
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasy
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66 Chs

08: The Chimera! Six Minutes Until Doom!

"I just hope Terry and Zelfire can defeat Nimbus. Because if they don't, he'll come after us." Leila said.

"Don't worry about it." Piper assured her. "Terry has defeated Destructo, right? And Zelfire's skills are pretty good too. With them together, I'm sure they can win."

"What do you think, Kane?"

"Can they win?"

"No." Kane said quietly.

"What do you mean no?" Piper asked, as if he was insulted.

"No means no! Do you know what the chances of beating Nimbus are? A thousand to one." Kane said.

"You're kidding, right?" Leila asked.

"Would I joke about something like this? Nimbus is famous throughout the galaxies for his victories. His record is nearly flawless. Let me put it this way. I've already told you that all it takes to conquer a planet is handful of sayans. But Nimbus himself can do the same job."

"T-that means they're doomed!" Leila cried.

It was already two and a half minutes into the fight. Nimbus had to admit to himself that this sayan and human were giving him a hard time. How come? They look like ordinary idiots, but their teamwork is amazing. It doesn't matter if there's one, two, or ten of them, it's all the same.

Throughout his life, Nimbus had always been recognized for his strength. He wins every fight. And this one is no exception.

Nimbus bowed in front of a mysterious figure hiding in the darkness. "My lord, everything is going according to plan. I have ordered Destructo to give me the Cyber Suits on a remote planet called earth.

"Earth? A neutral planet?"

"Yes, my lord. And we will proceed to take it over. Shall we eliminate all life forms on it?"

"That will not be necessary. Earthlings can be useful to us."

"What's the matter? Getting tired? I was just getting warmed up!"

Zelfire and Terry were tired and injured from the fighting. They had to catch their breath, and the evil sayan was laughing at them.

Terry paid no attention to him, but inside his head he foreshadowed what would happen if they did lose. Nimbus would probably kill him and his best friend, Zelfire, then he would go after Kane, Piper, and Leila. I can't let that happen, he thought. "That's enough of this!" Terry yelled out loud.

Then, he used the Ultra Blast, the move that he used to defeat his brother. He had no control of the energy, it just came out from his body and went into his hands. He threw the beam at super high speed and Nimbus was hit and the explosion was incredible! The entire area lighted up and covered the whole area.

"Oh, look at that! How pretty." Leila said.

"What is that light?"

"I don't know who caused that, but whoever did it must be very powerful." Kane said.

"Kane," Piper asked. "How much time has passed since the fight began?"

"Well, it's about three minutes. Which means that your friends have three minutes to live."

In another flashback…

Destructo and Nimbus saw each other in a dark hallway. Destructo began to talk. "The Cyber Suits will be delivered shortly."

Nimbus: "They better be. Don't disappoint me. It's not my mission you're serving, remember that. It is Lord Spectre's wish. If you fail, the consequences are dire."

"Tcch. I know that. Don't go on lecturing me on what's good for me, sayan."

They walked past each other.

Nimbus and Destructo never really liked each other. They're two people who just can't get along. In a way. Nimbus is glad Destructo is dead.

"In fact, I should thank you for getting rid of him. It saves me a lot of headaches."

Slowly, the brightness faded, and Nimbus was still alive and well.

Zelfire was amazed at Terry's new move. "How...where did you learn to do that?"

"I don't know. It just suddenly came and left. I had no control of it...I can't even believe I did that."

"That's amazing! You've used an attack that you never used, or learned before!"

Nimbus: "That's impossible! How could just use an attack just like that? How?! I had never seen anything like that before. You've ruined my suit! I'll make you pay for it."

Nimbus's suit was damaged, and blood was coming out from the crack.

"You're hurt, and I think our chances of winning has changed." Terry said."You're right. I can't possibly kill you now, not without my secret weapon, that is." Nimbus said.

Zelfire: "Secret weapon?"

"That's right. Looky here..." He took out a tube from his back pocket. The glass tube was filled with a green, slimy, liquid.

"What's that?" Terry asked.

"It's my secret weapon. Dark Spectre gathered the best scientists from all over the universe to create the perfect fighting machine...a machine that can't feel pain or emotions. Imagine a merciless, emotionless killer! However, we came to realize that such a goal was not possible. The closest they came to the goal was this! This liquid is called the Chimera by the scientists. Chimera was a legendary monster who slaughtered innocent beings without mercy! Whoever drinks this will become the ultimate warrior! I never thought I'd need it, this is first time. Mason, I must say you have been a worthy opponent. But now, say your prayers."

(Does that mean that stuff can turn a person into a monster?) Zelfire thought.

Nimbus continued: "This stuff changes one's DNA, but it won't have any harmful side effects. That's the beauty of it. Don't blink, what you're about to see will terrify you. You'll be the first ones ever to witness a transformation like this."

"Transformation?" Terry asked.

Nimbus drained the whole tube and gulped it down, and broke the tube with his hands. He laughed loudly and awaited his destiny. Seconds passed by, and suddenly he began to feel a bit of pain in his chest. His chest got bigger and bigger until it tore though his suit, his hands and feet turned into razor claws and his body continued to change as they watched in horror. Neither of them could speak, they could only watch him turn into the most gruesome monster they had ever seen. Once the transformation was complete, Nimbus was no more, he was the Chimera. His mouth was large and drooling and his sharp dinosaur like teeth looked lethal. His red staring eyes promised death and his tail lashed the ground, leaving a crack. His skin was white and nothing but armor. He drooled as he looked at the heroes. Nimbus roared like a lion.

