

A young boy named Nero harbors a lofty ambition that even great individuals find challenging to attain: he wants to conquer the continent of Grimfield and establish restaurants worldwide. Grimfield is an enigmatic continent filled with hidden secrets. Adventurers compete to satiate their inner curiosity because the continent is situated at the world's edge. Every adventurer attempting to conquer Grimfield will face three formidable beings guarding the enigmatic land. Nero has a close friend named Feline, a girl of the half-cat human race, who offers to assist Nero in his quest to conquer Grimfield and become a cook in his restaurant. However, Nero was skeptical of her offer and found himself in an unexpected situation. As an apology for doubting her, Nero had to give a drop of his blood and marry Feline. Upon reaching the age of 16, both of them registered as adventurers and embarked on their journey to conquer the continent of Grimfield, now as a married couple. *Character illustrations are in the chapter comments and paragraph comments*

Aegasakki · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Prologue [Part 1] - Nero's ambition

Grimfield, a mysterious continent harboring the world's greatest secret, is located at the far end of the world and attracts curious adventurers. Within Grimfield lies the Crystal of Hope, bestowing immense power to whoever seeks to rule the world. However, the land and waters of Grimfield are guarded by three formidable monsters; adventurers find themselves incapable of defeating these creatures, and most meet instant demise upon sensing their presence. The existence of these three guardians makes adventurers think twice before setting foot on the land that harbors such a profound secret.

10 years ago, there was an adventurers faction that dared to challenge the ferocity of the three monsters that guarded the continent of Grimfield. That faction is called Darknite, a faction of 5,000,320 adventurers that holds the title of being the strongest faction in the world. However, despite being led by a competent leader, the Darknite faction was unable to defeat the three guardian monsters of Grimfield. Of the 5,000,320 Darknite members who fought to conquer the continent of Grimfield, only 20 managed to escape the battlefield and return to the main continent alive.

Despite surviving the battle against the three monsters that guarded the continent of Grimfield, those 20 people were infected with a mysterious disease that couldn't be cured, and they suffered from various kinds of excruciating grievances. Laboratory test results showed that the blood of the 20 people was contaminated with black flakes that contained dangerous energy.

The flakes were later named "Darkmatter" by the World Health Organization. The Darkmatter disease is predicted to be far deadlier than cancer; however, people with Darkmatter can utilize the energy from the black flakes in their blood as power if they are able to tame the disease.

The power of Darkmatter belongs to the category of legendary-level power, and the destruction that the power of Darkmatter produces is very high. According to ability observers from the Adventurer's Association, the power of Darkmatter is capable of destroying a big kingdom in a matter of minutes if the user is at a professional level. However, the power of Darkmatter has a side effect, namely, the more often it is used, the more the level of contamination of black flakes in the user's blood will increase, and when the level of contamination reaches its maximum point, the user will die instantly.

Rulers from all over the kingdom agreed to isolate the 20 people in a dungeon to prevent the Darkmatter disease from spreading. However, of the many studies conducted by the World Health Organization, there is no strong evidence that the Darkmatter disease can be transmitted. So, the 20 people were released and monitored very closely, considering they could abuse the power of the Darkmatter disease.

The failure of the Darknite faction to conquer the continent of Grimfield had a huge impact on the world. The citizens of the world fear that the three guardian beings of Grimfield will attack the main continent as a form of retaliation for the conquest efforts. Adventurers also experience a decrease in enthusiasm for carrying out their duties, and every week dozens of adventurers choose to resign, aka take early retirement. However, the Adventurer's Association did not remain silent; they were very serious about dealing with the bad effects.

The Adventurer's Association stated: "Whichever faction succeeds in conquering the continent of Grimfield, all of its members will be promoted to seven-star adventurers (the highest rank that no adventurers has yet attained), each will receive a territory on the continent, and they will be given abundant treasures." The Adventurer's Association statement immediately ignited the enthusiasm of adventurers from all over the world and began the golden era of adventurers. The citizens of the world also flocked to become adventurers to conquer the continent of Grimfield.


"And that's the story of the adventurers' struggle to conquer the continent of Grimfield...." A black-haired woman was holding a 6-year-old boy on a wide, soft bed. Beside the bed was a tiny lamp that stood firmly on a round table.

