
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasy
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66 Chs

10: The Mysterious Zorton.

As Mason and the others watched the large disk blocking out the sun, the city was getting closer to its doom. They had no problem with the officers, but will Rasputin be so easy? And what about Kane? Will they ever find out about him or will he be left there to die?

Rasputin slowly descended onto the ground, examining Terry and the others.

"Hmmm, look at what I found here. You defeated Linea and Zax?" he asked.

"That's right. We did it." Zell said proudly.

"But more importantly, who are you?" Terry asked.

"My name is Rasputin, the leader of the G-Force."

"My name is Piper."

"I'm Zelfire."

"And I'm Terry."

"You are earthlings?"

Rasputin: "Earthlings, hmm? I never guessed earthlings can be this strong."

Zell: "Then keep on guessing. Underestimating the enemy, particularly if you're making the first strike, is a fatal mistake."

"And I guess you're not going to let me do as I wish peaceably?"

"Absolutely not." Piper said. "In fact, it'd be best if you just leave, before any gets hurt."

Rasputin: "Get hurt? I would surrender now if I were you. Soon, you'll find out why no one messes with the G-Force." Rasputin sent a wave of energy at them. Kaboom!

"Wow! What a force! He's no ordinary fighter." Terry exclaimed.

Zell: "We've got to stop him!"

Terry began to attack Rasputin, but then a bright light appeared from the ship and sucked them into the ship! Rasputin laughed triumphantly. The light then sucked Zelfire, then Piper, and finally Leila.

Rasputin: "With them out of the way, I can take over earth without any worries." Then he flew into the ship.

Inside the other ship was Kane, who was now a prisoner of the G-Force. He trapped in a cage with electric bars around it. In front of him G-Force officers and soldiers were working.

Kane was yelling and screaming, trying to annoy the hell out of the officers. "Let me out! Let me out! Now! Let me out! You can't keep me here forever!"

"Shut up! Be quiet!" one of the annoyed officers yelled back.

"Let me outta here first."

"Yeah, in your dreams."

"There's no way we're letting you outta here, and don't even think about escaping." Zax said.

Kane: "Why you little..."

Zax: "You're lucky that you're even alive. It's master Rasputin's decision to keep you alive. You fool, you don't know how lucky you are. We don't usually spare people. I don't even know why Rasputin wants to keep you alive. Just accept your fate and enjoy the rest of your life while you can."

"That's right, and there's nothing you can do about it." the officer added. "Nothing!"

Kane was really angry and grunted at them.

Officer: "What? You're getting mad huh? Well why don't you come out and stop me, baldy! Come on."

"Baldy?!!" Kane said, insulted. "That's it!" He grabbed the bar, but the electric waves ran through his body and gave him a 'little' shock. The voltage was so intense he lost all strength and fell.

"Ha ha ha ha! What an idiot! I warned you about that! But did you listen...no." the officer said.

Suddenly, there was an explosion. Boom! "What was that?" Zax yelled in surprise.

A mysterious figure appeared front of him, dressed in complete body armor, and a face mask that covered his whole head. "Who are you?!" The person blasted Zax, and he died instantly, with smoke burning from his corpse.

The soldiers were too scared to move after witnessing his move. "He's really strong. He just killed that guy faster than anyone I know..." Kane commented to himself.

The soldiers shot Zorton, but his suit made him invulnerable. He beat them up easily.

"Greetings, my name is Zorton. I came here to save you, Kane."

"How do you know my name?"

"Let's talk about this later! Other guards are coming!" Zorton broke the bars, and set Kane free.

As they ran towards the door, more soldiers came in. They fought together against the guards and they made a great team. The guards couldn't even lay their hands on them. They took over the ship.

"We did it. We made a great team!" Kane said.

"Yes, you're not bad at all."

"Alright, I think it is time for an explanation. How do you know me?"

"No time to explain. Mason and the others are in great danger! They've been captured." Zorton said.

"How do you know so much about us?"

Zorton ignored his questions and flew out the ship quickly.

Meanwhile, Mason, Leila, Zelfire, and Piper were imprisoned in the second ship. Their cell was a small room guarded by electric bars, just like Kane's.

"How long are they gonna keep us here?" Zelfire moaned.

"We're gonna be stuck here forever! There's no way we can get out of here!" Leila started to cry.

"Calm down Leila, we'll get out of here, somehow." Piper said convincingly.

Leila: "Maybe they're gonna kill us! We're goners! Waaah!"

"No, I don't think so. If they want to kill us, they would've done it a long time ago. Looks like they want to use us." Terry said.

"For what?" Piper asked.

"I don't know. Maybe we have something they want."

Then a guard opened the bars. "You, master Rasputin wants to meet you, alone. The rest of you stay." He pointed at Terry.

"Me?... I don't have a choice, do I?" Terry walked out and the guard closed the bars. "Don't worry guys. I'll be fine."

"We'll be waiting for you, right here." Piper said calmly.

