


It took us almost 30 minutes to drive to Arturo Medical Center. Four of the bodyguards came with us inside the hospital. Royce and I hurried to the front desk, and I immediately asked the staff in charge.

"Ms. we are looking for Marica Lopez. She was admitted just an hour ago and our friend told us she’s still in the emergency room."

The woman wearing white, probably in her mid-30s scanned the desktop immediately. She had a pleasant smile when she seemed to have found the answer. "Ms. Lopez is already in her suite room. Please head to room 309."

"Thank you," I said as I nodded at her.

"Baby, let’s go," I said and dragged Royce on the elevator, the four men followed us. My heart was pounding in my chest even stronger with every step I made on our way to Marica’s room.

"Calm down baby, we’ll get there now."

"Baby, you know I can’t. I’m so worried about Marica. My head just won’t stop thinking about the worst-case scenario."

"I’m here," Royce said, clasping his hand on mine tightly until we reached the third floor.

I didn’t even knock on the door when we were in front of room 309 where Marica was confined. It was quite a relief seeing her awake as I opened the door.

"Marica, how are you?" I ran to her side and hugged her.

"Besty, it’s just a few bruises and minor injuries. I thank God, some people were kind enough to help me," she answered, inclining one arm around my shoulder.

"Oh my God, it’s a relief seeing you in good shape. On our way here, there were too many things going on in my head."

"Like your dad and your brother’s accident or shall I say the planned incident two years ago?" Marica said.

"Yes, I’m sorry, I can’t help it." Marica smiled at me as she stroked my back. She knows me too well; she knows it triggered my anxiety and brought back the bad memories related to the tragic incident.

"She was restless even when we were in the car, even though I keep reassuring her everything will be fine," Royce chimed in. "Marica, I'm glad you're fine."

"Thanks, Royce, and thank you for taking care of my freaky best friend."

"Yeah, I don't have any other choice but to stick with boyfriend duty," Royce said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes at them, and they responded with laughter including Leo. But Royce walked close to me and kissed me on the cheek. It seemed it was his way of comforting me from his little mischief. I glared at him, and he responded by hugging me at the back.

"Besty, it’s good to know Leo is always here for you," I said, diverting the topic while glancing at Leo.

"Yeah, when I came out of the emergency room, he was waiting outside and came here with me. There’s no one I can ask for help besides you, that’s why I included him on my emergency list to call. I don’t know why they called him instead of you."

"They probably think you need a boyfriend instead of a best friend," I said naughtily as I wink at Marica. I heard the two boys giggling.

"Nelly..." Marica’s eyes glared at me like she could stab me with them.

"What?" I said like I didn't have any clue why she was pissed off. I laughed at Marica, her eyes were still piercing at me.

"Fine...anyway, I have a serious question. Do you think what happened to you was related to the incident two years ago?"

"Possible, because I am certain that the driver intended to hit me in the secluded area," Marica's voice changed instantly. She was looking at the wall and narrowing her eyes while trying to remember what exactly happened.

"It was a miracle that two cars appeared before the culprit had pushed off the cliff. I was unconscious after the sudden strong and several impacts of the bump."

"That is a serious indication of a planned hit and run. I hope the eyewitnesses will be able to help us in this case. We should track them off."

"No need, besty, the men who saved me had given their statement before you guys came."

"That’s good news, it will help quickly solve the case."

"Yes, Nelly, they also promise to testify if needed," Leo chimed in. "It was clear to them that the Ferrari Spyder intended to hit Marica’s car and push her off the cliff. Unlucky for the culprit, two men were able to witness it before he succeeded."

I was shocked to hear the truth, which confirmed my doubts.

"So, we have a strong reason to believe that it was the same people who did the fake accident for dad and Mark. Marica, you don't have enemies as evil as those who killed my brother."

"I guess so but we need to find substantial evidence to support our claim. For now, we don't even know who the man behind the wheel is."

"We'll do that besty. I'm sorry that you had to go through all of these just because you are my best friend."

"Nelly, don't say that. Even if we confirm that they are doing this to warn or threaten your family, I don't blame any of you. We will win this war together as a family," Marie said as she held my hand tightly.

"Marica was right, this is not the time for us to be divided. We need to show those people how unbreakable and strong we are together," Leo said as he walked close to Marica's side.

"We are all in this together," Royce seconded.

"Thank you, guys. I appreciate all your efforts in helping my family," I said, looking at each one of them, conveying my sincerest gratitude.

"Guys, I think we need to talk," Leo suggested. "Royce, how about we get some coffee?" He asked.

"Sure, black coffee for me, no sugar," Marica said excitedly. It must be for both the idea of chit-chat and the coffee. Marica is a coffee person.

"Besty, are you allowed to drink coffee?"

"Nelly, it's just a coffee. Relax."

"Alright, cappuccino for me," I said.

The boys went out for coffee so I thought of talking to Marica about her relationship with Leo. "Besty, Leo seems so sweet. I noticed changes in him. He is not the guy who only wants to stay in the bar and club, always wants to have a good time."

"Well, it's probably because of his responsibilities in their companies, he has to focus on it. He barely has time for me after his classes and apprentice in their company."

"Yeah, it could be, but I seriously think it has something to do with you. He has changed for you."

"Nelly, stop it," Marica replied, shaking her head.

"Are you gonna keep denying your feelings for him? Can you be true to yourself this time?"

"I don't know. Nelly, there's too much pressure on my shoulder right now, especially since my parents want me to join their group of companies. They see me as a candidate who will replace them one day and I don't want it. You know I love to build my own. I don't wanna be under their shadow. Everything feels like they are stealing my dreams from me."

I felt sorry for my best friend when I saw the burden on her face. Marica has been very supportive of me and my family but in return, I haven't done her a favor. I leaned over and hugged her tightly trying to suppress my guilt. I should have asked how she was.

"I'm sorry besty, I didn't have time to ask how was your life going. It's always me. You're always here for me but I haven't reciprocated all those favors you did."

"Oh, Nelly, please stop blaming yourself. This is a family matter, we can fix this, okay? Stop crying, you silly girl," Marica said, wiping my cheeks. Only by then, did I notice my face was damp from my tears.

"Look what you did? I'm crying now," Marica said, wiping her tears.

It was on time, the door was screeched open, and Royce and Leo appeared holding mugs of coffee.

"Guys, what's wrong?" Leo asked worriedly.