

In a world where magic and martial arts coexist, a young human accidentally stumbles into an orc camp, unwittingly uncovering a millennia-old mystery of racial warfare. Dragons clash with demonic beasts, elves feud with dwarves, yet the animosity between humans and orcs remains unyielding. As the continent of Belrand once again finds itself in turmoil, this young man may prove to be the pivotal figure in determining the fate of races.

DaoistfDbyhk · Fantasy
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181 Chs

Chapter 42 Singalore

Everyone's eyes turned to the demon statue following the bearded ranger's shout.

Of course, Arthur and the three of them were not the only ones in the church who still maintained their fighting power. No one could ignore the dark magician who had been hiding in the dark.

With a soft creaking sound, a thin figure slowly moved out from behind the demon statue.

What appeared in front of them was not the image of a dark magician who was sinister and full of death energy as people imagined, but a boy about the same size as Arthur. The boy looked at everyone with a nervous look.

There should be a mechanism behind the demon statue, otherwise the boy would not be able to hide behind the demon statue without being discovered. The young man was holding a white bone staff of unknown material in his hand, with a wary look on his face.

No wonder the previous Punishment Knight didn't embarrass Arthur. The appearance of the young man in front of him was very different from Arthur's. The young man was thin, with flaxen hair slightly curled, and his thin lips pursed tightly. It was unknown whether it was due to long-term lack of exposure to sunlight or excessive consumption of magic. His face was pale and indifferent.

After three years of training in the mercenary group, Arthur's body is as strong as a calf. Moreover, Arthur likes to laugh. He will squint his eyes and raise the corners of his mouth when he meets others, which makes him very attractive.

The bearded ranger sneered, "I didn't expect that the dark magician who brought such a disaster to all of us was actually a young man."

The young man and the bearded ranger looked at each other and quickly lowered their heads, whispering: "I'm sorry that my disaster has affected you, and I am willing to do my best to compensate you."

The young man said, as he touched himself, but found nothing but a handful of silver coins.

His head dropped further.

The old housekeeper sighed softly, "Forget it, he is also a persecuted person. This matter is not entirely his fault."

"Of course I don't blame him, I've just never seen a dark magician before, so I'm a little curious." The bearded ranger turned to laugh and pulled the wound on his chest with a smile. He grinned in pain, "I killed more than a dozen people today. What a relief for this church bastard!"

"Child, run away quickly. I'm afraid these losses to the church today will be recorded on your head. They won't let you go!" the old housekeeper said softly.

The young man's surprised eyes swept over everyone. He had already prepared for the worst before he came out. Unexpectedly, instead of venting their anger on him, these people wanted to let him go. He wanted to remember everyone's appearance in his mind.

"My name is Solar, you can call me ANO. I owe everyone here a life, and I will repay you sooner or later!"

"We rangers never ask for anything in return, so save your own life first!" the bearded ranger said carelessly.

The old butler also waved his hand gently, "Forget it, the Grand Duke Palmer's Palace doesn't want to have anything to do with the dark magician. Just pretend that you have never seen us before. This is your greatest gratitude to us."

"My name is Arthur, Arthur Shield." Arthur smiled and extended his hand to Arnold.

The old butler and the bearded ranger on the side were shaking their heads gently. They were so young, and they didn't know the consequences of getting involved with the dark magician.

"Arthur, I remember it." Arnold repeated his name, but did not shake hands with Arthur. Instead, he bowed deeply, then bowed to everyone in the church one by one, and finally walked out of the church quickly. 's door.

This is indeed not a place to stay for a long time. The young man's figure just disappeared from everyone's sight, and the middle-aged scribe's family also said goodbye.

"We also say goodbye. I hope everyone can forget what happened today!" He gently bowed his hands to the bearded ranger and Arthur, then hugged the family and left.

Unlike the homeless ranger and Arthur, the middle-aged scribe was the most afraid of being involved in this matter. He had killed the church's priest of light and so many disciplinary knights, and even the Grand Duke's office could not protect him if the church pursued him.

"I have to ask this brother to help me dispose of the corpses of my companions." The old butler said this to the bearded ranger. He took away the belongings of several followers, but the corpses could not be treated. Taken away for burial.

The bearded ranger nodded slightly in response.

There are so many corpses in the church that cannot be left like this. The church will definitely find traces from them.

With the help of Arthur, the bearded ranger gathered all the corpses together, and then lit a fire together with the church. Fire and heavy rain will destroy most of the imprints, and the church may get nothing but a pile of charred corpses.

"Little brother, let's break up. We have a long way to go. We will meet again when we are destined!" The bearded ranger said, and threw a small purse to Arthur.

Inside was the money that had just been looted from the corpses of the Priest of Light and the Knight of Retribution. Apart from the money, the bearded ranger did not touch anything else, even valuable weapons and armor, because those things might attract the suspicion and tracking of the church.

Arthur did not refuse. According to the mercenary code, this was the reward he had just earned for his hard work, and the church was still very rich. Even if he only received half of the property, it was still a small, heavy bag.

"I will be in the Royal City in the next few years. If uncle has a chance to go to the Royal City, he can find me." Arthur smiled and waved goodbye, then turned and left.

Looking at the figure of the young man with the sword gradually disappearing, and then thinking of the young magician who had just left, the bearded ranger couldn't help but sigh softly, how come there are so many powerful little guys in the world all of a sudden!


The majestic Lazaro Mountain towers into the clouds, firmly rooted in the continent like a giant pillar supporting the sky.

The Lazaro Mountains and the Orlando Mountains are two famous mountains in the Kingdom of Isaac, and they are the foundation of the prosperity of the Kingdom of Isaac.

The Orlando Mountains stretch for thousands of kilometers and become a natural barrier separating the human kingdom and the orc wasteland. And at the foot of Lazaro Mountain is an unstoppable city in the human kingdom—the royal city of Singapore!

The city of Singapore is built around the foot of Mount Lazaro. The tall gray city wall is thirty-eight meters high. Even the war beasts of the orcs cannot climb over it. The five-meter-thick wall is made from a single piece of ebony rock in the mountain, one of the hardest rocks on the continent.

On the city wall, there are dragon-slaying giant crossbows and dwarf artillery. Behind the city wall, one hundred and eight hundred-meter-high mage towers stand in clusters. Even powerful offensive weapons can instantly prop up a magical barrier covering the entire city.

The city of Singapore has experienced the baptism of countless wars in its history, but it has never fallen. It is a truly unstoppable city in the human kingdom.

At the foot of the majestic royal city, the young man took off the cloak on his head and looked up at the city with a warm smile on his face, "Guano Royal Academy, here I come!"