Wearing sexy lingerie, the woman placed the thin book she had just finished reading on the round table. She then gracefully stroked the black hair of the boy in her lap, her red eyes fixed on a wall clock displaying 11 p.m. Finally, she gently massaged the child's tiny hands.

"Wow, so impressive! Nero was very impressed with the story of the adventurers in conquering the continent of Grimfield, but Nero was also sad because they failed, mom...." The boy named Nero lowered his head deeply, he looked very sad, his eyes were red to the point of tears eyes filled with sorrow. However, the sadness vanished when his mother returned to stroke her hair lovingly.

"Don't be sad, sweetie. Failure is the beginning of a success. I'm sure that one day, great adventurers will conquer the continent of Grimfield."

Nero was silent for a moment before finally wiping the tears streaming down his face. He looked up at his mother with an optimistic smile and said, "I am one of those great adventurers, mother!"

"!!!" Nero's mother was very surprised to hear her son's words; she was stunned and covered her mouth with her right hand.

"Do you want to become an adventurer and conquer the continent of Grimfield, sweetie?"

Nero nodded. "Yes mom. After hearing the story of the Grimfield continent, Nero was motivated to become an adventurer. Nero is also curious about the figures of the three guardian monsters of Grimfield and the great secrets stored on that continent."

"Oh, I see. Amazing ambition. After successfully conquering the continent of Grimfield, what do you want to achieve? Become the richest man in the world? Or be the ruler of the continent of Grimfield surrounded by many beauties?" After asking, Nero's mother flashed a sweet smile.

"No. Nero is not interested in that kind of thing, mom."

"So, what do you want to achieve, sweetie?"

"Nero wants to open the grandest, fanciest, and tastiest restaurant in the whole world! That is my dream, mother!" Nero raised his hands up and grinned widely as he made his wish.

"Eh? Conquering the continent of Grimfield just to open a restaurant? H-hahahaha."

At first, Nero's mother underestimated her son's unexpected dream, but after seeing her son's red eyes flash brightly, she realized that his dream was not just a child's wishful thinking. Eyes burning brightly are a form of great desire. Nero was really serious about conquering the continent of Grimfield in order to get money so he could open restaurants around the world.

"What do you think, mother? Having lots of swanky restaurants is really cool, right?" Nero grinned happily.

"Yeah, really cool. However, I am confused with you, sweetie. Why did you suddenly want to open a restaurant? Even though this afternoon you said you didn't have a dream when I asked you."

"Hmmm...." Nero lowered his head and touched his chin with his right hand. He was trying to form the right words to say to his mother.

"???" Nero's mother tilted her head to the right. She was very confused with her son's unpredictable way of thinking.

"This afternoon, Nero accidentally read your history book, mother. Nero learned about the famine that struck the world 20 years ago. Many children of Nero's age suffered from malnutrition and died. Nero himself despised hunger, so he could imagine the torment they endured. Motivated by this dark history, Nero aspires to open restaurants worldwide. Someday, if famine strikes again, Nero aims to voluntarily distribute delicious food to those in need."

After hearing the reason behind her son's dream, Nero's mother was deeply moved. She didn't expect that her child, who was still a child, had a mature mind and a high sense of empathy. It felt like crying with joy, but Nero's mother couldn't do that in front of her child; she had to be strong in responding to her child's dream, which was truly noble.

"So, there is an implied good purpose behind your dream. I didn't think you had thought that far; you're a smart kid, Nero. I'm so proud of you." Nero's mother stroked her son's black hair, then hugged him from behind with affection. Meanwhile, Nero seemed comfortable in his mother's arms as he flashed a sweet, innocent smile.

"Will you support Nero, mom?"

"Of course, yes. As long as your dreams don't harm yourself or others, I will give you support. However, remember that conquering the continent of Grimfield is no easy task; you have to train extremely hard to become a great adventurer."

"Okay. Thank you, Mom. From now on, Nero will start training every day. However, Nero doesn't know whom to train with. And Nero is unsure about which abilities to focus on to become an adventurer."

"Ah, so you need a mentor, huh? How about asking Feline's father for help? He's a former five-star adventurer, and who knows, he might be willing to be your mentor." Nero's mother touched her son's nose with her forefinger after making the suggestion.

