
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasy
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66 Chs

11: Two on Two.

Terry and Zorton were preparing to fight while the others waited from a safe distance. "Zorton and Terry will win, right?" Leila asked.

"Of course. Terry has never let us down before." Zelfire answered confidently."Yeah, he's right. Don't worry about them." Piper said.

"Terry, you'll take Zarbon, and I'll take Rasputin."

"But I want to take on Rasputin.'

"No, he is too dangerous and unpredictable. Let me do it."

"Fine." Terry replied.

"That's fine with me." Rasputin said.

Seconds later, the battle started. They blurred out of sight and split up.

Terry and Zarbon began to brawl, punching the daylights out of each other. They seemed pretty even…for now.

Zarbon: "Heh, you guys are in for it now. I've never met anyone stupid enough to defy the G-Force."

Terry: "G-Force this, G-Force that…you know, I'm starting to get tired of hearing this."

"Heh. Your little friend wanted to take on Master Rasputin. That is going to be the stupidest decision in his life. You two should have been arguing not to fight him."

Terry got annoyed. "Quiet, you!"

"Insolent earthling. I wonder how Rasputin is torturing your friend?"

Terry fired the Ultra Blast. Zarbon fired a beam. Terry's blue beam split up into mini-beams, and they all hit Zarbon. He screamed in pain as he got hit.

On the other front, Zorton was winning against Rasputin, but he had not used his secret weapon yet.

Rasputin: "You think you're winning, don't you, my friend? Well, you're wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll find out, right now! So don't blink!" Rasputin began powering up and energy was running through his body. Suddenly his body was flashing and was getting brighter with each flash.

"What is going on?" Zorton asked, stunned. Suddenly, Rasputin's body disappeared. "Where did he go?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha! What's the matter? Can't see me?" He strikes Zorton."Arrg!...He's invisible! How did he learn to do that?"

"Let me ask you this, my friend, how do you fight some one you can't see?" Rasputin continuously hit him. Zorton hit back, but missed every time. Now, the duel has turned around, with Rasputin having the advantage.

As the others were waiting anxiously to find out who will win, Linea led the G-Force soldiers to attack them. Zelfire and Piper were caught off guard by the surprise attack. Linea captured Leila as the others were fighting. Linea flew off, standing on the flying disk and grabbing on to Leila with her hands.

"Hey, let me go! Let me go!"

"Shut up!" Linea shouted.

"Let me go!"

"Idiot! Stop struggling, you don't want to fall, do you?!"

"Let go of me!"

A bright star appeared in the sky. The star got bigger and bigger, and Leila recognized that it was Kane. Linea fired an ice beam, but she missed. Kane hit Linea, knocked her off the disk. Kane quickly grabbed Leila's hand, preventing her from falling.

"Kane!" Leila exclaimed, happy to see him.

The soldiers lost to the combination of Piper, Zelfire, and Kane. Soon, there was a pile of beaten up bodies. The rest of the soldiers ran away like cowards.

Meanwhile, Zorton was losing badly. Rasputin kept on hitting him, and Zorton finally realized that he couldn't spot Rasputin with his eyes.

"What's the matter? Why did you stop? Are you giving up so soon?"

"I've got to stop trying to spot him. I've got to sense him." He took a deep breath, then waited. Rasputin attempted a hit at him, but Zorton evaded the attack and retaliated.

"How does he know where I am?"

"Your little tricks don't work on me any more." Zorton said, smiling behind the mask. He knocked Rasputin into the river and made a big splash. Rasputin got out of the water, but he was no longer invisible.

"No! My suit is ruined!"

"You lose. I might not be able to see you with my eyes, but I still have the sixth sense. Any high level fighter has a sixth sense. And I can sense your energy. No matter how much you suppress it, I can still feel your presence."

"That's it! No more games. I'm going to finish you off once and for all." Rasputin zapped him.

"What, what are you doing to me?" Seconds later, he lay on the ground unconscious.

"Thanks for the energy, my friend!"

Terry showed up and saw Zorton laying there. "Zorton! No, you didn't...you took his energy!"

"That's right. Now it's your turn."

"No thanks, getting my energy drained once is enough."

Rasputin fired his zapping ray, and Terry back flipped away, keeping a maximum distance. This time, he's careful not to get zapped.

Terry moved his arms in a circular motion.

Rasputin: "What style of fighting is this?"

Terry smiled. "Hmm. I've been trained by the greatest master in the world. Now, you're going to get it."

Kapow! Bam! Terry beat him. It turns out Rasputin was weak against physical close-range combat.

"No, this can't be. I should be stronger now with Zorton's energy."

"But even with borrowed energy, you lose. See how pathetic you are?"

Rasputin: "I can't believe I lost to an earthling."

"Look, I'm not a cold blooded killer. So I'm going to let you go, only if you promise to leave earth and never come back here again."

Rasputin: "Alright, I promise."

"Then get out of here, now."

Rasputin left the plains, angry and defeated. The G-Force leader gave his word to Terry, but can this guy be trusted?