
Gud virus

Death. the end of all things, the final stop of all life. at least that's what we all think. in this reality, death is only a lapse of the past as the dead rise to scourge the living as fiction becomes reality and the undead rule the surface of the earth. This is the story of the Grateful Undead corps in their fight to free humanity from the clutches of the undead creatures known as Drauga. Lets hope humanity can make it.

Darken_D_void · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: zombie bite, croc fight.

The sun rises as light hits the water in the cave creating a breathtaking display that illuminates the area, Ryo wakes up from sleep and slowly gets up. He yawns and opens his eyes just to be greeted by the horrific scene of a zombie staring at him from about a meter away. He gets up quickly and tries to run but the zombie appears behind him, grabs his head, and slams it on the floor of the cave making blood gush out of his face. It then raises him and throws him out of the cave but before he hits the ground it comes with a drop kick and slams him into the ground.

{Why me? Why must I have to go through this} he thinks while looking at the bright sun with a face that was stone-like with a gray color and full of self-pity as blood dripped from his face.

"Fuck it. If you wanted to die so bad couldn't you have at least waited for me to fully wake up?"

"I guess I can't stop brainless creatures like yourself from being stupid, I'll kill you but I'll make it fast since you were once a human," he says while putting on a fake smile and closing his eyes while dusting off his trousers.

Little did he know he had just made one of the biggest mistakes of his life by not running while he had a chance.


The zombie ran at him so fast that it made the air crack. He tried to avoid it but Ryo couldn't react fast enough to the monstrous speed of the zombie and before he knew it, the zombie's hands were around his neck squeezing so tight he could barely breathe. His face turned red and saliva began to come out of his mouth due to the force of the fingers on his neck.

Out of extreme desperation, instinctively Ryo's neck began to crystalize and made spikes that went through the zombie's hands. Impaled, the zombie lets go of him and walks backwards two steps while Ryo falls to the ground choking and gasping for air while spilling saliva.

He had finally realized that the monster standing in front of him was way out of his league. He acknowledged the fact that because he had killed a zombie before, he had become full of himself due to his newfound powers but after seeing this zombie standing above him like a true nighttime terror signifying that this time it wasn't a battle between two evenly matched entities which could be decided by who was smarter but a battle between predator and prey.

"Shit, I'm fucked" he says while sweating bullets

The zombie once again went on the offensive and stepped towards Ryo and let out a barrage of punches.

"Crack, Boom".

 The punches made a sound fiercer than a gunshot as they flew through the air making sonic bursts as they moved. The punches were so loud it made the birds in the area fly away.

As the punches connected, Ryo could feel some of his bones fracture while some broke he could feel his organs being punctured and his muscles being thorn. The pain was so extreme that he let out a large scream. But the punches didn't stop. Without warning, the zombie then went in for the kill and bit off a piece of his neck.

"Ahhhhh". He screams with agony as the pain flows through his body.

He fell to the floor and covered his neck while convulsing on the ground.

The zombie then picked him up and tossed him at the speed of a bullet sending him flying through multiple trees and rocks. At this point, one could say he became the zombie's plaything. Luckily for him, he was tossed into a stream and was carried away by the water as he slowly lost consciousness.


Ryo wakes up from his slumber just to find himself on a piece of wood covered in moss and vines deep in the oasis. The pain from his broken bones, bleeding neck, and thorn muscles and organs couldn't be described.

And due to the amount of blood he had lost along with the pain from his injuries, he passed out once more.

When he woke up, it was now nightfall and he had healed from some of the damage.

He didn't understand why he could now heal this fast but nonetheless, was grateful. He stood on top of the piece of wood and looked around the water curious of where he was. He then squatted, dipped his hand into the water, and began to drink from the lake while still floating on the board.

While drinking and looking at the night sky, he realizes just how weak he is and also how stupid he was for becoming consumed by the fact that he was now stronger than usual and didn't even consider the possibility that there could be stronger zombies out there. After drinking his fill, he lay down on the wood that he was floating on and started pondering why and how he lost that fight so badly.

