

In a world where magic and martial arts coexist, a young human accidentally stumbles into an orc camp, unwittingly uncovering a millennia-old mystery of racial warfare. Dragons clash with demonic beasts, elves feud with dwarves, yet the animosity between humans and orcs remains unyielding. As the continent of Belrand once again finds itself in turmoil, this young man may prove to be the pivotal figure in determining the fate of races.

DaoistfDbyhk · Fantasy
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179 Chs

Chapter 43 Inexplicable conflict

The continent of Leland is a world where the weak eat the strong. A very small number of strong men and the forces behind them rule the world.

Although various races on the continent recognized slaves and the slave trade, they were not a society that could enslave civilians at will. When the strong and nobles took power, they also left a path for the common people to rise.

That is, there are academies all over the continent. Children of civilians with martial or magical talents, after being trained and educated by the academies, have the opportunity to be selected into the army or bureaucracy after graduation, or they may be recruited by aristocratic forces, thus embarking on a path that will change their destiny. Road.

There are eight most famous colleges in the Kingdom of Isaac, known as the "Seven Flowers and One Pie".

Seven of the colleges are known as the Seven Golden Flowers because of their strong overall strength, and are quite famous throughout the continent. And Guano Royal Academy is the strange flower among the "seven flowers and one flower".

The reason why Guano Royal Academy is weird is that it only admits children of nobles and wealthy families and requires recommenders to recommend them. On the other hand, there are students from the academy. It is a academy where the second generation of officials and the second generation of rich people are concentrated. There are countless weird and ridiculous things in it.

Although the college is strange, the overall strength of this college is undisputedly ranked first in the kingdom.

Guano Academy gathers the best teaching resources in the kingdom. As a royal academy, all teachers who teach will be awarded the title of Magic Yuan Pavilion Master or Wu Ying Palace Warrior, receive a royal salary, and the salary is at least three times that of professors in other colleges. Another thing that cannot be compared with other colleges is that the Royal Library is the private library of the college. The vast collection of books records the continent's dusty history, ancient magic and lost martial arts.

His Majesty Stacey, the current king of the Kingdom of Isaac, graduated from this college. Even the name of the current college was changed by the king. The name of the college is derived from the king's creed, "Only blood can defend glory!"

The King's Creed naturally became the motto of the academy.

"Get out of the way!" Arthur was looking at the blood-red motto standing on a sword-shaped boulder in front of the academy, and was suddenly pushed from behind.

Suddenly attacked, Arthur's body stumbled forward, but he instinctively raised his right leg and kicked out in the direction of the thrust.

At the same time as the screams came from behind, Arthur turned around, drew his sword, and instantly took a defensive posture.

A warrior in green clothes was curled up on the ground, holding his stomach and wailing.

Arthur practiced the "Death Technique" on a daily basis, and his stress response when he was suddenly attacked was completely ineffective, causing the man to be severely injured in an instant. Next to this man stood three other young warriors who were also wearing cyan military uniforms. They did not expect that Arthur would take action and draw his sword in an instant. He actually stood there blankly for a moment, not knowing what to do.

"Where does this country bumpkin dare to run wild here? Why are you still standing there? Catch him!" The speaker was a tall boy of fifteen or sixteen years old behind the three of them.

The young man has a handsome appearance, golden curly hair, a gorgeous golden military uniform, and a long sword decorated with golden patterns hanging on his waist. He is a handsome young man, but with a touch of arrogance in his eyebrows.

The young man spoke, and three warriors in green immediately surrounded Arthur. The first one jumped over and punched Arthur head-on. The other two warriors flanked him from both sides, one on the left and the other on the right.

As a mercenary, Arthur likes this straightforward approach. Seeing that the opponent's white fighting spirit was just a third-level warrior, Arthur punched him forward.

The two fists collided head-on. Arthur's body swayed, and he retreated two or three steps while dodging attacks from both sides. The warrior opposite him retreated five or six steps in a row and fell to the ground.

Guano Academy is built on the mountainside of Lazaro Mountain. There is only one wide road in front of the academy. The fight between several people immediately attracted many people to watch.

Today is the first day of freshman reporting, and all the boys and girls gathered here are about the same age as Arthur.

Here, Arthur took a hard kick from a warrior with his back, and used the force of his forward lunge to punch another black-clothed warrior in the waist and ribs, knocking him to the ground with one punch.

Arthur pounced forward like a hungry tiger. While dodging the warrior's second kick, he knocked the warrior who had just fallen down and just got up to the ground again.

As if he had returned to the martial arts arena of the "Blue Enchantress" mercenary group, Arthur was able to fight three with ease.

The boys and girls who were watching were all young and passionate. Seeing that Arthur still had the upper hand against three older warriors alone, some couldn't help but cheer and applaud.

The face of the blond boy standing behind became increasingly ugly, and these roars of laughter were clearly a mockery of himself.

"You losers, get out of my way!" The blond boy jumped up, his hands shaped like eagle claws, and a three-inch long light cyan fighting spirit came out, hitting Arthur's head directly.

The fighting spirit left the body, and the blond boy, who was about the same age as Arthur, was already a captain-level warrior.

Arthur glanced slightly at the corner of his mouth, but still punched him. He was still not afraid of a fourth-level warrior!

"Stop!" With a sharp shout, a figure rushed into the battle group.

Arthur didn't see the person clearly at all. He only felt a golden-red shadow flash in front of his eyes, and he fell heavily out.

The blond boy and several of his warrior followers were thrown out almost at the same time.

The fall was very heavy. Arthur took a moment to get up from the ground. In front of him was a thin middle-aged man wearing a gold and red robe. Although this man had a cold face, there were only dozens of sparse beards on his chin, which made him look inexplicably happy.

Before Arthur could laugh, the middle-aged man began to curse, "You little bastards, how dare you fight at the gate of the academy! Tell me, are you idiots, or do you want to be beaten?"

Arthur had learned this kind of battle from Randall countless times, so he made the wisest choice to shut up and admit his mistake.

The blond boy obviously had not received this kind of baptism, and couldn't help but defend: "It was that wild boy who made the move first!"

The golden-red figure flashed, and the blond boy was thrown out again, harder than the last time.

"Did I ask you? Did I ask you to speak?"

"I belong to Marquis Garfield..."

The blond boy only spoke half of what he said this time before he was thrown out again, this time he was knocked unconscious.

"I don't care who you guys are, even His Majesty Stacey must abide by the rules when he comes here, because the rules are set by His Majesty! From today on, you'd better be honest with me. If you deny me, you will regret leaving. The gate to enter the college!" The middle-aged man's words were actually addressed to the boys and girls who were watching, taking this opportunity to give these freshmen a show of strength.

Then he turned around and said to Arthur: "Little mercenary, get out of here quickly, this is the Guano Royal Academy, not the place you should come to."

Arthur was still dressed as a mercenary at this time. The earth-yellow mercenary leather armor looked very old. The gray cloak he wore was even more dusty due to the wind and sleeping all the way. He was surrounded by boys and girls in new clothes. Seems out of place.

Arthur, however, showed no fear and asked, "Is your college not recruiting students this year?"

"Of course we are recruiting, but we are not recruiting mercenaries. Every student who joins the academy needs a letter of recommendation from a nobleman, such as marquis or above. Do you have one?"

Arthur pulled out the valuable letter that had become crumpled, "Is this what you're talking about?"

The middle-aged professor was stunned...