
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasy
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66 Chs

14: The Truth About Renegade.

"So, we did meet again. I never thought we would end up here..."

"Enough!" Ren shouted.

They charged into each other and had a fist brawl. Pow pow pow. Thud thud thud. Mason punched Ren in the stomach, knocking him against the wall.

Ren wiped the blood from his mouth. "He he he he, you think you've won, don't you? But it's not over until it's over."

"What are you up to now?"

Ren took off his sayan suit and tossed it on the ground like it was garbage. He took out a bright, glowing green ball from his clothes.

"What's that?"

"It is an energy orb. A precious gift from Dark Spectre. Once I put this into my body, I'll be more powerful than you ever imagined."

Mason: "An orb that makes people stronger? Is that possible?"

Ren: "Heh, it figures someone like you won't believe it. But this is the secret weapon of the Dark Empire. It is the secret behind our strong soldiers and Dark Lords. This highly concentrated orb has a large amount of dark energy within it. It is the best source of energy around. All I need to do is consume it."

He put the orb into his stomach. Nothing happened the first few seconds. After that, Ren started feeling pain. "UUUUUGHHH!" He grabbed his stomach tightly and moaned painfully.

"Are you okay?" Mason asked, curious.

Several seconds later, Ren felt no more pain. Now all he felt was the power of the orb, the power of darkness. Now Ren was stronger than he ever was. Mason didn't believe him, and they had another round of fighting. Renegade beat him up with his raw strength.

Mason lied on the ground, coughing blood, still in disbelief.

Ren walked towards him and prepared to take his life.

Meanwhile, the fight between Blaze and Electrode heated up. They were completely surrounded by tall flames of fire. Electrode gave Blaze a powerful punch, making him cough out blood and a horrible scream.

"So much for the great Blaze! Ha ha ha ha!"

Blaze: "Uhhh, no I can't lose! You're nothing...you might be strong, but you're just a robot!" In an angry rage, Blaze dug his fist into Electrode's body and went through it, making a hole the size of his fist.

Electrode: "Noooooooo! Impossibe..."

Blaze got his hand out of his body and said, "Farewell." He fired an Energy Bomb with his fist still in Electrode. Kabam.

Renegade was just about to kill Mason when something stopped him, something inside him. He struggled to make his move, but he couldn't do it. He drew back his arm.

Ren: "N-No! I-I c-can't! I w-won't! ... Brother..."

"Renegade?" Mason got up and tried to talk to him. "What's wrong?"

"You're my brother! I promised my father to take good care of you! But... uuuuhhhh!"


He collapsed. "Yes, yes, I remember now. This is how it all started..."

Raditz attacked Burdok's home by surprise. He broke down the door and barged in.

"What was that?!" Burdock asked in alarm.

Mason's mother, Mylissa was in the bedroom with baby Mason. The sound of the door woke him up and he cried. Mylissa was startled and scared it might be an attack. Burdok: "Get Mason out of here! Now!"

Mylissa: "But..."

Burdok: "Do it! Please, for the future of our sons!" Mylissa obeyed and carried Mason to the other room. "Listen Ren, I have an important assignment for you. Our lives depend on it."

"Yes! What do l have to do?" Ren asked eagerly.

"Go get out of here and find Jeremiah! Tell him our home is under attack and send us help immediately."


"And whatever you do, do not turn back. Go!"

The kid obeyed and ran outside.

Raditz attacked Burdok and injured him severely. Mylissa put Mason into a space pod and it set off into the sky. Raditz destroyed the whole house of Burdok.

After the fire, what was once a big house was now a junk yard. Mylissa crawled through the wreckage to look for her husband. She didn't find anything.

"Yes, that is it! That was how it happened. Raditz separated our family..."

"But what happened to you? Where did you go?" Mason wondered.

Renegade suffered again, and this time the memory came flooding back unwillingly.

It was night time. Ren, scared and helpless, did as his father told him so. He ran into the forest and looked back. The house was on fire. Whatever you do, do not turn back. He forced himself to turn around and complete his assignment.

A dark figure landed in front of him and smiled. Ren gasped. "Hello little boy, going somewhere?"

"You...stay away from me! Get...get away!"

He approached and knocked him unconscious.

"That was how it all happened, but I still forgot who kidnapped me! Who was it, uhhhh!"

"Renegade, who did it?!"

He flashed back again. The warrior approaching him and laughing. From the darkness he saw the kidnapper's face.

Ren: "Yes, it was Nova! I remember now! He kidnapped me! And on that same day Raditz destroyed our home!" He stepped forward, almost lost his balance, regained it, and screamed. All the dark energy from his body flew away like steam, disappearing into nothing. His eyes have completely changed. "Mason…"


"Mother...father...they're all gone!"

"You have been brainwashed, isn't that right, Renegade?"

"I'm sorry...brother...I was consumed by evil."

Mason: "So, all this time you were being used, like a puppet! Controlled by evil. I guess I was wrong about you. My father said you were a traitor, but he was wrong."

"What have I done? I…I can't ask for your forgiveness."

! "You don't need to, it's not your fault. It is Nova's fault.


"Forget about the past! Let's fight together, for the future!"


ZAP! A laser beam came from behind and hit Ren in the back.

Mason: "Noooooo!"

"Got you! Traitor!" shouted Nova, smiling.

"I believe this belongs to you."

"I'll take of him..." said Ren weakly.

Nova: "I have no use for traitors!"

"It's all your fault!" Ren charged at him and concentrated all the energy he had.

Mason ran after him trying to stop him, but he was way behind. "Stop! Don't!"

Ren hit Nova straight in the face. But Nova showed no signs of pain or even discomfort.

Ren: "No! My attack…"

Nova sent him a farewell gift. An energized punch in the stomach, one that damaged his organs beyond help. Ren scraped against the floor. Doosh doosh. He couldn't move much.

Mason: "Brother! Say something!"

Ren: "I'm sorry...I wanted to make up for lost times, but I'm afraid I can't...." Ren took one last look at Mason's face, the face of his brother that he barely knew...and closed his eyes. Mason looked at the floor and shut his eyes.

Nova: "How sad..."

There was no expression in Mason's face as he looked at Ren. He looked up at Nova and his expression was that of anger and hate.

Nova: "How pathetic. He was just an annoying little bug."

"Nova…DIE!" Mason punched him and pushed him out of the building.