
Prologue [Part 2] - The marriage proposal of miracle duo

After an arduous journey, Nero's footsteps led him to the enchanting enclave that housed Feline's. Within that carefully arranged complex, dwellings stood in meticulous rows, creating a picturesque sense of order. The path gracefully wound its way through those residences, adorned with a string of elegant lamps that cast a soft and welcoming glow at night.

Deep within the idyllic settlement, the residents coexisted in a symphony of harmonious living. Yet, like the complex itself, not everything was as serene as it appeared. Amidst the tranquility, a subtle undercurrent of discord lingered, especially among the gossip-prone women who occasionally stirred up ripples in the otherwise placid waters of the community.

Nero gazed from afar at a resplendent two-story house, where elegance seamlessly intertwined with the essence of simplicity. Nestled beside this architectural marvel was a charming tavern known as 'Feline Mini Restaurant.' This cozy eatery attracted a bustling crowd every morning, all eager to savor its delectable breakfast offerings.


Nestled within the heart of Nasya village lies the enchanting Feline Mini Restaurant, a culinary gem renowned for its extraordinary flavors. Here, gastronomic delights are crafted with such skill and precision that they rival the masterpieces of a grand five-star establishment.

In the village of Nasya, residents find solace in the charming Feline Mini Restaurant, renowned not only for its delectable cuisine but also for its budget-friendly prices, making indulgence a common delight. It's no secret that the food here reaches the heights of excellence. As word spread far and wide, wanderers from the bustling cityscape embarked on journeys to this tranquil village solely to savor the exquisite offerings of Feline Mini Restaurant. The fusion of these exquisite flavors and affordability has transformed this humble spot into a culinary oasis, attracting both locals and epicureans from near and far alike.

"Excuse me, is Feline currently at home?" Nero asked as he entered the tavern, addressing Feline's mother, who happened to be the proprietor of the establishment.

"Oh dear, Nero," Feline's mother exclaimed, "Feline is in her room. If you'd be so kind as to wait for just a moment, I shall summon her to come here." She gracefully balanced a tray, laden with four steaming plates of fragrant fried rice.

Feline's mother possessed an ethereal beauty that transcended mortal allure. Cloaked in modest attire and a apron, her beguiling charm left men spellbound. She had a unique lineage, with half-cat human ancestry, and her lustrous brown locks and captivating orange eyes enchanted all who beheld them. Customers at her establishment found themselves entranced, their concentration shattered by her graceful curves and ample bosom, igniting an irresistible storm of desire.

*Feline's mother illustration and her temporary profile*

The savory plate of fried rice she presented was a mouthwatering masterpiece. Atop the glistening rice grains, bathed in a luscious soy sauce lay a symphony of ingredients: delicate dried crackers, tender shreds of chicken, verdant green onions, a velvety omelet, and thinly sliced cucumber and tomatoes, forming a colorful mosaic of flavors and textures. What heightened the allure of this culinary creation was the intoxicating fragrance that wafted from it, tempting Nero's taste buds, even though he had already indulged in breakfast earlier.

Feline's mother found herself engulfed in a bustling sea of customers; each one clamoring for her attention and expertise. She bore the weight of her business single-handedly, while the relentless demands of her customers pressed upon her like an unyielding burden. Nero couldn't help but feel guilty for intruding on her frenetic endeavors, knowing how arduous it was for her to manage everything without additional help.

"I apologize for the inconvenience of occupying your time," Nero said, executing a respectful bow.

"It's alright, my little Nero," Feline's mother whispered, her voice as soft as a breeze, and her smile was a shimmering ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.

"Greetings, Nero," a rugged figure with a wild beard chimed in, his ancestry revealing itself in his half-wolf human features. "No need to rush, relax my friend. Embrace the tranquil rhythm of the moment as we await your cat friend." With a genial pat on Nero's right shoulder, he encouraged a sense of ease.

"Uncle Ridzeal, I understand your concern. Nero will make every effort to unwind. However, in such a bustling environment, achieving a sense of tranquility can be quite challenging, wouldn't you agree?"

"W-Well, buddy, kick back in that comfy chair, and savor this steaming cup of tea while we wait for your snappy-mouthed pal to roll on in," Uncle Riedzal quipped, handing Nero the piping hot brew he'd just ordered.

