.

Lily tried to open the soft drink bottle and it fell down from her hand splashing onto her shirt and the floor.

 Lily hands were shaking and she quickly apologized; "I'm very sorry, it was a mistake", she tried to clean the stain on her shirt, however it was only revealing more of her inner clothing, since the shirt was tight fitting, which was quite embarrassing.

"Wait, wear this". Nathan said throwing one of his shirt to her which she wore immediately.

 "Pardon my friend, she's a little shy". Nathan said while smiling at Lily giving her the confidence to look up.

Mark smiled in understanding and said; "I noticed that actually, since we are in the same class".

 Nathan was suprised and said; "Wow, that's a good thing".

 It was at that moment that a knock was heard on the door.

 "Come in", Nathan said as he turned his head to look at who was at the door.

To his utmost suprise, He saw Jackson with Rose Propper his betrothed fiancee in tow.

 Their eyes opened wide, and Mark was trying his best to hold back his laughter, this guy was just too good in worsening situations!

Jack saw his friends expressions and was suprised to see another lady in here, however he rubbed his nose and waved it off before greeting them with a big smile; "Hi, guys guess what, i actually branched at the females Hostel to call over Nathan's fiancee; Rose, in other to make our time together more entertaining! Ain't I awesome?, Infact i actually went through a great deal before i was able to invite her here".

Jackson bragged before jumping on the bed, sitting down beside Mark at the bottom bunk, while Rose brought out a chair with intricate designs from her space ring and sat down crosslegged.

 Lily instinctively shrank back from Nathan after hearing that Rose was his fiancee, After all, Rose was popular among the young generation of the Empire, for her potentially sadistic behaviours, earning her the nickname; 'Thorn of Roses'.

 It was at that time that Rose noticed the shirt Lily was wearing, She looked at Nathan for a second and kept quiet as if nothing happened.

 Nathan glanced at Jackson who gave him a thumbs up and a smile, not understanding the meaning behind his glance.

Mark saw the look on Nathan's face and he knew he was really angry this time, 'It will be good if Jackson can be thought a lesson this time around, though i will make sure to stop them if things escalate'. Mark smirked internally.

Noticing the tension in the air, Eric picked up a book and started reading, While Mark took sips of his juice, Rose looked ahead as if she was in a trance, while Nathan was clueless on what to do.

Jackson looked around confused about what's going on, he decided to start a conversation; "Hey, have you guys watched the Newly released Movie?".

All eyes turned to him and Eric asked; "What's it's name"?

Jackson smiled in satisfaction and said; "It's called Love Triangle".

Mark almost choked on his juice, while Eric secretly gave him thumbs up, Rose looked at him for a split second before averting her gaze, while Nathan felt blood rush into his head due to anger.

Hi, it's Ling Tian, please write a review for my novel, if you find it interesting.

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