
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasy
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66 Chs

06: Desperate Battle! Destructo's Power.

The heroes have successfully defeated Destructo's sayans, and they were happy, until Destructo himself showed up. In an instant, their celebrating mood and happiness were gone by the presence of the mastermind behind this mess.

Destructo: "Heh heh heh heh, your time is up, earthlings. Prepare to perish."

Terry: "Guys, I know you're not gonna agree with me…but I want to fight him alone."

Zelfire: "What?! That's crazy! You can't fight him alone! He'll crush you!"

Terry: "Don't worry about me guys, I'll be fine." he said, smiling.

Zelfire had seen that smile before. That smile made him feel more reassured, and he grew silent.

Leila: "What has gotten into you, Terry? What are you thinking?"

Kane: "I don't agree. I've been after Destructo for years. This is my chance to finish him off."

Mason: "But you're injured. You should take a rest."

Kane: "No Spade. Destructo is mine! No one will stop me from fighting him. You said it before yourself, we have to fight together to succeed. Team work is very important."

Destructo: "Listen, I decide who I will fight. How about it, Mason? I take you on first, then Kane will be second."

Terry: "You won't need to deal with Kane after you fight me."

Destructo: "You are too over confident. Now let me show you to your defeat. You think you can win just because you beat Renegade and the rest of those losers? I am nothing like them. My power level exceeds theirs by a landslide. Including yours as well."

Terry: "Whatever. Let's get it over with."

Leila: "Be careful Terry."

"I will. Don't worry guys. I'll come back alive."

Desctructo: "You'll come back alright, but you won't be alive. I'll deliver your corpse in pieces back to your friends."

"Yeah, you gotta beat me first."

"Don't think you have a chance against me just because you're a sayan. I eat sayan punks like you for breakfast."

"Breakfast? That reminds me. I haven't eaten anything all day. Leila, can you prepare breakfast when I come back?"

"Sure thing. Just be alright." Leila said.

Both warriors flew to the air, and Terry's friends wished him to come back safely. Kane was aggravated; he was reluctant to watch them leave. It is his mission, after all.

They flew to a deserted place, full of mountains and dry land.

Destructo: "Are you ready to lose, Mason?"

Mason: "I'm ready. To make you lose."

They started fighting violently. It was a fight like no other the planet earth had experienced. It was the most dangerous fight yet, as the titanic forces destroyed each other and everything around them. Energy blasted everywhere, destroying mountains and the ground it laid on. It was like a nuclear war between the forces of earth and outer space. After a while, it seemed Destructo had the advantage. Mason was completely injured, but Destructo had only a few minor scratches.

Zelfire, Piper, and Kane could feel the fight from where they are.

Zell: "Damn. They're going all out."

Leila: "What's happening over there? Fill me in!"

Piper: "They're not holding back one bit. This fight will decide everything."

Kane's scouter beeped like crazy. "Why is he doing this? I should be the one to fight Destructo."

Zell: "Terry has…changed. Although he is the same person as before…but he's changed. Maybe it has something to do with his sayan heritage or something."

Kane: (Is it possible that his sayan blood is boiling for war? Is that why he's so hot-headed?)

Spade and Destructo exchanged power beams left and right. Boom! Kaboom!

Spade didn't know why he decided to do what he did. Maybe he felt responsible for this. Or maybe he's over confident about being a sayan. But one thing's for sure - he's going to take charge.

Terry noticed that ever since he discovered himself, he felt himself getting stronger and stronger. Growing at a phenomenal rate. Is it because he's accepted himself? Or is it because he's fighting against other sayans? No one knows.

Damn, this guy is tough, Terry thought. But I like a tough challenge. One rises to meet a challenge. And I will overcome it. This bastard isn't going to ruin my homeland, the land which I've been raised in and lived to protect. My master taught me, with great power, comes great responsibility. If I can help, then I will. I will become earth's guardian if I must. So much has happened lately. Too much. I am a sayan? But I have been raised as a human. With human culture. Am I really a sayan? Is Renegade my brother? I am from a place called Arlia?

Sayans…Renegade…Cyber Suits…Great War…none that matters! What matters is that I'm going to beat this bastard in front of me!

Distracted by his thoughts, Terry got hit.

"It seems that the outcome has been decided, Mason. I have won."

"Don't get too excited...It's not over yet."

Destructo gasped as he stared at Terry's chest. His shirt was torn from the attack, but under the shirt, he was wearing one of the Cyber Suits. It gave him a temporary boost in power.

Destructo: "So you've been wearing it all this time, eh? It is not going to help."

Terry ran into him and made a punch, but he missed. Destructo flew up vertically and fired a bunch of energy balls at Mason as he ascended into the air. The energy balls missed him and hit the ground, creating a cloud of smoke around Terry.

"Ha ha ha ha! I hope you liked that."

Mason ascended to his opponent's level in the air and powered up. He was surrounded by a spherical aura of blue energy. Numbers appeared on Destructo's scouter and his face became one of shock as the number kept increasing. "His power level…impossible!"

Circular waves of energy protruded from his sphere and one of them hit Destructo's face and his scouter broke like cheap glass.

"You think you're strong? The joke's on you. I'm just as strong, no, even stronger than you." said Mason.

Destructo looked displeased. To Mason's surprise, he let out a laugh. "No...the joke's on you. Even if you defeat me, you won't live long. Someone much stronger than me is coming…"

"Who would that be?"

Destructo fired a beam and Mason immediately countered with his own beam, a powerful blue colored beam with high density. It blasted through Destructo's beam and then hit Destructo himself, pushing him further away. His body faded as it disintegrated. The resulting explosion lit up the sky, visible to everyone in the vicinity.

Piper: "One of their ki's disappeared. Is it…"

Zell: "There is no doubt about it. Our Terry has won."

Kane: "Amazing…Even I had trouble with Destructo myself. Your friend is something else." (Mason…you have a lot of potential.)

In Destructo's headquarters, a strange sound caught Terry's attention. A spaceship flew out and rocketed into the sky. Inside was Ren, still unconscious in the healing chamber. Terry, as he watched the ship leave planet earth, said to himself, "We'll meet again, brother."