
Guardian, Soilder, Knight

Three brothers die and get isekaid into another world, how will they survive, will they prevail and live or will they die trying?.

Shonpufi · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

[8]Vengeance Shall be Mine!{Rewrite}

"Alright, everyone in position," ordered a blue-haired huntress.

The Artemis Familia had been tracking down a pack of wild wyverns that had been destroying multiple villages.

And as a hunting family, it was their duty to hunt them down. For a whole week, the Artemis Familia had been attempting to find this pack of wyverns, but each time they came close to them, they managed to slip away.

It's as if they were avoiding them on purpose. Luckily, they managed to find them; if their predictions were right, then the pack of wyverns would be flying through the narrow canyon where they had set up an ambush.

"Goddess, everything is ready," silently whispered a redhead familia member.

"Good, are they coming soon?" asked Artemis.

"Yes, the scouts reported that they are coming our way in just a few seconds," spoke Rethusa.

Artemis nodded and drew her bow, ready to release her arrows at any moment. As the family members and their goddess waited, a screech could be heard coming from the canyon.

It was the wyvern pack.

All the familia members were ready to attack until a strange purple arrow came flying toward the pack of wyverns.

As the arrow reached them, the place around the arrow distorted and exploded, sending down 5 of the 31 wyverns towards the ground.

"Damn, I thought that would get more of them; took a lot of juice out of me for that arrow," spoke a masked man standing above the canyon walls.

The Artemis Familia looked at him in confusion and wariness as they were surprised that somebody could take out 5 wyverns in one shot.

But what made them even more surprised was that he had a blonde girl hanging from his back like a koala.

"Whoa, who is that? His armor looks cool!" said Lante, the half-elf, with an excited tone.

It wasn't every day that you see someone taking out multiple wyverns in one move. Plus, his epic entrance made her quite excited to see who the mysterious character was.

"Be quiet, Lante; all archers shoot," ordered Rethusa, making all the girls snap out of their daze.

Taking advantage of the wyverns' attention being drawn by the mysterious man, they shot arrows towards the wyvern group, making a few fall to the ground due to their wings being injured.

The rest of the girls who were close combat fighters went and finished off the wyverns that fell.

"Hey, mind if I help? I have some beef with the one that has a scar on his face," spoke the man with the mask. He took a step forward, falling from atop the canyon.



As he fell, both he and the girl on his back screamed, though one was in excitement and the other in fear.

Artemis saw this and panicked as she thought that he had slipped, but she saw him cocking his legs and jumping midair just before he hit the ground, completely stopping the momentum.

"Geez, you could have told me you were going to do something like that!" spoke the blonde girl who was behind him. She lightly punched him in his chest, only for him to chuckle and pat her head.

"Tsk," one of the girls clicked their tongue at the sweet scene in front of them. The Artemis Familia is female-only, and dating is forbidden. As such, a scene like this made the women jealous.

"Oi, Francis, you have to stop jumping ahead," spoke another voice above the canyon.

"Hm?" Artemis looked up towards the voice's direction and saw two young men falling down the sky, though one using some sort of rope and the other a glider.

As they landed, they grouped up with the pair that had already landed. Artemis, who was staring at the group, met eyes with the masked man, or rather met gazes; even though she could not see his eyes, she could feel him looking at her.

He gave a small wave and turned around, facing the wyverns.

"Light 'em up, Angel; Alex, stay for support and shoot any that get past Angel," ordered the masked man.

Artemis frowned at this. They had been tracking down this group of wyverns for weeks, and suddenly some mysterious group comes and swoops in.

Of course, Artemis wasn't mad at this; after all, she just wanted to deal with the wyverns so that the people could be safe. But the manner of the masked man rubbed her the wrong way.

-Francis POV-

As we prepared for battle, I could feel Artemis staring daggers at me. I don't know why, but I'm sure I'll find out later after this.

Looking at the group of wyverns that were fighting the Artemis Familia, I could already tell which one was the Xenos, the one with the big scar on his eye.