Guard: "Right this way."

The guard took Terry Spade into a narrow hallway and at the end was a large, round room. Rasputin was looking at the city from the round window, very similar to the one in the mother ship in which he used to watch the earth.

Rasputin turned around. "Welcome to my ship."

Terry: "Nice to meet you too. Let's get to the point. What do you want?"

Rasputin: "I want your energy!"

"I don't think so!" Terry made a punch, but Rasputin blocked it. Then he zapped Terry. Zzzzzzzzzzzt!

"Hey, let go! AAAAAHH! What are you doing to me?!"

While Rasputin was still zapping him, he said: "What does it look like? I'm taking your energy! Every time I drain some one's energy I get stronger!"

"Why-why-you're stealing my energy!"

"Well, I think of it more as 'borrowing.'"

"AAAAAH! Stop!...Stop!" Terry felt weaker and weaker, to the point when his legs gave up and he fell on his knees.

Terry fainted and the alien laughed. "Ha ha ha ha! Thanks for your energy."

The mysterious Zorton had already freed Kane and was on his way to save the others. Who was this stranger? How did he know about the heroes, and if he did know, could he be some one they know? Now, their lives were in the hands of the new savior!The guards brought the fainted Mason back to his cell. They tossed him in there and closed the bars. "Oh no! What have they done to you?" Leila shrieked.

Terry woke up drowsily and weakly said: "H-h-he drained m-my energy!"

Piper: "That's terrible!"

Lt. Zarbon and Rasputin discussed plans to take over earth in the control room. They had no idea what had happened in the first battle ship, and they're in for a surprise!

"So, everything is ready?" Rasputin asked.

"Yes master, everything is working fine." Zarbon answered.


"Forgive me for being nosy, but what are you going to do with the captured earthlings?"

"I already drained the energy from the strongest one, so they are of no use to me. They'll be disposed of."

Meanwhile, Kane explored the ship and found a large room with an arsenal of missiles. "Look at these things! They're huge! The G-Force is planning to use them to conquer earth! I hope Zorton can save the others in time."

As Terry recovered, he and his friends were about to meet their doom. The cell wall released a mechanical sound, and holes were revealed, spraying a toxic gas.

Piper (sarcastically): "Oh no! This is just great!"

"We're gonna die!" Leila shrieked.

"No, we can't die like this! This can't be!" Terry said.

As they grasp for air, the ceiling cracked apart. Zorton dropped in, and he broke the electric bars with his bare hands.

"Ahhh, fresh air!" Piper said.

Zorton said to them: "Let's get out of here!"

The security alarm sounded in the ship and all the soldiers ran everywhere. Zorton safely took them to his ship, the Cruiser. He told them to get inside. They did what he said, and Zorton jumped into the pilot's seat. He directed the Cruiser out of the battleship and escaped unharmed.

Once at a safe distance things began to calm down. A few minutes passed by and no one said a word. Zelfire began to speak, but Zorton interrupted him. "I know what you're going to ask me. My name is Zorton, and you can call me a friend. I just rescued Kane from the G-Force."

"Kane was captured?"

"Yes, but he's ok now. I know what else you're going to ask me. Why am I helping you? Well, I can not tell you now."

"Why not?" Leila asked.

Zorton began to answer, but instead yelled: "Because we are being chased!"

Everybody looked south, and saw three ships shooting at them!

"He's right!" Terry added with fear.

"Hang on, Cruiser!" yelled Zorton. He piloted carefully, trying to avoid the laser beams from the attackers. With some incredible flying skills, Zorton was able to escape them without any damage to the Cruiser, and the air chase ended.

Rasputin: "So, you lost them?"

Captain: "Yes, they got away. They were too clever."

"You disgust me! Get out of here now!" the Lt. yelled at him.

The captain left the room immediately. As he exited, Linea entered the room."What is it?" Rasputin asked impatiently.

"I have some bad news." she began. "Our bald friend has escaped! He killed Zax and took over our ship!"

"Kane? Forget about him. I'll deal with him later. Zarbon!"

"Yes, master."

"Come with me. It's time to dispose of those earthlings."

Rasputin and Zarbon flew towards the landing site of the Cruiser. They saw the Cruiser in the middle of the grass field, and the heroes standing there.

"Looks like we found them. Hmmm, you must be the one who set them free." Rasputin said.

"That's right!"

"Guys, just stay put. I want to fight with Zorton, we can handle them by ourselves." Terry said.

"Affirmative." Zorton said.

"Well, alright." Zelfire said calmly.

"Are you sure about this?" Piper asked.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine." Terry said, in the same tone of confidence he had just before he fought Nimbus.

"Good luck, guys." Leila said.

"Thanks, Leila."

Rasputin: "It's a two on two! This will be one of the most exciting duels we'll experience, don't you agree, Lieutenant Zarbon?"

"Yes, this will certainly be some fight."

The air grew tense as the warriors prepared themselves mentally.