"Thank you, Uncle Riedzal," Nero expressed as he gracefully settled into a plush chair beside Uncle Riedzal, the air filled with the delicate aroma of freshly brewed tea. With a gentle breath, he cooled the steaming cup, then savored a delicate sip, enjoying the exquisite sweetness that danced upon his palate.

After completing the orders for the customers, Feline's mother made her way into the house using the shortcut door located behind the kitchen. With excitement, she called out, "Sweetie! Nero is eager to meet you and he's waiting for you at the tavern!"

"Sure thing, Mom! I'm currently jazzing up the bookshelves. Gimme a sec!" Feline chimed with excitement.

A few minutes elapsed, and into the cozy ambiance of the tavern, there emerged a striking young woman. Her long, cascading chestnut locks framed her face gracefully, accentuating her neatly arranged attire. Approaching Nero, who was immersed in savoring a steaming cup of tea, her vibrant orange eyes were unswervingly fixed upon the customers relishing their meals. A radiant smile graced her lips as she beheld the bustling crowd, a heartwarming sight in her mother's thriving tavern. A subtle but telling gesture revealed her contentment—her chestnut-hued tail curved gracefully upwards, a visual testament to her happiness.

Feline, a half-cat human, closely resembles her maternal lineage. However, keen observers can discern a subtle divergence in her appearance. Her lustrous, dark brown hair cascades like a midnight river, a shade darker than that of her mother's. Furthermore, her eyes, reminiscent of twin emeralds bathed in moonlight, radiate with a luminance that outshines even the brilliance of her mother's gaze.

Nero's lifelong friendship with Feline began at the tender age of three, an inseparable duo from the start. In the charming village of Nasya, their extraordinary talents earned them the endearing nickname 'The Miracle Duo' for their unique talents defied all logic and reason.


Nero possesses an extraordinary level of physical endurance. This remarkable attribute became evident when he was just 4 years old. An accident occurred near the border fort, where Nero found himself trapped beneath an 8-ton concrete structure that had fallen from a height of 30 meters. Astonishingly, the fort's workers initially believed Nero had perished, but he miraculously survived with only minor bruises. This incident sent shockwaves through the Nasya village, leaving every resident in awe. However, Nero's mother seemed unsurprised, almost as if she had always been aware of her son's remarkable physical resilience.

In the meantime, Feline possesses an exceptional level of intelligence that defies conventional boundaries. At school, she consistently excels, demonstrating an innate understanding of the curriculum as if her mind were a vast library of knowledge. Remarkably, even at the tender age of 6, Feline's interests seem to extend beyond the scope of her school subjects, making them seem somewhat mundane, akin to child's play. Her teachers pale in comparison to her knowledge and capabilities. Numerous universities worldwide have extended scholarship offers to Feline, yet her mother, concerned about her age and proximity to family, has consistently declined those opportunities.


"Woah! The brainiac cat is rockin' some serious style today. You're usually all scruffy and smelling like yesterday's fries. By the way, looks like a massive storm's headed our way in Nasya village," Uncle Riedzal said, grinning mockingly.

"Shut up, you masher wolf! Your breath could knock out a whole pack of skunks. Say one more word, and I'll give you a good ol' slap, you numbskull!" Feline retorted with a annoyed glare.

"Hey, who you calling a masher wolf, you cheeky kitty? Let me set the record straight, I'm a friendly ol' wolf who ain't into any of that pervy business with the ladies, alright?"

"Quit your howling, you sneaky wolf! I've noticed your creepy ogling at my mom with those lecherous eyes of yours. Cut it out, or I'll spill the beans to my papa!" Feline warned, pointing a finger at Uncle Riedzal with an annoyed expression.

"Oh my." Feline's mother was taken aback by her daughter's words. With a hint of astonishment, she gracefully tilted her head to the left, propping it up with the delicate curve of her left hand, all the while boiling a simmering pot of fragrant meat soup in the cozy, sun-kissed kitchen.

"Don't point fingers at me, you smarty-paws cat!" Uncle Riedzal shot back with a scowl.

"If there's even a chance of a shot at whipping up your grub, I'll straight-up dust that dish with a sneaky dose of laxative, no joke!" Feline warned, flashing a wicked grin.

"Hey, seriously, your mom's little tavern is gonna take a real hit, man!" Uncle Riedzal shot back with a smirk.