Uriel's dad was also a level 2 adventurer, so I'm guessing that he was the one who made the wound on him.

Our eyes met, and he gave me an amused smile as if he was looking at something amusing, and he was definitely looking down at me.

Damned lizard!

"Stay here, Uriel; I'll come back soon."

"Umu, come back safe," said Uriel with a smile.

I'm glad that she stopped crying. Of course, I'm not saying that because I'm a simp, but because I see potential in her.

Maybe she will get a strong fire skill when she becomes an adventurer.

Her ORV version literally has the nickname 'Demon-like Judge of Fire,' meaning that she has strong fire powe... and also maybe because she's cute, but that's beside the point!

Right now, all I want to do is improve my skills so that I can get a new subclass.

I was thinking of getting a strand next since I could make weapons out of the strings. Maybe I could pull off that Itachi move where he pulled on a wire and his enemies got caught immediately by a barrage of them.

[Mission: Angel's Revenge Description: Defeat all wyverns along with your brothers. Reward: 5X draw,]

Hell yeah, now I feel even more motivated to kill these fuckers.

I drew [Yamato] out since I wanted to try the one-sided blade skill I have.

They aren't katana skills but one-sided blade skills.

Stupid, right? But that's just how it is. I crouched and focused mana in my legs, making them more powerful, and thanks to my leg armor special effects, I would jump even higher.

I jumped into the air and got to the level of the wyverns.

"Reaver," I jumped mid-air again and thrust Yamato towards one of the wyverns.

My sword struck its head, making it wiggle mid-air until it died. I quickly jumped off its descending corpse and glided down mid-air slowly.

The wyverns noticed that I was going down slowly, so they took advantage of it.

Two descended down quickly and opened their mouths. Fireballs came out and were sent towards me.

I slashed all the fireballs quickly with [Yamato], cutting their magic in half. The one with a scar looked at me with surprise.

"Human strong, not strong enough," it spoke. Guess that confirms the Xenos theory.

It roared into the air, and at the same time, all the wyverns, even the ones that were already fighting against the Artemis Familia, focused their attention on me.


At once, 15 different wyverns hurled at me, all ready to crash into me like as if I were one of the Twin Towers.


Angel, who was behind far away with a worried-looking Uriel, started shooting down as many Wyverns as he co- Shit, Angel, you almost blasted my head off!!!


Anyways, this gave me an opportunity, and I took it.

I canceled my glide and dropped to the ground, and to no surprise, all the wyverns kamikazed towards me. I crouched in a drawing position and waited for them to close in on me.


As they were about to crash into me, I drew Yamato and cross-slashed the air, tearing space apart. The suicidal wyverns went through the portal and went through the other side of the portal and crashed on the wall of the canyon, painting it red.

Even though they changed angles, the momentum of their fall made them splat on the wall.

Sigh~ that was easy.

It would have been harder if the Xenos hadn't gathered them in one place for me. It really is stupid for a sentient being. I looked back to see if the others were alright; after all, they were still fighting the wyverns that were on the ground.

Hm? Why are they looking at me like that... Oh yeah, space tare. It should be a rare skill or something around here.

Even Angel is looking at me with a surprised face. Maybe he hadn't figured out how to split space when he owned the sword.

To activate it, you need to have strong intent in cutting what you want to cut, or should I say separate.

"Human die!" Oh yeah, I forgot about the Xenos. It opened its mouth to shoot a fireball.

Shit, never mind!

I punched the ground and created a void barrier that protected me from the giant flamethrower of an attack the wyvern sent me.

The heat that it emitted melted the rock that was around my shield, showing just how hot its fire was.

I thought that it would be just fireballs like the rest, but I guess that it's just built different.

I could hear the gasp of the people behind me and another one screaming; I'm guessing that one is Uriel. My brothers, on the other hand, started blasting the wyvern, making it stop its attack on me and focusing on dodging.

Thank God it did because my shield couldn't take it any longer.

I deactivated my shield and took out [Ticcu's Divination]. I drew the arrow and let go.

