

In a world where magic and martial arts coexist, a young human accidentally stumbles into an orc camp, unwittingly uncovering a millennia-old mystery of racial warfare. Dragons clash with demonic beasts, elves feud with dwarves, yet the animosity between humans and orcs remains unyielding. As the continent of Belrand once again finds itself in turmoil, this young man may prove to be the pivotal figure in determining the fate of races.

DaoistfDbyhk · Fantasy
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215 Chs

Chapter 118 The Hunting Begins

The fighting in the border areas is intensifying.

Although the armies of the two tribes have not yet broken out into a full-scale battle, small-scale, low-intensity fighting takes place on the battlefield again and again every day.

The orcs still had no plan to attack the city. Many orc troops were dispersed to plunder human villages and towns, and then transported the looted food and people back to the orc camp.

 Aiming at the cavalry of the Snow Legion, the orcs expanded the size of the hunting team, and several hunting teams acted at the same time. Once one of the hunting teams was attacked, they desperately held back the human cavalry troops and waited for rescue from the surrounding troops.

A few times, small groups of orcs were even deliberately sent out as bait to lure the human cavalry into taking the bait, and then encircled them.

The Cavalry Regiment of the Snow Wind Legion suffered several losses at the beginning. One of the besieged cavalry regiment even lost nearly half of its cavalry before it broke out from the encirclement of the orc troops.

But the human cavalry quickly made targeted adjustments. They attacked the orc hunting party with one blow, only seeking to kill and injure them rather than annihilate them. They would never fight with them, and they withdrew early before other orc troops formed an encirclement.

 In addition, several cavalry regiments have discussed the sweep route and scope in advance. Once a unit is surrounded, other cavalry regiments can quickly reinforce it.

 This was a life-for-life war of attrition. In the tug of war, hundreds of soldiers from the two tribes died every day.

On the other side of the battlefield, Arthur's 7th Squadron encountered the first orc tribe the day after it broke into the orc border area.

This is a werewolf tribe, and the tribal camp is built on a low mountain with sparse vegetation.

Arthur and Jose ventured close to the camp and killed two werewolves patrolling the outside. After some reconnaissance, they quickly led the squadron away from the orc tribe.

Things were far from easy as imagined. The scale of this camp was too large. With a rough look in the distance, we found forty or fifty shadowy werewolves in the camp. With the size of the 40 people in the 7th Squadron, there was no guarantee that they could swallow up this camp in one go.

On the third day, the 7th Squadron discovered two orc tribes sitting on the river beach.

Neither of the two orc tribes is as big as the previous werewolf camp, but the distance between the two tribes' camps is too close. If one of the orc tribes is attacked, the other will probably rush over to rescue them.

 After weighing the situation, Arthur still led the people to retreat.

 On the battlefield, Arthur himself can be crazy and desperate, but as the captain, he must be responsible for the soldiers of the entire squadron. Without any supplies and backup, the 7th Squadron cannot withstand any major losses. As long as more than 30% of the battle losses occur, the morale of the troops will be completely destroyed, and it will be even more difficult in the future.

 After missing several orc tribes in a row, a jackal tribe close to the edge of the forest entered the target of the 7th Squadron.

Jackals are smaller orcs, one head shorter than human soldiers. Although their individual combat power is not strong, they are very cunning. They are among the smarter orcs. Jackal tribes are generally vassals of werewolf tribes.

The jackal tribe in front of us is not large in scale, and the wooden tribal village walls are somewhat dilapidated. Looking through the gaps in the village wall, we can see that there are only twenty or thirty orcs active in the village, and there are not many adult orc warriors. .

"Captain, this is it, it won't be a big problem to capture this tribe." The monkey's eyes flashed with excitement, and he lay beside Arthur and suggested in a low voice.

"To be on the safe side, you and two brothers will keep an eye on them and try to find out as much as possible the number of orcs in the village. We'll start again at night."

"When did you become so timid?" the monkey muttered.

 "Keep an eye on it!" Arthur slapped the monkey and led the people to retreat.

 The time of waiting was so unbearable. Watching the sun in the sky slowly turning westward, the soldiers of the 7th Squadron stayed up little by little until dark, and then late into the night. Because they were worried that the fire would be discovered by the orc tribe in the distance, the soldiers only ate two pieces of dry meat each.

"Captain, it's time to take action. We've been watching for a long time. Except for a dozen orcs who came back in the evening to collect, there has been no change in the camp." The monkey sneaked back.

As soon as the monkey came back, the soldiers all gathered around him and looked at Arthur eagerly.

"Okay, get ready to take action! Be smart and don't risk your life on this small tribe."

The soldiers were gearing up one by one and silently drew their weapons.

Arthur looked around at the soldiers surrounding him, and suddenly felt sour in his heart. He gave an order, and these soldiers followed him to death without any complaints.

 "Wait a minute."

Amid everyone's doubtful gazes, Arthur shook his space bracelet open, and weapons and armor fell out of it, quickly forming a pile.

Arthur's space bracelet contains more than a dozen pieces of third-level and fourth-level enchanted equipment, and nearly twenty pieces of third-level equipment without enchantment. These are all the inventory that Arthur has not finished processing during his last robbery of the trading house, as well as the materials he bought to prepare for enchantment.

The surrounding soldiers all widened their eyes, including Jose and his captains. These soldiers usually have no chance to come into contact with enchanted equipment, but now there is a pile in front of them. Their captains are so rich!

No matter how valuable the equipment is, it is not as valuable as a human life. Arthur urged: "Put on all these equipments, take one piece for each person, and get familiar with the new equipment first!"

The monkey's eyes were shining brightly, "Captain, I will be yours from now on! I will do whatever you ask me to do!"

"Go away, I don't want you." Although Arthur cursed, he threw his level 4 "Wandering Sorrow" bow to the monkey, "Now these things are only temporarily lent to you, but this time if you can come back alive with me, I will give each of you a level 3 piece of equipment, and you monkeys will each get a piece of level 3 enchanted equipment."

The soldiers excitedly rushed forward and lifted Arthur up. If they were not worried about making a big noise, they would have thrown Arthur into the air with cheers.

Weapons and equipment are the second life of soldiers. No soldier does not like magic weapons, but as the most basic soldiers, they can only get the most basic standard weapons.

After this arming, the combat effectiveness of the Seventh Squadron was directly doubled. A squadron of forty people could be worth a large group of one hundred people.

Arthur led the squadron slowly towards the camp of the Jackal tribe.

Many orc tribes have mounted beasts or beasts that guard the courtyard. Before the attack was officially launched, Arthur lit a pile of a mixture of wild wood chrysanthemums and three-color mandala at the upwind position, letting the smoke slowly drift in. Orc camp.

 When there was no more movement in the camp, agile figures rushed toward the orc camp, and a revenge killing immediately began...