The zombie that he had just fought now was able to move as fast as or even faster than the speed of sound. He deduced this from the loud sounds and movement of the air that came from each punch of the zombie which meant it had broken through the sound barrier.

Within his mind, he started solving some equations and discovered that due to the strength of the zombie, it must have been about a hundred times the physical attributes of the average human. He then examined how fast he could move and compared it to the zombie and discovered that he had about fifty times the physical attributes of an average human. This meant that the zombie was about two times stronger and faster than Ryo so of course he lost so badly.

Ryo was curious as to if he had gained anything else apart from the enhanced strength and crystallization which he could not yet control so he took some time to examine himself. Ryo noticed that all his senses had been enhanced greatly. He could now see very far away, so far even that he was shocked. According to the books that he read while he was still at the shelter, the average human could see about five kilometers away but he on the other hand could see way more than that if he could put an estimate of how far he could see it was about fifty times that of the average human which was two hundred and fifty kilometers. The same could be said for his hearing and sense of smell.

Ryo didn't realize the increase in his senses because it just felt natural to him and came to the conclusion that all his physical attributes had been multiplied by fifty which explained why he could also heal as fast as he could. Whatever it was that gave him this power was also most likely the reason why his skin could now crystallize itself.

He then decided to test out his abilities and used his eyes to see how far away he was from stable land from the lake. Normally, anyone could have seen this but there were some trees in the way which would block the average eye but he was able to see through the gaps and see land to give a proper estimate of how far away he was. He then calculated that it would take him about 10 minutes to reach land if he kept on going with the speed of the water and thought that it would be ok to relax and he did.

Ryo decided to take another drink of water so he went down on his knees again and dipped his hands in the lake. As he drank, he noticed that he could make out some images inside the dark murky water. He concentrated on the image closest to him and noticed it was getting closer and closer and then out of nowhere.

"Boom, Splash"

 The water exploded into a splash as a gigantic crocodile about nineteen meters long and three meters high came out of the water with so much force that it sent Ryo and his raft flying in the air. While in the air, Ryo was completely and utterly stunned while at the same time horrified by the size of the croc. This was because the ones at his shelter were only a quarter as big as the ones before him now. Soon the excitement he felt turned into fear as he stopped ascending into the air and started falling and saw that there were over thirty of those monster-sized crocs in the water.

As he came closer and closer to the water, the fear for his life that he felt was so great that he forgot to breathe. And finally, he hit the water.


The Crocs started rushing him one by one from every side. Once again, instinctively he activated the crystallization and covered his hands and legs while he was swimming to shore for safety. The croc that lifted him into the air came from billow, opened its jaws, and shut them instantly almost taking Ryo's head but thankfully, he was able to dodge it by jumping off a piece of wood onto the back of another croc. He then ran as fast as the wind towards land while making use of the croc's backs as stepping stones. One of the crocs used its massive tail to wipe at him but Ryo somersaulted backwards and avoided it. While in the air he looked down and saw another croc's mouth wide open ready to eat him.

"Shit" he exclaimed

He used his crystallized hands to hold open the mouth of the croc and used its tongue as his floor and jumped about sixty meters into the air and landed on another croc's head. The impact from leaving the crocs mouth and landing on another crocs head made both their heads explode killing both crocs instantly in a beautiful splatter of blood.

He then jumped on the nearest tree to take a breather but the Crocs wouldn't allow him to take a breather as they started chumping the trees down. Out of desperation, Ryo began jumping from tree to tree while seeking land. After jumping on fifteen trees while evading the Crocs, he was finally close to land. He took one final large leap and was now falling onto the land, he finally had a chance of surviving but ironically there was a croc even bigger than the others standing at 3.5 meters tall and 21 meters long opening its mouth ready to eat Ryo. Ryo tried to avoid the croc but was too late and feel into its mouth and was swallowed whole.


He opened his eyes to pitch-black darkness as he was covered with slime and almost vomited because of the smell.

"Well, I guess I got eaten".

He says with a frown while crouching signifying his disappointment but quickly recovers and says.

"How am I gonna get out of this one". He says while clenching his right hand.