
Greek Goddesses Are Hot Milfs

Damian transmigrated as a demigod in ancient Greece, and runs into many Greek goddesses and you know what they are all hot milfs. He does many acts that change the course of mythology. Do you wanna see how they look? join discord - https://discord.gg/SZPksDrm

Playwright · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Hunt and a Request

As I began to leave Aphrodite's chamber, the warmth of her presence still lingering in the air, her voice called out to me, soft and alluring. "Damian," she purred, her tone wrapping around my name like a velvet caress.

I turned back to see her lying on the bed, draped in a blanket that barely covered her, the fabric clinging to her curves in a way that made it impossible to look away. Her golden hair spilled over the pillows, and her eyes, filled with a mixture of amusement and intent, met mine.

"Aphrodite?" I asked, taking a step closer, drawn by the irresistible pull of her gaze.

"I need you to help Artemis," she said, her voice a melodic whisper that seemed to fill the entire room. 

As I prepared to leave, feeling the weight of this new mission, Aphrodite's voice halted me once more. With a snap that echoed through the room, the door shut firmly behind me, and I turned to see her eyes gleaming with a mixture of curiosity and command.

"Are you sure you're ready to leave, Damian?" she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of challenge. "There are still many things about yourself you have yet to discover. Powers that lie dormant, waiting to be awakened."

Her attendants, who had been silent until now, moved gracefully to her side. At Aphrodite's subtle command, they began to shed their outer garments, the soft rustle of fabric punctuating the charged silence in the room.

The air grew thick with anticipation, the atmosphere shifting as the attendants' eyes met mine, each filled with a silent promise of what was to come. Aphrodite's gaze held me captive, her expression both playful and serious.

"You have embarked on a journey unlike any other, Damian," she said, her voice a low, sultry murmur. "Embrace it fully, and you will find the answers you seek."

I stood there, feeling the weight of her words and the intensity of the moment, knowing that my path was now inexorably tied to the whims and desires of the gods. Taking a deep breath, I nodded, committing myself to the task ahead.

"Very well," I said, my voice steady despite the tumult of emotions within me. "I will help Artemis."

Aphrodite's smile deepened, her satisfaction evident as she reclined back into the pillows. "Good. Now go, Damian. Prove yourself once more."

The gardens of Mount Olympus were a marvel, a paradise of divine flora and fauna that seemed to pulse with life. As I walked through the lush greenery, I found Artemis seated on a stone bench, her focus intense as she sharpened her dagger. The rhythmic sound of the blade against the whetstone filled the air, a song of preparation and purpose.

Artemis looked up as I approached, her eyes a piercing silver that seemed to see through me. She stood, a figure of athletic grace and power, her movements fluid and purposeful. Her attire was simple yet functional: a tunic of forest green that clung to her form, and sturdy leather boots that spoke of countless hunts through rugged terrain.

"Damian," she greeted, her voice clear and commanding. "Are you ready for the hunt?"

I nodded, feeling the weight of her gaze. "I am. Aphrodite has told me about the celestial silver deer."

A faint smile played on Artemis' lips, though her eyes remained serious. "Good. The deer is a rare and elusive creature, known to appear only in the most sacred groves. We will journey to the Forest of Elara, where it was last sighted."

She sheathed her dagger and slung her bow over her shoulder, her quiver filled with arrows that glinted in the sunlight. With a swift, graceful movement, she turned and led the way out of the garden, her steps confident and sure.

I followed her, feeling the anticipation build within me. The path through the forest was winding and narrow, the air thick with the scent of pine and earth. Birds sang their morning songs, and the rustle of leaves underfoot was the only other sound.

As we walked, Artemis spoke of the deer, her voice a blend of reverence and determination. "The celestial silver deer is not just a creature of legend. It embodies purity and the essence of the divine. Its presence in a forest blesses the land, but it is also a challenge to hunters, a test of their skill and patience."

I listened intently, absorbing her words. "And why does it appear only in certain places?" I asked.

"Because it is a creature of both worlds, the mortal and the divine," she explained. "It walks the line between realms, revealing itself only to those deemed worthy by the gods."

Her eyes met mine again, and I could see the challenge in them. "This hunt is not just about capturing the deer, Damian. It is about proving your worth, understanding the delicate balance between nature and divinity."

We continued our journey, the landscape shifting as we descended from the heights of Mount Olympus into the ancient, mystical Forest of Elara. The trees here were older, their trunks thick and gnarled, their branches forming a dense canopy overhead. The light filtered through in shafts of gold, casting an otherworldly glow on the forest floor.

