
Guided by blood

In a place filled with great empires, dominated by majestic creatures and incomprehensible beings, in an age where the strongest rule with tyranny and advance in battle under their own arrogance and ignorance of the weakest lives, four young people, trapped by their own blood and lineage, fight for the freedom of their people and their own, the arduous path leads them to difficult choices and adventures, seeing in each other hope and a chance for happiness they choose to seek together to fulfill their desires and fulfill their own achievements, and for this, no matter what needs to be done, they must become the greatest rulers of their nations.

LeeJay_09 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Do you regret it?

Once she got used to the touch, Rairin started looking deeper into her.

Jiaohui took that cue to speak – About the attack…

Rairin interrupted her as soon as she understood what she wanted to know – Have you heard about what happened?

Jiaohui nodded, asking quietly – What will you do about it?

Rairin kept looking at her hand, massaging and lightly touching it, listening to her question. Finally, he answered distractedly – If their goal is to lower our birth rate, no matter how many pearls we recovered, attacks kept happening.

Sighing, Jiaohui slowly approached. While Rairin was distracted, she sat beside him.

Rairin froze for a brief moment but pretended that nothing had happened and continued to play with Jiaohui's hand, looking at her rings and observing every detail.

Jiaohui lightly raised her free hand, then slowly lowered it into Rairin's hair.

Rairin was startled by the sudden action but remained quiet, pretending to concentrate. Jiaohui was patient, doing everything carefully. Then, after she saw that he hadn't rejected her, she started smoothing his hair.

Rairin felt relaxed under the touch. Closing his eyes, he enjoyed his wife's caress. It felt so good.

Jiaohui spoke calmly – Do you intend to replace the pearls?

Rairin was comfortable. He stopped fiddling with Jiaohui's hand but didn't let go of it, instead holding it close to his chest. Then, with a calm expression, he replied – I'll try an alliance with Waterfall. They have a lot of raw material, besides being very close to other nations.

Zhenan was once a strong empire. But, with so many embargoes and mismanagement, it was just a pretty kingdom. In the glory days of the dragons, Waterfall had tried to ally with them but refused without even a chance of an encounter.

Now, Zhenan perished from the other empires, which grew stronger and stronger.

Jiaohui nodded – It's excellent progress. Waterfall has shown itself to be an up-and-coming nation.

Rairin sighed – Her natural riches also helped her sudden growth.

– Even so, your kings knew how to use their resources well – Jiaohui was still running her hand gently through Rairin's hair. Hearing her speak, Rairin made a sound of agreement, saying no more.

Jiaohui continued – If your majesty allows me…

Rairin looked at her – Say it.

Jiaohui looked out the window, thoughtful – You can take the first steps towards a good relationship with Waterfall by showing interest and supporting its merchants – She turned her gaze to him – Many merchants are coming from Waterfall. How about helping them with some benefits? Word of how well-treated they are here will definitely reach the King of Waterfall.

Rairin furrowed his brows, muttering – It seems there are many merchants native to Waterfall... – With a severe expression, Rairin looked at Jiaohui at his side – I'll take your advice to the court.

Jiaohui nodded, and after the conversation, both of them fell silent. For Rairin, it was a moment where he could finally relax. With Jiaohui beside him, Rairin felt calm and confident as a king. Then, suddenly thinking of something, he pursed his lips.

Rairin sighed – Jiaohui…

– Hm? – She replied, confused.

Rairin closed his eyes slightly as he asked – Do you regret it?

Jiaohui frowned – Of what?

Rairin sighed, eyes still closed – Of everything…

Without any hesitation, Jiaohui replied – No.

Rairin finally opened his eyes, looking at Jiaohui. He found nothing in her gaze to oppose his answer.

Looking away, she looked at the mountains in the distance that could be seen through the large bedroom window – I don't regret anything. I don't regret marrying you, nor the son we had together.

Pausing for a moment, she sighed, turning her gaze to Rairin, who was staring at her – Even if it hurt you somehow, I don't regret how I managed to get Long to be born, although sometimes that memory makes me feel like the worst person...

– I already forgave you, Jiaohui. I don't blame you for what you did – Rairin said suddenly, interrupting her. Faced with the bitter look of his wife, Rairin could only continue – It's my fault for letting them pressure you even knowing that I was the problem, you were very patient, but no one would withstand all that pressure they put on you, it's my fault the things turned out that way – Rairin paused for a moment, then, smiling, he continued – It's good that you did what you did, you're the best things that ever happened in my life.

Jiaohui remained silent, and upon seeing Rairin's smile, the pain she felt only increased. Her anguish almost caused her to collapse, remembering her despair upon seeing Rairin in that pitiful state.

Trying to hide her half-formed tears, Jiaohui averted her eyes – You haven't lived very long yet. Maybe much better things will happen.

Rairin shook his head – There's nothing better than the two of you in my life.

Jiaohui tried to soothe his anguish, chuckling lightly – You're so silly...

Rairin smiled – You liked it when I acted like that.

Jiaohui got up and poured himself a glass of water, her back to Rairin. Her hands were shaking slightly. Then, smiling, she muttered as she poured another glass of water – I still like it.

In the capital, several merchants arrived, although they knew that dragons were not the type of customers who liked to spend.

But just something shiny enough to get their attention, they got good sales.

And whenever they returned to their hometowns, they shared everything they saw with the locals.