"Okay, Mom, tomorrow Nero will visit Feline's house and meet her father. Nero hopes Feline's father is willing to be my mentor," said Nero, excitedly.

Nero's mother smiled. "Now it's time to sleep. Tomorrow will be a tiring day, so you must rest enough not to tire easily."

"Yes, Mom." Nero nodded his head innocently, while giving his mother a sweet smile.

Nero's mother laid her son on the bed and covered him with a thick blanket.

*Nero's mother illustration and her temporary profile.*


The next day, at 9:03 am.

Nero stood near the rustic brown door, a picture of morning vitality after a refreshing shower. His black hair shimmered, and his skin glowed in the sunlight. Clad in simple casual attire, Nero exuded an effortless elegance.

"Mom, Nero will be leaving for Feline's house!" Nero was very excited; he was so energetic after eating breakfast with his mother.

"Be careful on the road, sweetie! When it's late, come home immediately!" Nero's mother exclaimed from a room.

"Understood, mother!" Nero took a pair of tiny flip-flops from the shoe rack and put them on. Nero stood at the door of the house, then he stood on tiptoe, trying to reach the doorknob with his right hand. Nero had difficulty reaching it, but in the end he managed to open the door perfectly.

Nero breathed in the crisp, morning air as he stepped onto the lush green grass, sealing the door behind him. With determination in his heart, he embarked on the path to chase his long-cherished dreams.

Nero's home boasts a charming simplicity, with sturdy brick walls and a roof sheltered beneath robust tiles. Adorned in a soothing coat of gray paint, the single-story dwelling features five strategically placed windows that invite sunlight to dance within. Enclosed by a protective wooden fence, the residence exudes comfort and decency, proving that a cozy abode need not be grand in size.


In the midst of the rainy season, a cool breeze lingers in the air. The graceful sun radiates its light, weaving a warm tapestry that envelops the surrounding environment. Village residents commence their daily activities adorned in layers of warm clothing. The path they traverse is a carefully laid stone road, offering both aesthetic allure and practical means to navigate the terrain. As they tread the path, a harmonious symphony of greetings fills the air, creating a communal atmosphere where casual exchanges become an integral part of the scenery, much like the soothing rays of the sun.

As Nero strolled along the bustling road, a vibrant tapestry of livelihood unfolded before him. Among the sea of pedestrians, some shouldered hefty bags, others cradled baskets bursting with fruits, while a few deftly maneuvered carts laden with an array of vegetables. Meanwhile, there were those industrious souls balancing precarious stacks of wood bound together with sturdy ropes. Sensing the rhythm of purposeful motion, Nero wisely decided to sidestep the thoroughfare, mindful not to disrupt the intricate dance of those weaving their stories in the tapestry of life.

Down the winding road of Nasya Village, a grand monument graces the right side. Crafted from solid marble, it stands proudly, adorned with vibrant flowers swaying in the breeze. This architectural marvel isn't just a structure; it extends a warm embrace to all who venture into the village. As one approaches, a meticulously carved inscription on the front whispers, "Welcome to Nasya Village," inviting visitors into its heart. Passing by, the back reveals a fond farewell, assuring all, "Goodbye. Feel free to visit again." It's not merely a monument; it's the village's way of saying hello and bidding adieu with a touch of timeless elegance.

Nestled in the eastern reaches of the Spica Kingdom, Nasya Village boasts its serene existence within the protective embrace of the realm. Situated next to the formidable international border fortress that guards the boundary between Spica and the neighboring kingdom of Jericho, Nasya enjoys a unique position that blends proximity with security.

Despite its close proximity to a foreign realm, Nasya stands as a haven of safety, courtesy of the amicable relations flourishing between the kingdoms of Spica and Jericho. The bond of friendship woven between these lands ensures a tranquil coexistence, turning Nasya into a peaceful oasis. Adding to the village's allure is the rare occurrence of wild monsters venturing into its environs, leaving the residents to revel in the harmony and tranquility of their cherished home.

Frequently, the vigilant Spica kingdom soldiers patrolling the borders became familiar faces in Nasya's village. Their visits weren't just about stocking up on supplies; they unfolded into lively moments of respite. When granted a break, the soldiers found solace in the local bar, where laughter and camaraderie echoed through the air.

To be continued....