The Forest of Elara was a realm apart, a sanctuary of ancient trees and whispering winds. As we ventured deeper, the canopy above grew denser, casting the forest floor in a dim, emerald twilight. The air was cool and filled with the rich scent of moss and earth, the silence broken only by the occasional call of a distant bird.

Artemis led the way, her steps light and purposeful, her senses attuned to the subtle signs of the deer's presence. I followed close behind, trying to match her quiet grace and alertness. Every rustle of leaves, every flicker of movement caught my attention, but Artemis seemed to know what was worth investigating and what was not.

We came across a small clearing, the grass here trampled in places. Artemis knelt, examining the ground with a practiced eye. I watched as her fingers traced the faint impressions in the soil.

"Hoof prints," she said softly, pointing to the delicate indentations. "The celestial silver deer passed through here not long ago. Look at the way the grass is pressed down—light, almost ethereal."

I crouched beside her, marveling at her ability to read the signs of the forest. The prints were indeed faint, almost as if the deer floated above the ground. Artemis rose gracefully, her eyes scanning the surrounding trees.

"It's moving north," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "We need to be swift and silent. The deer is aware of us now."

We continued our pursuit, weaving through the underbrush with careful precision. The forest was a maze of shadows and light, every step a test of our stealth and determination. I could feel the pulse of the hunt, the thrill of the chase coursing through my veins.

Artemis paused frequently, her head tilting as if listening to the whispers of the forest. Each time she moved forward with renewed purpose, her instincts guiding us ever closer to our elusive quarry. The forest seemed to respond to her presence, the trees parting slightly to allow us passage, the underbrush yielding to her command.

We came upon a stream, its waters crystal clear and flowing gently over smooth stones. Artemis knelt once more, her eyes fixed on the ground.

"Here," she said, pointing to the soft mud by the water's edge. "The deer stopped to drink. We are close."

I could see the delicate hoof prints more clearly now, the impressions deepened by the moist earth. Artemis stood, her eyes narrowing as she looked across the stream.

"There," she whispered, her voice tinged with excitement. "Do you see it?"

I followed her gaze, my breath catching as I spotted a flash of silver among the trees on the far side of the stream. The celestial silver deer was breathtaking, its coat shimmering with an ethereal glow, its antlers like spun glass catching the light.

The deer moved with a grace that was almost otherworldly, its steps barely disturbing the ground beneath it. Artemis signaled for me to stay low as we crossed the stream, the cold water lapping at our ankles. We moved slowly, every movement calculated to avoid startling the creature.

Once across, we resumed our pursuit, our senses heightened by the deer's proximity. The forest grew quieter, the sounds of wildlife fading as if the very presence of the deer commanded silence. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, the thrill of the hunt blending with the awe of witnessing such a rare and beautiful creature.

The deer paused in a small glade, its head lifting as if sensing our presence. Artemis stopped, her eyes locked on the deer, her hand raised to signal me to halt. I could see the intensity in her gaze, the culmination of her skills and patience.

We crouched behind a large oak, watching as the deer grazed on the soft grass. The moment was almost surreal, the world narrowing to just us and the celestial silver deer. Artemis slowly nocked an arrow, her movements fluid and deliberate.

She glanced at me, her eyes conveying a silent message. This was the moment, the culmination of our pursuit. I felt a sense of unity with Artemis, a shared purpose that transcended words.

As she drew her bow, I held my breath, the forest seeming to hold its breath with me. The air was charged with anticipation, the tension almost palpable. The deer raised its head, its ears twitching, sensing something amiss.

Artemis released the arrow, the twang of the bowstring echoing through the glade. The arrow flew true, a streak of silver aimed at the deer's heart. Time seemed to slow, the world narrowing to the flight of the arrow and the deer's graceful movement.

The deer leapt, its body twisting in mid-air as the arrow grazed its flank. It landed gracefully, its eyes locking onto us for a brief, electrifying moment before it bolted into the forest, the arrow barely having slowed it.

Artemis stood, her expression a mix of frustration and determination. "It's wounded, but not fatally," she said, her voice firm. "We must follow it. The hunt is not over."

We pressed on, the trail now marked by drops of shimmering silver blood. The deer's pace had slowed, its movements less fluid, but it still moved with a grace that was mesmerizing. I could see the determination in Artemis' eyes, her resolve unshaken.

The forest seemed to close in around us as we followed the trail, the trees whispering secrets and the air growing thicker with anticipation. Every step brought us closer to our quarry, the bond between hunter and hunted drawing ever tighter.