Zhenan, the empire of dragons, had to the other countries, a splendid and vibrant image, with buildings made even of pure gold, the palace itself, full of precious jewels on its walls, all the luxury they could imagine.

In Waterfall, people talked about the great wealth of dragons. They argued and debated with different opinions. Some fights arose. Some defended the dragons. Their riches were conquered. Others argued the opposite. Their fortunes are stolen.

It was known that in the past, dragons already inhabited all these continents, these were their lands, the other races arrived here from other places, expanding their domains through a territory that already had an owner.

Wars happened, for the dragons the other races simply arrived and began to invade their territories, and when discussing this topic, it was obvious the various types of arguments that arose.

It didn't take long for the dragons to cede their territory, the people arriving or fleeing something, or looking for a new life. They wanted to explore and discover new lands, and if the land already had an owner, it was nothing more than the owner's obligation to be receptive and kind.

The races expanded, taking territories and forming cities, which grew into grandiose kingdoms.

The dragons were driven to a large land to the east, where they occupied all the territory. Lucky for them, they owned an entire continent, or almost the entire continent, after all, some races still lived in some small villages.

All the land that once belonged to dragons, now had a great diversity of peoples, there were three large continents and a huge island between them.

Kingdoms such as Waterfall, Nairot, Kelet and the Northern Kingdom were located in the western continent. Between the east and west continents was the north continent, which belonged entirely to the empire of Argon, and a little below was the great island, which belonged to an entire race of elemental benders, mages, and also some types of shapeshifters, mainly vulpus and serpents, some dragons also lived there, although they were not very well received.

Among all these people who argued about it, there was a small boy, his blond hair contrasting his sun-tanned skin.

The boy spoke while scribbling a small drawing in his book – It looks amazing, when can I go there?

A man was with him, both were in a small room full of books, the man looked at the drawing of a dragon that the boy was doing and replied with a smile – You can go there when you get older, your highness.

The boy leaned back in the chair, with a sulky face, he muttered – I wanted to go now...

The man opened his mouth to try to comfort him when a servant entered the room, bowing, the servant spoke respectfully – Prince Leonar, young master Aillard has just arrived.

The boy smiled widely, jumping from his chair he ran out, the servant looked at the man – I'm sorry Mr. Juan, I think I disturbed your class.

The man, Juan, shook his head, laughing lightly – It's okay, Prince Leonar is quite extroverted, I can continue the class another time.

Meanwhile, Leonar, hurriedly ran through the corridors, arriving in a flowery courtyard outside the castle, he waved to a boy with white skin and black hair.

The other boy glared at him, then looked away, ignoring him.

Leonar approached, lightly punching his shoulder – Come on, Aillard, why didn't you say you would come today?

The raven haired boy looked at him, and then rolled his eyes – I didn't know I was coming along.

Behind the boy, there was a man dressed in a very luxurious way, he looked at Leonar and smiled – Prince Leonar, how are you?

Leonar smiled – I'm very well Lord Eigard.

The well-dressed man was the current leader of the Northern Kingdom, rather than king, his people have become accustomed to calling him Lord, the great Lord of the North, and the boy besides him, is his son, Aillard, that will be the next Lord.

Lord Eigard nodded – And the king? I have some business to discuss with him.

Leonar pursed his lips – My father left.

Eigard's smile slowly disappeared – What do you mean?

Leonar shrugged his shoulders lightly – He left, and didn't say where he was going.

– I see... – Eigard nodded slightly, frowning he asked – And the queen?

Leonar smiled – My mother is in the throne room trying to calm the ministers who were complaining about the king's absence.

Both the man and the black haired boy looked at Leonar with astonished expressions.

Lord Eigard sighed – I'll help her a little – Turning to Aillard, he spoke - Behave, son.

Aillard nodded – I will, father.

The man left after taking a few more looks at the two boys.

Leonar smiled at Aillard – What do you want to do today?

Aillard's young face showed indifference, or just disinterest, he was happier in his own palace reading some books, but his father insisted on bringing him.

The weather here was uncomfortable, Aillard, who liked to be covered, had to give in and remove some of his coats.

– It is hot?

Aillard looked at him, his expression clearly said: 'Really?'

Leonar smiled again – Let's go to the pool, today the weather is great for that.

Aillard was a little hesitant, but looking at the cloudless sky and the sun shining overhead, he gave in to his colleague's request.

For Leonar, Aillard was already his close friend, the two were always together, but the other boy was relatively uninterested in certain subjects and much preferred to spend hours in a library than in a beautiful garden as Leonar used to stay.

Aillard considered the tan-skinned boy, aka the Prince of Waterfall, as a future business partner, both would be leaders one day, and they needed to keep up appearances, that's what he thought. But getting to know him little by little, he discovered that Leonar didn't care a bit about any matter related to the government. Even though he was smart, he liked to use his brain on everything but the throne.

Aillard followed Leonar into the palace, as they walked, Aillard looked around, feeling that something was missing, remembering the girl who was always with Leonar, he asked – Where is that girl?

Leonar looked at him confused – What girl?

– The dark-skinned one, who wore green clothes...

Leonar raised his eyebrows – Oh! Are you talking about Sara?

Aillard nodded, remembering that was her name – Yes, since last month, whenever I came here you two were together.

Leonar shrugged his shoulders – We were dating.

Aillard looked at him – Are you not dating anymore?