

In a world where magic and martial arts coexist, a young human accidentally stumbles into an orc camp, unwittingly uncovering a millennia-old mystery of racial warfare. Dragons clash with demonic beasts, elves feud with dwarves, yet the animosity between humans and orcs remains unyielding. As the continent of Belrand once again finds itself in turmoil, this young man may prove to be the pivotal figure in determining the fate of races.

DaoistfDbyhk · Fantasy
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215 Chs

Chapter 117 Bold Idea

The northwest border area of the Kingdom of Isaac is raging with war.

The orcs were frantically killing and looting human villages and towns. The cavalry regiments of the Snow Legion attacked in all directions, targeting small groups of orcs who plundered villages and towns. The orcs also paid a heavy price.

 All this has nothing to do with Arthur and his 7th Squadron. They have no way to break through the orcs' defense line and join the large army, and can only continue to wander in the woods.

 Compared with looting the rich human villages, the orcs were too lazy to deal with such a small and insignificant human force. The orc chasing team withdrew after a day.

In the following days, the 7th Squadron not only was not attacked by orcs again, but also took in a dozen surviving soldiers from other squadrons, all of whom were smart veterans. They hid in tree holes or snow pits and escaped death.

  Arthur directly organized them into his three squadrons, and the strength of the seventh squadron actually strengthened.

Arthur and the others have been wandering in the woods for five days. What can be confirmed now is that Bronte did not deliberately conceal the news of the retreat that day. All the squadrons in the regiment were attacked that night.

Without the supplies from the rear, it would be difficult for the troops to survive in the woods under normal circumstances, but because of Arthur's strange existence, his space bracelet stores a large amount of food and water. And the existence of Alia, the light priest, has guaranteed the independent viability of the 7th Squadron.

Several fires were lit in the woods, and except for the soldiers who were scattered around on sentry duty, all the soldiers of the 7th Squadron were sitting around the fires. There was an iron pot on the fire, which contained a mixture of porridge and dried meat.

Arthur, Aaliyah and Jose were sitting together. Jose was gently stirring the porridge pot with his sword, and the aroma of the mixed rice and meat gradually came out.

"Captain, we need to make plans early. Hunting alone cannot support the consumption of more than forty people. In a few days, we may not even have porridge." Jose said in a low voice.

 "How long will this war last?" Arthur asked another question.

"It's uncertain. If, as usual, the orcs just plan to solve the food problem, they will take the initiative to withdraw in the summer when the orc wasteland can produce enough harvests. Even if they don't want to withdraw by then, the two legions of Dengue and Frostlei and The reinforcements coming from the interior will also drive them back. But if the orcs have other intentions, and other orc tribes will join the war later, this war may last two or three years. "

Arthur was slightly surprised, "Are you saying that only some of the orc tribes invaded our human border this time?"

"Well, they are just some of the orc tribe warriors who are attached to the Golden Lion Family."

"Old Jose, you are getting better and better. You can tell which tribe these orcs belong to after just one fight?" Even the monkey was surprised by this.

Jose smiled naively, "Actually, it's not difficult to guess. The three major tribes of the orcs are the Golden Lion, the Blood Flame Wolf, and the Azure Eagle. The spheres of influence of the Golden Lion and the Blood Flame Wolf among the three major tribes are not much different. , but there are only a few large orc tribes that rely on the Blood Flame Wolf. If the invasion is led by the Blood Flame Wolf, most of the orcs will be werewolves and wolf cavalry. "

"The Golden Lion family is the oldest family among the orcs. It occupies the royal court of the orcs and regards itself as the king of the beasts. Therefore, most of the nobles and many small tribes among the orcs are willing to rely on the Golden Lion. Among the orcs who invaded this time, there are bear people, There are many orc warriors from small tribes such as leopard men and elephant men, so I guess they must be orc warriors belonging to the Golden Lion family."

"Where is the green eagle that day?" Arthur couldn't help but ask. He knew that Leon came from the Golden Lion family, so he was very interested in the three major tribes of the orcs.

"The Azure Eagle has the smallest sphere of influence, but most of the people who rely on them are the winged tribe of orcs who have the ability to fly. The winged warriors from the Azure Eagle are also the most difficult to deal with among the three major tribes."

"Hey, are there flying orcs? I've been a soldier for five years and I haven't seen any of them." Monkey interjected.

"The sphere of influence of the Azure Eagle tribe is in the Rocky Mountains in the northernmost part of the orc wasteland. Because they are too far away, they rarely have wars with us, Isaac. The last time I saw a winged warrior among the orcs was ten What about the battle at Sighing Canyon two years ago?"

"Twelve years ago, the Canyon of Sighs?" Arthur's heart moved. "Isn't it the battle in which the Cairns Division paid a great price? What happened in that battle made the few winged warriors among the orcs... Joining the war?" Arthur fell into thought again.

"Captain, let's have a bowl of porridge." Aaliyah brought the porridge to Arthur and gently pushed his arm before pulling Arthur out of his thoughts.

Arthur took two mouthfuls of porridge and then said slowly, "Since this war has no end in sight in a short time, we can't always hide in the woods. We must first find some ways to solve the problem of food sources."

"How about we find a way to sneak attack the orcs' supply transport team?" Monkey suggested.

"No." Jose directly vetoed the monkey. "Unlike our human army, the orc warriors basically don't rely on supplies. Most of their food is stolen from us. Even if they have a small amount of rear supplies, they are heavily guarded. We have this People have no chance."

"I think we can find a way to catch the lone orcs. They're starving, so let's eat them!" Land said in a loud voice.

Land's words scared Aria beside her so much that her face turned pale. Thinking about eating orcs makes her sick.

"Maybe we can change our thinking." Arthur said slowly, "Since the orcs can loot our villages for supplies, why can't we loot the orc tribes? And the adult warriors of each orc tribe have been transferred to the battlefield, little There must not be many warriors left in the tribe."

José, Monkey and Land all had their eyes lit up, "Yes, go and work on the orcs' side!"

 Because of Arthur's random idea, the 7th Squadron went further and further down its own path...

Singapore, Palmer House.

Mrs. Gloria was packing the clothes of the middle-aged scribe Dino, and whispered softly: "Why does father have to take you with him this time?"

"The Snow Wind Legion has started fighting with the orcs, and the Frost and Thunder Legion may join the war at any time. Your father must personally go to the legion to take charge."

"I mean, it's enough for father to go, why do you have to follow me?"

Dino sneered, "Only your younger brothers, since your eldest brother died, have the courage to move forward in the fight for power and let them lead troops to fight against the orcs. It's too late to hide one by one. Your father asked, I was worried that no one would be available at the critical moment."

"Father already knows that your meridians have recovered?"

Hind suddenly stepped forward and hugged Gloria, "Only you can be so simple, the majestic Archduke Palmer, what can you really hide from him?"

"Do you mean that your father intends for you to take over the legion?"

Dino sighed, "Even if the Grand Duke has this idea, your brothers will not agree. If one day I am forced to take action to protect myself, you must be mentally prepared."

Gloria leaned her head completely against her husband's neck and whispered softly in her ear, "Since I left this home with you, I have given up on them."

 A little head suddenly popped in through the crack in the door, "Mom, Dad, what are you doing?"