"Hey, just so you know, messing with someone like you won't even put a dent in my mom's tavern rep, so don't get too full of yourself."

"Haha, you're a mad cat! Your words cut like a knife, you know? My poor heart's in agony, can't you be a bit gentle for once? Bet you sharpen that tongue of yours every morning, huh?" Uncle Riedzal chuckled, flashing a wide grin.

"I wouldn't exactly high-five myself for that one, and seriously, spare me the theatrics. I've had my fill of your dramatic flair," quipped Feline, giving a playful eye-roll as she crossed her arms with a smirk.

"I get it, you brainy troublemaker kitty!"

The lively atmosphere of the tavern enveloped everyone within, a playful exchange unfolded between Feline, the astute cat, and Uncle Riedzal, the charismatic wolf. Laughter echoed throughout the room, painting an aura of warmth and camaraderie. The customers took solace in the knowledge that this unlikely pair, the intellectual cat and the masher wolf, harbored not a shred of animosity but rather shared a bond that invited mirth and camaraderie. Amidst the jovial banter, Nero and Feline's mother couldn't help but break into knowing smiles, their hearts filled with a profound sense of belonging.


Feline and Nero found themselves in the enchanting courtyard of the tavern, where lush greenery and vibrant blossoms painted a mesmerizing scene around them. They stood there, surrounded by the soft grass, their presence a stark contrast to the beauty that nature had reclaimed.

Feline gazed at the clear morning sky, she asked Nero, "What do you need? Would you like to play with me in the park?"

"No, in fact, I would like to have the opportunity to meet your father. However, given his current professional commitments, I would appreciate the chance to spend time with you," Nero responded, gazing at Feline with a warm smile.

"Oh, what brings you to seek an audience with my papa?" Feline inquired, her eyes locking onto Nero's.

"I would greatly appreciate it if your father could provide me with training. You see, once I reach the age of 16, I intend to formally register myself as an adventurer. However, I must admit that I lack the knowledge and skills required to excel in this profession, which is why I am seeking your father's guidance and assistance."

"An adventurer, you say? Nero, are you absolutely, positively certain?" Feline's eyes widened in astonishment, her feline tail flicking in disbelief, as she hung on every word that Nero uttered.

"Yeah," Nero nodded, adopting an expression of astonishment. "So, what is it that has taken you aback, Feline?"

"Ah, no need to worry," Feline gracefully adjusted her posture, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Now, tell me, what grand dreams are leading you down the path of an adventurer?"

"I want to conquer the continent of Grimfield and open luxury restaurants around the world!" Nero extended his hands toward the heavens, a radiant smile illuminating his face, filled with pride as he unveiled to Feline the very essence of his life's mission.

"Huh? Conquering the continent of Grimfield? That's like saying you're going to pluck stars from the night sky and wear them as jewelry. My goodness, your imagination knows no bounds! You are very good at joking!" Feline couldn't help but marvel at the audacious spirit that had led Nero down the path of adventure. To her, the conquest of Grimfield loomed like an insurmountable challenge, shrouded in mystery and danger. In the eyes of Feline, Nero's ambitious goal seemed like a whimsical tale, a dream that danced on the precipice of impossibility.

Suddenly, Nero firmly gripped Feline's shoulder, pulling her in until their faces were just inches apart. Nero's brow furrowed in a mix of concern and determination, and he fixed his gaze upon Feline with an intensity that seemed to pierce through her very soul.

"I assure you, Feline, my words are not to be taken lightly. I am steadfast in my determination to embark on a grand adventure. I solemnly pledge that I shall set foot upon the continent of Grimfield and establish my dominion over it!"

Feline caught a mesmerizing glint of cerulean within the depths of Nero's blazing red eyes, a vivid azure spark that held her in a momentary trance, as if she had stumbled upon a fragment of the sky encapsulated in his gaze.

What a remarkable ambition! With his red eyes and the radiant blue light that seems to emanate from deep within his heart, Nero bears a striking resemblance to someone. It's as if Nero has inherited the very essence of the first ruler of a once-prosperous continent, now shrouded in darkness. It makes me wonder whether Nero is the reincarnation of that absolute ruler from the fertile continent or not. In the depths of her musings, Feline found herself captivated by the audacious spirit of Nero, a force of ambition that had succeeded in stirring the very depths of her heart, leaving her both awestruck and pleasantly taken aback.

