

In a world where magic and martial arts coexist, a young human accidentally stumbles into an orc camp, unwittingly uncovering a millennia-old mystery of racial warfare. Dragons clash with demonic beasts, elves feud with dwarves, yet the animosity between humans and orcs remains unyielding. As the continent of Belrand once again finds itself in turmoil, this young man may prove to be the pivotal figure in determining the fate of races.

DaoistfDbyhk · Fantasy
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179 Chs

Chapter 125 Cruel War

Accompanied by the rumbling war drums, thousands of orcs poured out of the military camp and slowly pressed towards the former military city.

Dark clouds were pressing down on the city, threatening to destroy it. The densely packed orcs, with their ferocious faces and billowing murderous intent, made the soldiers at the top of the city breathless.

  Dong, dong, the war drums sounded at the top of the city at the same time. The war drums ringing in the ears made the blood of the soldiers at the top of the city boil, and the previous oppression was swept away.

With a creaking sound, the siege crossbow string was fully drawn, the catapult lever was pulled down, and pieces of sharp stones were loaded into leather bags.

The orcs are getting closer and closer. Just waiting for the commander's order, countless crossbows and boulders will smash into the orc army formation, causing them to pay the price of thousands of deaths and injuries before they get close to the city wall.

But just when the orc army was about to enter the range of the siege crossbows and catapults, the orc troops suddenly stopped.

The orcs' front row troops split to the left and right, and countless human beings were pushed out of the orc formation, and were forced by the orcs with swords and guns to walk at the front of the military formation.

After nearly a month of raids and looting, the orcs not only harvested a large amount of food and supplies, but also captured many ordinary people from the human race. Now they are being used as cannon fodder and taken to the battlefield.

The human soldiers on the top of the city all had blood-red eyes, and the commander could not bring down the starting sword he had raised.

Although the war is ruthless, the soldiers are all men of flesh and blood. How could they be so cruel as to smash crossbow arrows and boulders into innocent people of their own side?

The orcs led the human captives closer to the city wall, and the ferocious faces of the orcs gradually became clearer.

 "Raise the crossbow arm, let the orcs in the front row pass, let go!" The commander's sword finally fell.

Huge rocks rained down on the orc army's formation.

The two tribes have been at war for many years, and the orcs have long been familiar with the human race's battles. The orcs immediately raised their shields in the formation.

The rocks hit the shield with a banging sound, and many huge rocks could even knock over the shield, killing or injuring the orcs below.

The long crossbow arrows fired by the city guard's crossbows shot through the shields with a whistling sound, and one arrow pierced two or three orcs through the candied haws.

The attack of the Snowstorm Legion deliberately passed over the people in the front row and the nearby orcs. Although it caused a small amount of casualties to the orc army, it could not prevent the orc army from quickly approaching the city wall.

On the top of the city tower, a middle-aged general held the long sword under his waist and frowned as he looked at the approaching orc army formation.

"Send the order, open the city gates, and let the people into the city!"

"Commander, think twice! As soon as the city gate opens, the orcs will swarm in!" Three men behind the general shouted to dissuade him at the same time.

"If the city gate is opened, there will still be a weighing. It's better for us to fight against the orcs in the Weighing than to watch these people die under the city wall. We can save every one of them!" The middle-aged general sighed deeply. Tone.

The sound of creaking sounded one after another, and the three thick gates of the former military city slowly rose up.

The slowly rising thing is not only a city gate, but also the rekindled hope of life for thousands of human beings. The people who had been forced to leave by the orcs all started running towards the rising city gate.

 The charge speed of the orc army increased at the same time. This was the opportunity they were waiting for.

 "Archers come forward!" Following the command, a dense crowd of human archers appeared from behind the battlements.

"Sixty-five degrees straight ahead, projectile!"

With an order, thousands of arrows were fired, and the arrows fell like rain. The arrows fell slightly back from the junction between the orc army formation and the human race people. Many orcs who were following the people fell to the ground.

The strategic intention of the human archers is very clear, which is to use dense arrow rain to draw a death zone behind the human people, creating opportunities for the people to smoothly run into the city.

The orcs were also well-prepared for this, and quickly rushed out from the military formation, a group of wild boars holding shields. These guys were rough-skinned and thick-flesh. As long as they didn't hit the fatal spot, even seven or eight arrows wouldn't kill them. Coupled with the cover of their shields, they could catch up with the human race people again after just a few dashes.

 "Precise shooting, attacking the orc's lower limbs."

The human archers immediately changed from projectiles to burst shots, specifically aiming at the thighs of the pursuing orcs. The protection here was also the weakest. It was not to kill, but to slow down the orcs' pursuit speed.

After several rounds of fighting between the human and beast warriors, the fastest human beings have already reached the city gate. As long as they rush through the gate, they can regain their lives and freedom.

The people rushed through the city gates, pushing and shouting.

There was another change in the orc formation. A group of cavalry rushed out from the orc formation. Almost in the blink of an eye, they rushed through the death zone laid out by the human archers and rushed into the human team.

 Leopard Cavalry!

The orcs actually secretly hid a group of leopard cavalry in the military formation. The leopard men's cavalry are smaller and far less tall, fierce and numerous than the wolf cavalry, which is the most common among orcs. But the sparse Leopard Cavalry is a terrifying force among the orcs. Not only is it extremely fast, but it is also extremely powerful. One Leopard Cavalry can defeat two or three Wolf Cavalry alone.

 Due to the attack of the Leopard Cavalry, the human people became more chaotic, pushing each other and rushing towards the city gate. Even many wild boars who rushed through the archer blockade also rushed into the human team.

 In the end, more and more orcs and human beings rushed into the city gate together.

Looking at the chaotic scene below the city, several generals urgently suggested: "Commander, close the city gate. If it's too late, all the orcs will rush in!"

"Close the city gate." The middle-aged commander gave the order with his eyes closed.

The gate fell with a bang, and the small half of the people who had not had time to enter the city and the orcs who rushed up later were separated from the city gate.

 One step away, life and death separated, people were crying and banging on the city gate.

 Using this wave of offensive, the orc army has rushed under the city wall.

The snake archers pouring out from the military formation began to shoot at each other with the human archers on the city wall. Arrows flew all over the sky. There were orcs who kept falling to the ground, and human soldiers who fell from the top of the city from time to time. .

The orcs have already put up ladders and flying claws on the city wall, and are swarming to climb the city wall and begin to attack the city.

The human soldiers on the city wall smashed down the prepared Rolling Stones and poured scalding hot oil down.

A fierce offensive and defensive battle began.

Within the city gate, hundreds of orc cavalry and human beings rushed into the urn city together.

The orcs who rushed into the urn city rushed towards the city stairs on both sides. As long as they rushed up the city wall and caused chaos in a small section of the city wall, the orc troops outside the city could use this opportunity to continuously send up the following orc warriors.

The human army had already taken precautions against this. When the orcs poured into the city gate, the human spacemen began to rush down from the city wall, and the two sides collided head-on on the city stairs.

 Like the battle outside the city, it was another brutal life-and-death battle.

  When the last orc in the city fell, there were already piles of corpses under the stairs. The corpses of orcs and human soldiers were mixed and piled together.

Because there has been no movement in the city, the orc troops outside the city that had been unable to attack for a long time slowly withdrew.

In this chaotic battle, only a few hundred people survived in the end, and the Snow Wind Legion paid the price of nearly a thousand soldiers.

This is the first day of the battle, and there is still a long war to come...