
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasy
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66 Chs

08: Margarita Saves The Day.

The heroes got lucky and escaped from the clutches of Dark Spectre. Finally, they can get some rest, and recharge, then continue the hunt. But in war, one can't take a break too long. Never let your guard down.

Inside the space pod, Margrit, Mason and Zelfire were sleeping peacefully. They were tired from all the adventures. Even though they didn't want to waste any time, even heroes need to rest.

However, Mason was still awake, with too much on his mind. Things like the fate of their future, the future of the crystals, of the colony, of earth, and of the universe…these things can keep someone awake.

Mason got off his bed and walked towards the door, pushed the button, it opened and stepped out. He looked outside the window. Nothing but red and black. Zelfire was asleep. He went into Margrit's room to check how she was doing. She was sleeping pleasantly, tucked under a comfy blanket and soft pillow. We will get out of here alive, he thought. He pulled the blanket up to her shoulders. He sat besides her and brushed her face lightly. She moaned and woke up.

"Did I wake you?" he asked guiltily.

"Can't sleep?"


"You have a lot on your mind, don't you?" She sat up.

"Of course I do...I was thinking what action we should take next." He half sat on the bed and she rested beside him. He sighed. "Can we ever win?"

"People like Dark Spectre can't be taken down by just one man. If we sayans work together, we can win. As long as hope is alive, anything is possible. You taught me that, remember?"

"Yeah." Mason said, proudly, yet embarrassed that he needed to be reminded of his own words.

Outside, Kano and his Dark soldiers were hiding, waiting for the right time to steal the crystal.


"Yes?" he asked.

"I just wanted you to know...when we do make it out of here alive, I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Me too." He kissed her on the forehead. "Let's get some shut-eye." He half got up and she grabbed his arm.

"Wait, can't we talk just a little longer?"

"You have to get some sleep. Come on, be a good girl and sleep."

She nodded and obeyed. She put her head on the pillow and he adjusted the blanket for her.

Mason opened the exit door and walked outside while yawning. A few seconds later, Kano and his soldiers ambushed him. Mason was caught by surprise and off guard. Kano hit him a few times, then he threw a metal ball at him. A stream of smoke was released from it and surrounded Mason.

"What?!" he yelled as the smoke engulfed him and suffocated his lungs. Mason got weaker and weaker until he fell asleep.

Kano: "We have him now! Boys, go get the crystal!"

Soldiers: "Yes sir!"

Inside the space pod, Margrit was still asleep but she woke up almost immediately after she sensed something was wrong. "Mason!" She quickly put on her fighting clothes and yelled to the other room, "Zelfire! Get up!"

Zelfire: "...Huh? Wha?"

She ran outside and saw in shock Mason lying besides Kano, unconscious. "Mason! Don't you dare hurt him!"

Kano: "And what if do? What are you gonna do about it?"

Margrit: "Don't piss me off."

All the Dark soldiers surrounded her and prepared to attack.

Zelfire: "Mason!"

Margrit quickly beat the soldiers one by one. Now, only Kano was left.

Margrit: "Zelfire, get the crystal and Mason out of here!"

Zelfire: "Gotcha." He went inside, got the crystal, and carried the unconscious Mason and ran away. Kano was about to attack Zelfire, but Margrit stopped him.

With the chance, Zelfire ran away safe and sound.

Kano: "You look familiar. *Gasp* You're the girl from the colony..."

Margrit: "My name is Margarita, and I'm not a girl!"

"I'll beat you like I did last time, then I'll get the crystal."

"Wrong! The way I see it, I kill you and never lay your dirty hands on our crystal."

"The crystals belong to Lord Dark."

"They don't belong to anyone."

They attacked each other. Pow! Doosh! Wham! Kapow! At first glance, Margrit had the speed, but Kano had the technique. Margrit's attacks weren't able to connect, as Kano dodged and blocked like it was nothing.

They soared to the air, Margrit did a flying kick. Froom. Kano dodged to the side, and kicked her on the back. While falling, Kano flew after her, and he thought for sure he got her. Suddenly, she blurred.

Kano: "Huh?"

Margrit appeared above. "Here!"

Pow! He was hit, and she followed up with a beam. Boom. A hole was on the ground.

"And that's that."

"That's what?" said Kano.

Margrit gasped. Kano appeared in front of her, and let out a combo of punches, and finished up with a kick. Wham!

She fell face flat.

Then he started boasting again. "No one can beat Kano the space pirate! You didn't learn from the last time did you, girl?"

Margrit: "My name is Margarita!!!" Suddenly, a surge of energy was released from her body and knocked Kano away.

Kano: "What is this power?!"

Margrit: "Take this!" She jumped up and shot a ball of energy at the ground and created a large deep pit. Then she jumped and performed her amazing flying kick that knocked him into the pit. He screamed as he fell deeper into the dark, endless pit. Margrit looked down the pit, watching Kano's body get smaller and smaller, his voice got lower and lower until there was no sound at all. Just in case he was still alive, Margrit fired a few energy beams down there. "Die!" The whole pit lit up and exploded above the ground. A wall of fire burst up from the pit and disappeared.

Margrit, being certain that Kano was dead, went to join Zelfire and Mason.

Meanwhile, as Blaze searched around the planet, he found Dark's ship. He was standing on top of a cliff, with the sixth crystal in his hand, being the only safe place.

Blaze: "Look at this...Dark Spectre's spaceship. I bet those crystals are inside. I don't sense Dark's presence around here...that means those crystals are mine!"

He flew towards the ship, then Electrode flew out and stopped him. "You're not getting anywhere near the ship!"

Blaze: "Get out of my way, you lousy robot!"

Electrode: "So you're the famous Blaze? Well, you don't look so tough to me."

"If you know what's good for you, you'd get out of my way and give me the crystals."

"Keep dreaming! You and I both know that is not going to happen."

"I thought robots are supposed to be smart...I guess I was wrong."

Electrode: "What did you mean by that?"

"What did you think I mean?"

"Hmmm, you brought one of the crystals with you, thanks. You saved us the trouble of having to look for it."

"It's not for you. I took it with me only because it wasn't safe anywhere else."

"I'll tell you what, hand it over and I'll let you die painlessly."

"That's a good one!" He threw the crystal into the air and out of sight, so Electrode can't get to it. They began fighting. Blaze was trying to get closer to the ship as Electrode was trying to get Blaze away from the ship.

After a few hits, the turning point of the fight began. "Take this Blaze!" Electrode shot a net from his arm and caught Blaze.

He struggled to get free, "You think this net is gonna hold me?" Then the net shocked him and he descended onto the ground. Electrode shot missiles from almost all of his body parts, and they were all targeted at Blaze. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Blaze was hit severely and fell into the rocks. Electrode waited for him to come up, but there was no sign of him. Electrode returned to the ship, thinking that he has killed Blaze and protected the crystals.

Zelfire and Margrit spotted another cave, a place where they can hide. They carried Mason into the cave and laid him down.

Zelfire: "All our supplies and food are in the ship, we..."

Margrit: "I know, but Kano knows that location, and that means Dark knows too. It's too dangerous to go back there."

"I guess you're right."

Margrit looked at Mason with sadness. "Poor Mason, what have they done to you?"

Zelfire: "He'll be alright."

Margrit: "Yeah...let's get some shut-eye."

They slept in close proximity of each other.