
Guardian of Fairy-Tail

What sort of power do you want? Slayer power? No Come let see how the MC write his story after being reincarnated in FairyTail BaRRIER FRUIT OF BARTOLOMEO laluD_kebib

letiul_umanga · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

X784, meeting Zeref

But , Jaob was the one to look the sack

opening the sack they saw Neinhart with a bloody arm and bloody face , just seeing the Wound can tell how the fight went

All Spriggan knew that Neinhart was spared by enemy just like Jacob

like previous, August used magic to heal Neinhart and he finally came to conscious

August "so you went without even informing us and lost "

Neinhart "i didn't lose, it was a mistake "

August "you lot and the enemy spared you "

Neinhart "that bastard"

August "how strong, truthfully say "

Neinhart "not much, weak "

but the spriggan glared at him

Neinhart "during the fight, no amount of magic was felt, but he had it almost Ishgar top ten "

August "magic?"

Neinhart "wind I think and some black colored metal !! quite a unique"

August "even your blast and whirlwind ?"

Neinhart "first attack managed to touch him but after that no, could not even harm a single hair later on"

August was in deep thinking and trying to find what magic is that

Irene "what about Historie of the dead ?"

Neinhart "it was very difficult, could not even get any past memory but managed to bring some s-class beast and s -class mage but was destroyed by him with a single swipe of his air magic "

August "strong wind user , capable to defeat 2 of the sprrigan , we should end him fast "

Irene then focused on a letter that was along Neinhart and took it out

"Title; Weak (stronger than previous )

From my guess , now August would be saying to end me fast and the one who read this letter is Irene as you are very knowledgeable to even some little drop of water, well whatever

Neinhart was a bit strong , i had to use my power to the fullest, oh don't count large scale attack, if I had used them then the power would be just like ; the previous attack on Capital , which was barely controlled by August ,

although such attack take time but half of it is possible to use anytime so ya , if I had to say , then i used 50% of my power to defeat Neinhart "

"For August; if you think i can become a danger in future then you are correct , with the fight of Neinhart i got the best reward there is available for me so if the current me fight against him , he would lose even fast , so i suggest you to at least put a bounty on me of 100 million for now

I will be leaving Alvarez now, when you are reading this i would have been already in the sea so trying to find me is a bit hard but I am waiting for our next meeting,

Spriggan Killer; Shadow "

this little farewell was like a warning and a suggestion for Spriggan to know enemy nicely

But spriggan who are arrogant didn't point their Sword toward Ishgar but toward Guiltina

Truly after this fight Ryuji earned a reward that is Strong Armament and reaction speed with increase in magic power double of before , and a possibility for future vision with Observation

Ryuji then quietly left the Empire and took a sea region to move toward Ishgar with a different identity

While he was moving out, he met an incoming flying ship

This ship landed where the ship of Ryuji made of the transparent barrier was

Within the ship came out Zeref

seeing zeref Ryuji focused at him

Zeref "who are you ?"

Ryuji "who could have thought I would meet you !""hahaha"

Zeref was calm "you know me i suppose "

Ryuji"our continent had a story on you, black wizard and white wizard "

Ryuji directly mentioned the white wizard to direct the attention at Guiltina because the present Ishgar had no knowledge of her

Zeref"why were you on My empire?"

Ryuji "just for a hello and hi , greeting ""oh and i left a gift in your kingdom , do enjoy it "

Zeref "even after meeting me , you sound so confidant to escape " and showed a puzzled face

hearing this Ryuji moved toward Zeref

even zeref was shocked as someone coming at him knowing about him

Ryuji raised his arm and kept it in Zeref's shoulder while haki in effect

Ryuji while smiling "do i have anything to fear you Zeref ?"

Zeref who was touched by a human was shocked and remembered Mavis who showed kindness to him and with whom he had a time of human

Ryuji then removed his hand and said"we will meet soon Zeref i will come to your nation in future again "

Zeref "you will come there and leave without my permission "

Ryuji"who knows! the future "

saying this he moved along the sea to a small island

Zeref didn't follow Ryuji but just went to Empire to know what the gift was

Zeref quickly arrived Alvarez

August"your majesty, someone attacked spriggan 12 and defeated 2 of us"

Zeref "met him, so this was the gift he mentioned "

August"so you already met him , it means he is dead ?"

Zeref"nope , not dead we didn't fight just some talk of me and white wizard "

August "what!"

Zeref" and that person even touched my shoulder and was fine "

All this resulted in the Shadow being from Guiltina whereas Alvarez was confident on knowing the full power of Ishgar .

Time passed 4 months since Shadow disappear from Alvarez, Shadow was only known in The empire as a man able to defeat Jacob because Ryuji didn't mention Neinhart later on

so Shadow was just a passing person for the Alvarez empire but Zeref and Spriggan had a memory of someone who self-proclaimed as ; Spriggan Slayer