Terry and Zelfire: "Uuuh...uuuhh..."

Nimbus (in a loud, angry voice): "What's the matter? Why are you shaking? Ohhh...did I scare you too much? I already warned you about this."

"Ah, ah, what is he?!" Terry asked, shaking.

"A m-m-monster!" Zelfire responded, trembling.

Nimbus licked his tongue. "You two will be a satisfying meal."

"No one is gonna eat us!"

Nimbus attacked them, and the first thing they noticed was its increase in speed and strength. It scratched Terry's chest and he felt like he was slashed by five blades.

Zelfire grabbed its tail but he couldn't hold on to it. As he let go, Nimbus's tail whipped him, and he was down. Terry leaped back to avoid its claws, but Nimbus wasn't going to let his prey get away. Terry decided to make a run for it, but he ran into a dead end. He couldn't do anything but watch as the monster moved closer and closer to him. Terry knew he had to think fast or he would be bait. Zelfire used the Energy Blast and it flew above Nimbus and hit the cliff above.

"Get outta there!" Zelfire screamed as the boulders tumbled down.

Nimbus was caught by surprise and it was too late for it to run. "Nooooo!" In an instant, it was completely covered by a pile of rocks.

"Whew! That was a close one. Thanks Zelfire." Terry said.

"No problem, pal...Hey, you think he's dead?"

"I think he is, considering that the rocks hit him pretty hard."

Just as he said that, the rocks started to shake. Yep, you guessed it, it's alive! It recovered in an angry rage and a surge of energy came out of his body. All the rocks surrounding it were blasted into the sky. It roared angrily as if it's about to explode.

"I think he's angry."

"I think so too."

"This is all your fault Zelfire!"

"My fault?"

"Yeah, you were the one who caused the rocks to fall on him."

"I did it to save your behind."

Nimbus roared again, then drooled. "I'll crush you all!" It roared again and released immense energy from its scale-like body. The ground was shaking, and Terry and Zelfire could feel themselves shaking.

"Ahh, what's that energy?!"

"Stop moving around Piper." Leila told him.

"I can't help it. Aren't you worried? I mean, Terry and Zell can die!"

"Yes, but we can't do anything about it."

"I'd love to go and help them," Kane interrupted. "But I'm afraid it's too late for that."

"Whadaya mean too late? Tell me!" Piper demanded.

"The time now is 4 minutes and 50 seconds into the fight, and that means your friends have about a minute left to live."

They could barely stand still. The whole ground was shaking, and falling apart. Terry and Zelfire ran for their lives as the ground disappeared behind them. Even the mountains were falling apart, unable to withstand Nimbus's force. As it cracked open, molten lava was revealed and suddenly things started getting really hot. Nimbus screamed and the lava exploded and flew everywhere. As the hot liquid struck the ground, the heroes had less space to run.

What was a quiet canyon was now a chaotic battleground. The whole place turned into a volcano, with Nimbus as its heart. Rocks flew everywhere, and getting hit by one at this speed would be instant death.

Nimbus sprang into the air like a leopard and roared at its targets. "You cannot escape my wrath! Now you will all feel my hate and suffer like no one has suffered!"

"What now?" Terry asked. He looked in all directions and there was no escape. Every possible route and path has been blocked, and the only way to survival was blocked by Nimbus. Could this really be the end for them?

Nimbus leaped at their direction, and Zelfire yelled "Take this!" He shot an energy beam and hit the creature directly, and it fell into a crack, into the lava.

The monster screamed and groaned in agony as the lava slowly swallowed it. "No! I will destroy you all..." Then it sank deeper and deeper and its claws desperately tried to hang on to something, but it only hit the air.

A whole plethora of thoughts entered Chimera's mind. I can't lose like this! I had them right where I wanted them! I've never been defeated before…never. I am the strongest sayan in the universe. I have never been defeated before…

But just then…Nimbus flashed back to a time when he was defeated one other time in his lifetime. It was a humiliating and embarrassing event, and he tried his best to forget it. But in that moment near death, Nimbus realized that he wasn't the best. The title of strongest sayan in the universe is a fib. He used to intimidate his opponents.

I…I am losing. I am not the best. I am an idiot.

Finally, the creature was sucked in entirely and the ground started to come back together, as if healing itself. Soon all the lava was hidden once again and everything was quiet.

Terry and Zelfire just sat their butts on the ground, and panted for breath. They couldn't believe they are still alive.

So, Terry and Zelfire told their amazing adventure to the others, and they were shocked. Kane couldn't believe that they not only survived, but they destroyed the evil Nimbus.

Zell: "So Kane, now that your ship is gone, what will you do now?"

"Well, Zelfire, since I have no way of getting outta here, I guess I'm stuck here for now."

Leila: "Kane, this can be a good thing. We can stay together and learn more about each other."

"Yeah, Kane, you can hang out with us." Piper said.

Kane: "Sounds good. But you know I can't stay here forever."

Terry: "We know, but we're just glad you're here with us. We'll give you the full details of our wonderful planet, and by the time we're through, I guarantee you'll be just one of us."

The heroes have once again proved their courage once again by fighting to the death with the powerful monster, surviving the 'six minute curse.' Though Nimbus was indestructible, it was his own rage that had caused his demise.