
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasy
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66 Chs

07: Deadly Encounter With Dark Spectre.

Blaze was resting inside a cave, with the sixth crystal beside him. His arms were crossed and he went into deep thought. "I can't fall asleep, or they'll get me. So far I have only one of them, Dark has five, and the location of the last one is still unknown. Dark may be ahead, but as long as I have one, Dark's goal will never be achieved." He laughed.

"It looks like Kerell has failed me." Spectre said, in a disappointed tone.

Electrode: "He was beaten by the sayan named Mason."

"Mason…I've so much about this man. I sure would like to meet him in person." His hover chair moved forward.

"Where are you going, sire?"

"Out for a walk."

The heroes have finally gotten their hands on the last Anubis Crystal. But Blaze still has the sixth one, and Dark's forces have five. Will they be able to hold onto the last crystal?

Mason, Margrit, and Zelfire had a long day. The days on Guardian are a little longer than that of Mascus. Almost twice as long. After fighting some sand worms, and giants, they were tired and needed to rest.

In the middle of flying, they were talking.

Mason: "I'm sure glad we have at least one of the crystals. As long as we hold onto it, the Empire won't get their dirty hands on this."

Margrit: "Yeah. But will this really end the war?"

Zelfire: "Hey, as long as we're alive, we can figure something out. I've a lot about this bastard, Dark Spectre. Is he really as strong as they say he is?"

Suddenly, Mason sensed a powerful force chasing after them. Margrit and Zelfire felt it also. "What…what is this enormous ki?"

Zelfire: "I…I've never felt any force like this before…"

Margrit: "Can it be…"

Zelfire: "D-Dark Spectre?"

Mason: "We can't possibly compete with such a force. "Over there!" He pointed at the cave ahead of them. They quickly went inside the cave, hoping they won't be seen. They waited for Dark to leave, but they sensed he was getting closer and closer to them. Their hearts were beating as fast as hell, as the deadly force approached.

"I know you're in there!" shouted a deep voice from outside. "Come out with the crystal now!"

Margrit: "Crap! He knows we're here!"

Zelfire: "Should we go?"

Mason was speechless. All he could think about was how he will protect them and the crystal.

Dark: "I'll give you one more chance! Come out now or I blow up this cave into a million pieces!"

Mason: "Alright, let's go." They stepped outside and walked a few steps forward. Dark Spectre was in front of them, sitting on his mobile chair, with an unhappy mood. They could not see his face through the space helmet.

"Dark Spectre..." Margrit said.

Zelfire: "It's really him."

Mason: "So we meet in person at last."

Dark: "Sayans from the colony? I thought you could do nothing but hide in that pathetic colony of yours."

Mason: "What right do you have to say these things?"

Dark: "You sure are a bold one. You must be the sayan named Mason, correct?"

"Yeah. At your service."

Margrit: "You're the mastermind behind all the destructions of various planets throughout the universe."

Dark: "Those planets are a threat to me. Eliminating those civilizations was the best way to deal with it."

Zelfire: "With just one word you killed thousands of innocent people!"

Dark: "No, millions! That is the beauty of having absolute power. But you simpletons will never understand the glory of having such power...of being superior to others."

Mason: "Grrrr. Just because you have power, you decide to abuse it. I won't stand for it!"

Dark laughed at his remark. "This is why sayans are so stupid. How dare you speak out? Don't you know your place? I am the almighty Dark Spectre, and I myself control everything in the Dark Empire. You should be begging like dogs to have me spare your life."

This angered all three of them.

Zelfire: "That's it. I can't stand him already." He was about to make a move, but Margrit stopped him.

Margrit: "Dark Spectre, isn't it? You hardly expose yourself like this. I bet none of the rebels have seen you in person before. What makes you take a risk and come here to Guardian personally? Are these crystals that much of a threat to you?"

"You fool! If I were you, I would hand over the crystal that you have. No one has the capacity to handle the power of the Anubis Crystals, besides myself. The Great War started out nearly a hundred years ago…"

A group of men sat by a long, rectangular table, discussing some important matters.

