
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasy
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66 Chs

07: Arrival of Nimbus. Where Are My Cyber Suits?

After the duel with Destructo, the heroes celebrated their victory happily. Spade (or Mason) is practically the savior of planet earth. But, they never expected that there was someone more powerful than Destructo, waiting to destroy them.

Somewhere deep in space, another sayan space pod was traveling towards earth. It was night time, and the sky was especially dark that night. A space pod landed on the earth, and it was exactly identical to Ren's pod. There was an explosion, and the ship made a deep and large crater on the ground. The pod door opened, and a mysterious figure stepped out. He was also wearing the sayan soldier uniform and a warrior's outfit. He checked his scouter to examine the area.

"So, this is earth? The planet that people call beautiful? There's nothing pretty about this place. What a miserable planet. This is where Destructo was defeated. I predicted that would happen sooner or later, but I'd never guess he'd beaten by a sayan. No fighter is stronger than Destructo…except for me. Whoever this person is, he also took my Cyber Suits. I can't wait to meet this interesting person…"

Meanwhile, the heroes were celebrating their victory happily. Unfortunately, Kane had to leave since his job here was done. Every one was sad that he had to leave, and they tried to convince him not to go.

Leila: "Do you really have to leave? Can't you stay a bit longer?"

Kane: "I'm sorry, but I have to get going. My job here is done, and I have to report back to Mascus."

Zelfire: "We'll miss you a lot."

Terry: "Kane, I'll never forget what you did for us. You helped me become what I am now."

Piper: "Yeah, without you, our fighting skills wouldn't have improved at all."

Kane: "I'll miss you too. But you're making it harder than it already is. You guys are my true friends, and I'll never forget you."

"Bye!" shouted Leila and Piper together.

Terry: "Goodbye, Kane. Come back soon!"

Kane: "I will."

He got into the pod, and it launched into the atmosphere. The heroes continued waving. Kane never felt so welcomed in his life. He made some really good friends, and he truly wished he can come back, once the war is over.

Suddenly, a dark energy disk hurled toward Kane and destroyed his ship, blowing it up into pieces.

The others saw what happened. They were also able to feel the energy of the force responsible.

Zell: "What the hell!?"

Piper: "We gotta help him right away."

Without hesitating, the heroes flew there. Piper had to carry Leila, since she can't fly. In the middle of flying, Terry suddenly stopped, and Zelfire stopped with him.

"What's wrong, Terry?"

"Nothing, just go ahead."

Piper went ahead, but Zelfire stayed. "Why did you stop?"

"Can't you feel it?" Terry said in a serious tone.

Zelfire concentrated, and he felt it too. A strong, killer presence. Nimbus appeared. They all landed.

Zell: "A-Are you the one who fired at Kane's ship?"

Nimbus: "Yes. That is what he gets for being a traitor."

Terry: "What the hell did you do that for? Are you asking for a beating?"

Nimbus: "Oh, you must be the loud-mouthed sayan named Mason, right?"

"Who wants to know?"

Nimbus: "You are the one who killed Destructo?"

"Yeah, it was me." Terry said proudly. "Are you one of his buddies?"

"His buddies? You have got to be kidding me. I am not 'buddies' with Destructo. He and his worthless gang of sayans are weaklings compared to me. In fact, I should thank you for getting rid of him. It saves me a lot of headaches."

Zelfire: "Destructo is a weakling?"

Nimbus: "Of course. Oh, my apologies, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Nimbus, and I am the strongest sayan in the universe."

Terry: "My name is Terry Spade, and I think you're full of shit."

Nimbus: "You think I'm exaggerating?"

Zelfire: "Another sayan? What do you want?"

"All I want are my Cyber Suits. Where are they?"

"Oh, those things? Sorry, but I threw them away." Terry said, smiling.

"Threw them away?!" Nimbus yelled angrily. "Do you know how much one of those things cost?! Do you realize what you've done? I will tear you from limb to limb if you don't give them to me now."

Zelfire: "What's the big deal about the Cyber Suits? What do they do?"

"Since you asked, I will tell you why the yare so important. These suits were developed in a foreign planet, one with advanced technology, so advanced that they are hundreds of years ahead of the curve. They have been developing the Cyber Suits as the ultimate weapon for war. They can boost one's fighting power, and protect the warrior at the same time. It costs millions of Universal Units just to make one. I ordered Destructo to steal them for me, and deliver them to me on earth. This way, no one will find out where the suits are. Our transaction will be kept secret. But now it will have be delayed. My lord is waiting for those suits. Lord Spectre will not be happy."

Terry: "Who's Lord Spectre?"

Nimbus: "In any case, bring those suits to me. Come meet me in one hour."

Piper and Leila went to Kane's aid. His pod was totaled and now useless. Kane was on the ground, rubbing his head.

Leila: "Kane! Are you hurt?"

Kane: "I'm fine. I just got some minor scratches."

Piper: "Who did this?"

Kane: "I felt it before it hit me. It was Nimbus."

Piper: "Nimbus? Who is that?"

"Another sayan."

Leila: "Another sayan? But…I thought…after we killed Destructo, this would be over, right?"

Kane: "Not quite. If Nimbus is involved, we're in for it now."

Piper grabbed Kane by the collar. "What do you mean?"

"Nimbus is a very dangerous sayan. He's not someone that we can handle. Throughout the Dark Empire, he has been known for his strength and brutality. No one has lasted over six minutes in a fight with him."

Leila: "Six minutes?"

"That's all he needs. He is essentially one of the key players of the Great War. He makes Destructo look unimportant. Damn it. The Dark Empire is not messing around at all. I have to call for help."

So, Terry and Zelfire went to confront Nimbus alone. They flew to where Nimbus said he would be, the place where Destructo met his demise.

It was night time already. It was dark everywhere. The heroes found Nimbus waiting by the pod in the impact crater.

Nimbus: "Ahh, you arrived at last. I thought you would never come."

Terry: "We didn't want to disappoint you."

"Where's Kane? Let me guess, he's too scared to come and fight me? That coward! And he calls himself a sayan!"

"I guess it's because he didn't want to see your ugly face." Zelfire said.

Nimbus got really pissed by that, but this time he wouldn't show his anger. "Alright then, I will ask you one more time. Where are the Cyber Suits?"

"Geez, what's your problem? We already told you, twice. We don't have it."

"So, that's your final answer? If I were you I wouldn't pick that choice. But...you had your chance. It's time to die! And after I kill you both, I'll ask Kane and your earthling friends where the suits are. Maybe they are more easily convinced."

Terry: "You leave them alone!"

Nimbus: "Why don't you make me?"

He made his first attack on Terry, but he missed. Terry gave him a jab in the chin, then a knee in his guts, and thought that would stun him for a while. To his surprise, Nimbus was perfectly okay, and he looked even tougher than Destructo.

Nimbus had the strength, and Terry and Zelfire had confidence on their side, but can they really defeat the one who claims to be the strongest sayan in the universe?