

In a world where magic and martial arts coexist, a young human accidentally stumbles into an orc camp, unwittingly uncovering a millennia-old mystery of racial warfare. Dragons clash with demonic beasts, elves feud with dwarves, yet the animosity between humans and orcs remains unyielding. As the continent of Belrand once again finds itself in turmoil, this young man may prove to be the pivotal figure in determining the fate of races.

DaoistfDbyhk · Fantasy
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181 Chs

Chapter 124 Dragon Soul Distribution

Arthur, a greedy guy, led the secret of Dragon Soul to the distribution of profits in just one sentence.

Austin's great magician almost couldn't help but hit Arthur with another thunderbolt and killed him directly.

This is the dragon soul! Even the dragon soul that is about to dissipate will definitely fetch a sky-high price once it appears at auction. What's more, no magician will sell it if they get it. It has great research value for the magician union, and the union will meet any requirements for providing dragon soul magicians.

Now Arthur is taking advantage of the loopholes in Austin's great magician's previous words, and also wants to share the benefits of the dragon soul. Competing with your own students? The great magician Austin really couldn't pull that face off.

Austin thought for a while and said: "This dragon soul is of no practical use to you, but it is of great research value to the academy. Let's do this. I will make the decision for the academy and reward you with one hundred thousand gold coins or two pieces of excellent equipment of equivalent value. "

  It was one hundred thousand gold coins at the first opening. The value of this dragon soul was so high that all the students were stunned.

If it were anyone else, he would probably agree to the great magician's conditions without hesitation, but today Austin is facing two "Kings of Weirdness", Arthur and Becky.

Arthur and Becky shook their heads almost at the same time. Becky was already holding the piece of dragon tree and wouldn't let go, as if she was afraid that the great magician Austin would snatch it away from her again.

Austin now regrets exposing his trump card so early, and has no choice but to bite the bullet and continue negotiating the price with his students, "Then what are your conditions? If it's not too excessive, I can fight for you from the academy or even the king?"

 "A piece of legendary equipment."

 "Four pieces of excellent equipment."

 Arthur and Becky spoke at the same time, but both spoke loudly.

 Legendary equipment is also a priceless treasure. You may be able to find one or two pieces by searching through the entire Blood Glory Academy, but it is definitely not worth it to exchange for a dragon soul that is about to dissipate!

As for the four pieces of excellent equipment, the great magician Austin couldn't even get four pieces on his own.

The great magician Austin was so angry that he stamped his feet and turned around and walked away, "You can decide among yourselves how to divide it!"

 The great wizard Austin was angry, and the focus of interest immediately shifted to Arthur and Becky. The team that was vaguely formed through a life-and-death battle is likely to split into two small groups again due to uneven distribution of interests.

Mercenaries don't hurt their feelings when talking about money. Arthur smiled and said to Becky: "Thank you for helping me this time. Except for the dragon soul, you pick first the harvest this time."

Becky blinked and looked at Arthur, "What about the dragon soul?"

The dragon soul obtained this time has the greatest value, and it is also the thing that is most likely to cause disputes between the two parties. Arthur wants to deal with it last, but Becky wants to solve it first.

"Based on the four pieces of excellence-level equipment you just offered. If one party wants it, compensate the other party with two pieces of excellence-level equipment or one hundred thousand gold coins. If he doesn't want any of them, he can sell them to Atlantis, and the proceeds from the auction will be shared equally by both parties. "

 Becky nodded, "That's reasonable. I want that dragon soul."

Arthur looked back at Gold and Nine and found that neither of them had much interest in the dragon soul. He himself had no idea how to use the dragon soul, so he nodded in agreement, "Okay, just compensate us as agreed. "

"I want another thunder python egg and the horn of the ninth-level thunder python. Can the rest be yours as compensation?" Becky said with some embarrassment, and then added, "In addition, the captain will also give it to you."

"No." Gold refused before Arthur could say anything. "Don't get involved with who is the captain and the distribution of profits. Each side will take half of the thunder python eggs and horns. It's enough to give you the ninth-level horn." You took advantage. The remaining half of the snake gallbladder, snake teeth, scales and other materials are not worth two pieces of excellent equipment. You have to compensate us for at least one piece of excellent equipment or equivalent gold coins."

Becky also knew in her heart that the value of the remaining half of the materials was not worth half a dragon soul, but she was stumped just by asking them to come up with an excellent piece of equipment or 50,000 gold coins.

 Excellent-level equipment is not a piece of cake. Many war school-level warriors and high-level magicians do not have it. The ones in Gold and Huey's hands were because they came from the families of princes and grand dukes. The ones on Arthur's possession were obtained through many adventures with their own lives. Nine, who was a little worse, did not have excellent equipment. As for Becky and the others, unless they were able to save their lives and not be exposed, the only things they could really use were Becky's moon ring and the meteorite black shield in Lu Gang's hand, which could reach the excellence level.

As for the fifty thousand gold coins, although Becky and the others all came from wealthy families, they were still graduated students after all. They had no other income except the pocket money of a few hundred or at most a thousand gold coins given by their families. The whole academy, who is trying so hard to make extra money like Arthur, can't find anyone else.

Seeing Becky's embarrassment, Arthur couldn't bear it, "Forget the extra compensation. Anyway, you have helped us a lot just now. In terms of profits, we will suffer some losses this time. I hope we can complete this elite event as a team." "College Contest."

Gold gave Arthur a fierce look, but Arthur had already agreed, so she didn't say anything more.

Becky immediately smiled when she saw Arthur's promise, "Thank you, thank you, Sister Gold, but that piece of excellent equipment is something I owe you for the time being, and I will definitely pay you back in the future!"

Becky's character is sometimes like a little girl, with all her emotions and sorrows displayed on her face, and sometimes she is so quirky that it is completely unpredictable.

Arthur waved his hand and didn't take it seriously. Among all the people, only Arthur really didn't take an excellent piece of equipment to hear. Arthur now has four pieces of equipment of the excellence level or equivalent to the excellence level, including the space bracelet, the clear water ring, the meteor sword and the wolf-kissed blue dagger. There is even an unused orc excellence level piece lying in the bracelet. Chain mail. In terms of richness, Austin's great magician may not be as good as Arthur!

A few people packed up their loot and walked out of the cave, only to find that the great magician Austin had left early. It seemed that they were furious at Arthur and Becky this time.

 Fortunately, Arthur and the others both had the magic map of the forest in their hands, and they took turns carrying Huey on their backs and continued on the road. There were no surprises along the way until I met Professor Aug and Elaine, who had been waiting at the agreed place outside the forest.

 The news I got from Professor Ogu was that the great magician Austin just left in anger and went to Alan dis to wait for them.

Next, Arthur and his party resumed their schedule of traveling during the day and training at night, but without the grumpy old man Austin the Great Magician, everyone, including Professor Ogu, felt a lot more relaxed.

 Because of the previous experience of fighting together and Arthur's concessions in the distribution of benefits, the invisible barrier between the two groups disappeared unconsciously.

Along the way, the young people were talking and laughing among themselves, and they were able to enjoy the unique beautiful mountains, rivers and customs of the Rock Kingdom and the Light Empire, making this trip to the Atlantis Elite Academy for hegemony a study tour full of joy. Journey of.

The happy time was fleeting, twenty days passed by in the blink of an eye, and Atlantis, the legendary city of human miracles, was already in sight...