"War has always been a part of life - any species that is still existent has been through. And those species that are extinct are extinct because of war. The galaxy has entered a period of peace for some time now. But a group of men from Murai, who were all power-greedy, they gathered together. They came from all different backgrounds, but they had one goal in mind - universal conquest. It is every man's dream, yet is commonly accepted as impossible. But not for those men. They wanted to create the most devastating the war the universe has ever known."

Margrit: "And you are a part of that war. You're a merciless killer! A cold-blooded hound. You don't deserve to live!"

Dark ignored her comments. "And through those leaders, the Dark Empire was formed. They grew bigger and bigger, until they cannot be ignored. Once they became exposed to the public, they were ready for war. They took over planet after planet. Race after race. And eventually, more and more planets became involved, choosing sides. The Rebel Faction. Or the Empire. And we realized that Arlia can be an asset to us. Arlia's most powerful race, the sayans, are a race meant for war. But some of them didn't want to join us. So we had no choice but to eliminate them. King Neflite sent out an order to 'purify' the sayan race - to eliminate any rebels. Your kind was no match for us. Some of you had to run away to seek refuge. And one of them is Jerrell. And thus, he fled to Mascus to build his pitiful colony, hoping it will stand a chance against my forces. All your efforts are just prolonging the inevitable! Now, foolish rebels, you will suffer the fate of all the other rebels who oppose me." He gathered energy into his finger.

[Split screen - 3] - [Margrit, Zelfire, Mason].

Mason, Margrit and Zelfire prepared for the worst. They wait nervously as Dark finished his energy charge.

(He's...too powerful...we're going to die.) Mason thought grimly. Usually, Mason rarely had any doubts about his strength, this time his fear was eating away his confidence. He had never faced a foe like Dark before.

Suddenly, the ground tore apart and the giant worms popped out. The heroes seized their chance for survival and flew away without a thought.

"Cowards." The worms stared at Dark and drooled. "You must be very hungry. Don't worry, lunch is on me..." He moved his finger and BOOM! The worms disintegrated instantly and the whole ground broke apart.

From afar, Mason looked back and saw the big explosion. "That was a close one. It could have been us."

Zelfire: "Phew! For the first time I'm glad those worms showed up."

Margrit: "That was a lucky break, right Mason?" She noticed how serious he was. "Mason?"

"That guy…he's too strong. How am I possibly going to fight him?"

Meanwhile, Blaze was still resting inside his cave. Bored with nothing to do, he flashed back to a very significant event in his life...it was ten years ago...When he first fought Dark Spectre, an event which he could never forget.

It was a cold and windy day. Almost the whole planet was quiet, not a sound was heard except for the wind. Dark waited impatiently on his royal chair, waiting for the arrival of someone important, the arrival of his most powerful enemy, the sayan named Blaze.

Dark: "He's coming."

Guard #1: "My scouter says he is coming in from the north!"

Guard #2: "He has a very high power level..."

Dark: "That sayan really thinks he can beat me. I'll punish him, just like all the others!"

Blaze made a hole on the ceiling and dropped in

"I-It's him! Blaze! He's really here..." Guard #2 shouted nervously. All the palace guards were trembling and sweating at the very sight of Blaze.

He looked around the royal palace with a disgusted look.

"This is your great royal palace? This place is disgusting! My bedroom looks better than this place!"

Dark: "Blaze, your big mouth won't save you this time. You've gone too far and too deep."

Blaze: "I've been waiting for this chance for my whole life."

Dark: "Well, here's your chance. I hope you enjoyed your life while you can, because it'll end soon."

Blaze: "Yeah, right! That's a good one!"

They waited a while, then Dark ordered his guards to leave the palace immediately. Not long after, they start fighting. POW! POW! WHAM! CRACK! BAM! Minutes later, almost the whole palace was destroyed. Their battle was unlike any other battle ever experienced. As the two titanic forces clashed into each other, their forces destroyed everything around them. Finally, Dark has had enough, he charged his finishing move, the Death Star, and fired.

"AHHHHHHH!" he screamed.

The explosion was catastrophic.

Dark no longer sensed Blaze. "Humph. Just like all the other rebels. He was strong, but not strong enough."

"I'll show you, Dark Spectre. I'll make sure you letting me live will be the biggest mistake of your life. I promise you! I'm not just a sayan anymore, I'm a super sayan!" He clutched onto the crystal tightly.