The three shining arrows moved mid-air and tracked down the Wyvern, but he dodged.

But thanks to that, Angel managed to corner him and shot his wings, making it crash to the ground. Looking back, I have a thumbs-up for the save.

"👍" (Angel).

As the dust from his crash settled, the wyvern appeared out of nowhere and rushed towards me in a final attempt at survival.

It caught me off guard, and I had a bow at hand instead of my sword. Before I could fully draw, it tried to bite down on me.

I gave up on the bow and focused light energy on my fist, giving it the most devastating uppercut I have ever performed.

But that wasn't enough as my MP was devastatingly low due to my low level. It quickly regained its composure and was about to bite down on me again, but-


An arrow struck its eye, allowing me to draw my sword, cutting the wyvern in half.



It lifelessly flopped to the ground as blood spurted out of it. Looking back, I could see Alex who was still in his drawing position with his bow; seems like his arrow saved my ass from getting chomped.

Gotta thank him later.

"Hu-mam" the half-cut Wyvern spoke.

Shit, it's still alive?.

Wait, that's a good thing, actually.

I quickly ran over to Uriel. "Hey, come with me."

-Uriel's POV-

I still vividly remember the day my village was attacked.

Blood of people I knew was on the walls, limbs of people that were chewed until they were unrecognizable, and a terrible fire that consumed everything, including my home.

But the thing I remember the most, the image that was etched into my mind, was the grin a wyvern had while watching his lackeys destroy everything.

That's why I felt an indescribable rage once I saw the dying wyvern in front of me as it pitifully clung to life, refusing to die.

"I thought that you should do the honors; you have a sword, right?" asked Francis next to me.

I caressed the sword that was hanging on my waist. This used to be my father's, despite not knowing how to use it, I brought it with me.

I drew my sword as the wyvern and I met eye to eye. It looked at me with seething anger, probably in anger that he would die in such a way, in the hands of a weak person like me.

I could feel my hands tremble, but I didn't let it stop me from killing it.

With a swift stab of my sword, the wyvern started wiggling in pain, refusing to die.

I continuously kept stabbing the thing with my sword, each thrust making him writhe in pain. At one point, my body just kept moving by itself.


My mind blanked out, and flames erupted from my sword, engulfing my hand completely. But that didn't stop me.


A gentle warmth flopped on my head. "Calm down, Uriel, it's over." My mind suddenly became clear, and the flames around me died down.

Looking down, I saw the wyvern, dead and charred.

"Feel better now?" He asked

"Mhm." It feels like the weight on my chest has been lifted.

"Thank you, Francis." If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have obtained the chance for revenge, no, I would have died in that forest before I could even do any real revenge.

"No prob," he said with a smile, lifting his cape and started running it on my face. It seems like I was covered with blood.

"Wait, your cape is getting bloody!" I tried shaking him off, but he kept cleaning my face. I didn't want his clothes to be stained because of me.

"It's fine; I can just wash them later," he spoke. Francis is too kind.

"Oi, you okay?" Both Francis brothers arrived and started to check on him; seems like they care about each other a lot despite arguing and fighting all the time.


"Is something funny?" (Francis)

"Nope, I'm just happy." (Uriel)

"Happy about what?" He seemed confused as to what I was happy about; I was happy because he was here, but I couldn't tell him that. I would die from embarrassment.

"Just because~"

He looked at me weirdly, but his face changed into a gentle one. "Good, we have a long way till we arrive in Orario. Can't have you sulking now, can we?'" I let out a giggle.

"Yes, let's go."

"Ugh, stop flirting you two, I swear to God that I'll shoot myself in the head," groaned Angel.

"Shut up, Angel, you're just jealous because you don't have a cute girlfriend," said Alex with a grin.

"Eh, girlfriend? Since when?... It's not like I mind, but you're teasing me!" my response was filled with surprise and embarrassment.

Angel and Alex looked at me with teasing smiles while Francis just chuckled.

I will have my vengeance, Francis brothers.

I'm not even going to bother to say your name.