"Wow, Nero, you've got some serious determination going on there! But hey, is there any chance you could give my poor shoulders a break and let go of my hand?" Feline blushed, realizing that Nero's face was way too close to hers.

"Very well," Nero acknowledged with a touch of remorse in his eyes, a fleeting regret for his transgression. He delicately withdrew his hands from Feline's shoulders, as if untangling himself from the threads of fate, and gracefully retreated a pace.

"No worries at all! I totally get your unstoppable urge to dominate Grimfield, but I'm scratching my head about your dream of building many restaurants all across the globe. Is there any connection between the two, or are you just cooking up a worldwide culinary revolution for kicks?"

"I want to open a restaurant around the world because...." Nero possesses a lucid, succinct, and readily comprehensible elucidation of the various motivations behind his desire to establish a restaurant.

"Wow, Nero, you're totally rockin' it with this fantastic cause! Seriously, I'm in awe of you! This is beyond my wildest expectation! I mean, who'd have thought someone as young as you could be so wise? Nero, you're the absolute coolest! I salute you!" Feline couldn't stop giggling, utterly amazed by Nero.

"My objective is truly remarkable, isn't it? Hehehe!" Nero placed both hands on his hips and displayed a broad grin.

"You're spot on, Nero! Oh, you're totally nailing it. Your goals, they're like out-of-this-world, like, seriously, super-duper, insanely wild!" Feline flashed a big thumbs up and rocked a massive grin.

"Hahaha! You are like a poet of verbosity, crafting every word you utter. Your linguistic extravagance knows no bounds."

"Oh gosh, I totally messed up. My bad, hehehe."

Feline, with a mischievous glint in her eye, decided to orchestrate a whimsical diversion. She let out a soft, melodious cough, like a tiny, magical bell tinkling in the distance, as if to lead the conversation on a charming detour, away from its current, off-kilter course.

"I've made my decision, Nero. Today marks the beginning of my unwavering commitment to helping you achieve your grand objective. You can count on me, a steadfast companion by your side, fearlessly dismantling any obstacles that dare cross our path. Rest assured, my choice may appear audacious, but my determination is unwavering."

Nero's heart skipped a beat as the unexpected words danced into his ears, a delightful shockwave of emotion washing over him. He felt a rush of relief as Feline's confession hung in the air, like a secret unveiled, yet an enigmatic cloud of doubt cast its shadow over his soul, preventing the joy in his heart from finding its way to his lips.

"Why do you wish to assist me?" Nero inquired, his expression earnest and solemn.

"Do my humble efforts in assisting you not find favor in your heart?"

"That is not what I mean."

"...." Feline took a deep breath and let out a relieved sigh. "You know what? I've been pondering this, and conquering the continent of Grimfield? Sounds like a wild adventure! And honestly, it'd be so much cooler if we teamed up on this instead of being rivals. Oh, and here's the kicker—I'm not just a warrior. I've got some mad cooking skills. Seriously, you're gonna need a chef for that restaurant dream of yours, right? My family's tavern? Well, all those mouthwatering recipes? I'm the secret sauce behind 'em. Trust me, you're better off sticking with me in the kitchen rather than hunting down some random chef who might not know a spatula from a ladle!"

Nero had once grappled with the enigmatic offer extended by Feline, struggling to wrap his mind around its unexpectedness. Yet, as the words tumbled from her lips and unraveled the tapestry of her intentions, a warm smile painted across Nero's face. In that moment, he felt a surge of newfound assurance, knowing that behind Feline's enigmatic façade lay nothing but pure and unwavering benevolence, a desire to be his guiding light in the darkest of times.

"I understand. I offer my apologies for any doubts about your generosity. Feline, may we collaborate?" Nero extended his right hand, gesturing for a handshake.

Feline's countenance twisted into a tapestry of displeasure, a storm brewing in her eyes. Nero's baseless suspicion pricked at her like an uninvited thorn, unraveling her sense of injustice.


Nero was understandably surprised by the sudden shift in Feline's demeanor as he inquired, "What?"

Feline shot a serious side-eye at Nero's and was like, "Dude, I ain't up for a handshake here! If we're gonna be partners in crime, we gotta get all official and stuff!"

"W-What do you mean?"

"Nero, you're a jerk to question my sincerity before! I don't like you too much. As an apology, first I need a drop of your blood."

"I didn't mean to doubt you, Feline."

"Come on, don't talk to much, just give me your blood!"


With grace, Feline delicately traced her pointed index fingernail along Nero's thumb, leaving behind a mesmerizing trail. As she held his right hand, a blood drop emerged from his thumb's tiny wound, staining her left palm like a passionate brushstroke on a canvas.

Feline's tongue unfurled like a crimson ribbon, reaching out towards her left palm with a hint of sinuous anticipation. As she delicately licked the glistening droplets of Nero's blood, her long lashes brushed against her alabaster skin, her eyes slowly closing in a seductive, mesmerizing ballet of sensuality. With the grace of a seductress, she swept her right hand through the brown hair that had veiled her face, revealing the enchanting visage that had remained hidden.

Nero stood there, utterly mesmerized as he witnessed the enchanting sight of Feline delicately savoring each red droplet of his blood. The intensity in her gaze was both captivating. In that moment, Feline exuded an almost ethereal elegance, her beauty enhanced by a unique and irresistible allure that Nero simply couldn't overlook. It was a revelation for Nero, for he had previously perceived Feline as very rude and disdainful, particularly towards the male gender. Yet, he had been mistaken, for there was an enchanting gentleness and charm hidden beneath her enigmatic beauty. Feline possessed a feminine facet of her personality, a facet she reserved solely for those she held dear.

His blood is remarkably satisfying to the palate. It seems that Nero is indeed the reincarnation of that individual, just as I had envisioned. However, it appears that he has not fully embraced this reality. It's possible that his memory is not as keen as mine. Nero might uncover the truth about himself through the De Javu effect technique. Despite his unawareness of his true identity, I am profoundly grateful that he has returned to stand by my side. I also extend my heartfelt gratitude to the divine for granting us the opportunity to honor our sacred pledge from that time. Astonishingly, the person I have long anticipated is in close proximity. Thought Feline, her cheeks flushing as she smiled charmingly.

"Feline? What's wrong? Your face is getting red, you have a fever?"

"I'm good! So, the first step is in the bag, and the second step—the agreement—is a go. But, for this step, we can't make it happen right now, maybe when we hit 16."

"Why is it necessary for the age requirement to be set at 16 years? Could you please elucidate the specific actions or tasks expected in the subsequent phase?"

"...." Feline's voice faded into a whisper as a rosy blush painted her cheeks, her tail swaying like a joyous melody, and a cascade of sweatdrops sparkled like tiny diamonds on her skin.

"You wanna know right now?"

Nero nodded his head. "Yes."

"Don't be shocked, alright..." Feline took a deep breath and let it out slowly, doing her best to stay composed. "For the next step, I want you to be my husband, in other words, we will do the marriage."

Nero was silent for a moment, before finally saying with his mouth agape, "Are you serious?"

"I swear, seriously! Come on, don't make me repeat myself, it's like, totally embarrassing, you know!"

"I apologize for any unintended discomfort my words may have caused, but I am curious as to the necessity of entering into matrimony."

"Consider it payback for not trustin' me! Once we tie the knot, your doubt's gonna disappear like smoke. And just to set the record straight, I ain't a fan of you doubting me!" Feline shot back with a serious face.

"I understand your perspective, but are you absolutely certain? Marriage is a profound commitment that should not be made impulsively; it requires a deep and enduring bond founded on love."

Feline curled its lips into a sly, knowing grin, its eyes gleaming with a hint of naughtiness.

"My pinky's already entwined in the love string, yet it seems to have missed the memo about your pinky party. I'm on a mission to make you fall head over heels for me before you turn 16, so that we can intertwine our pinkies in our own love story!"

Nero smiled in agreement and further stated, "I shall gladly accept the second part of our arrangement if you manage to win my affections."

"Prepare yourself, Nero, for I shall craft a spellbinding enchantment that binds you to my side, making escape an impossible dream. Our fates are forever intertwined!"

Feline's unwavering insistence contorted her visage, etching deep furrows into her forehead and casting a melancholic shadow over her brows, like a cascade of rainclouds descending upon her expression.

To be continued....

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