We emerged into another clearing, the deer standing in the center, its breath coming in labored gasps. It turned to face us, its eyes reflecting a deep, ancient wisdom. Artemis raised her bow again, her expression one of reverence and respect.

The deer seemed to acknowledge her, its head dipping slightly as if in a bow. The moment was charged with an almost sacred energy, the culmination of our pursuit and the acknowledgment of the deer's divine nature.

Artemis released her arrow, the silver shaft flying true and striking the deer in the heart. The creature staggered, its eyes meeting ours one last time before it fell gracefully to the ground. The forest seemed to exhale, the tension easing as the deer lay still.

Artemis approached the fallen creature, her expression solemn. "We have honored the deer and the gods," she said softly, her hand resting gently on its shimmering coat. "Its spirit will return to the stars, and its essence will bless this land."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows through the ancient trees, Artemis and I built a campfire near the clearing where we had felled the celestial silver deer. The flames flickered and danced, casting a warm glow that contrasted with the deepening twilight. The air was filled with the comforting scent of burning wood and the forest's natural fragrances.

Artemis knelt beside the fallen deer, her hands steady and practiced as she began to skin the creature with reverence and skill. Each cut was precise, her focus unwavering. I watched in silence for a while, admiring the grace and respect with which she treated the deer's remains.

Feeling the need to stretch my legs and clear my mind, I told Artemis I'd be back shortly and ventured into the forest. The woods were alive with the sounds of nocturnal creatures stirring, a symphony of rustling leaves and distant calls. I walked aimlessly, letting the tranquility of the forest soothe my thoughts.

As I wandered, I came upon a peculiar sight: a small grapevine, almost like a toy, growing improbably amidst the towering trees. The vine was delicate, its tendrils curling around a low bush, and it bore a single, perfect bunch of grapes. They glistened in the dim light, a deep, inviting purple.

Curiosity piqued, I plucked the bunch and admired the grapes in my hand. They seemed to pulse with an inner light, an almost magical quality to their appearance. I turned back toward the camp, eager to share my find with Artemis.

When I returned, Artemis had finished her work with the deer and was tending the fire. I approached her, holding out the bunch of grapes with a smile. "Look what I found, Artemis. These grapes are incredible."

She glanced up, her expression softening as she took the grapes from me. She examined them briefly, then popped a few into her mouth. I watched as she savored the taste, a look of contentment crossing her face.

But as she swallowed, her eyes widened with sudden realization. Her expression shifted from curiosity to alarm, and she stood abruptly, the remaining grapes falling from her hand. "Where did you find these?" she demanded, her voice sharp and urgent.

I gestured back toward the forest. "Just a little ways from here. There was this tiny grapevine, almost like a toy. Why, what's wrong?"

Artemis' face darkened with a mix of anger and fear. "Those are divine grapes, Damian. They are sacred to Dionysus and imbued with powerful magic. They create desire in the hearts of women who have sworn chastity."

Her words hit me like a blow, and I felt a sinking sensation in my stomach. "I... I didn't know. I'm sorry, Artemis. I didn't mean to—"

She cut me off, her tone icy. "Intentions do not change the consequences. I must go. I cannot stay here."

Before I could respond, she turned and strode away, her movements stiff with anger and frustration. The fire crackled in the silence that followed, the warm glow feeling suddenly cold and lonely.

I sat by the campfire, the warmth of the flames doing little to ease the chill of my guilt. The forest around me seemed darker and more oppressive than before, each rustle of leaves a reminder of my mistake. I couldn't stop replaying Artemis' words in my mind, the look of betrayal on her face.

As the night deepened, the firelight flickered and cast long shadows, creating an almost surreal atmosphere. I heard soft footsteps approaching, barely audible over the crackling of the fire. I looked up and saw a woman stepping into the light. She had an air of regality and grace, her presence both commanding and comforting. Her hair was the color of ripe wheat, cascading in waves around her shoulders, and her eyes were a deep, sorrowful green.

"Demeter," I said, recognizing her immediately. "What brings you here?"

Demeter's gaze was steady, her expression a mix of sadness and reproach. "What have you done, Damian?" she asked, her voice soft but filled with an undercurrent of pain. "Do you understand the consequences of your actions?"

I stood, feeling the weight of her words. "I... I didn't know, Demeter. I found a small grapevine and picked the grapes. I had no idea they were divine."

Demeter sighed, a sound that seemed to carry the weight of centuries. She moved closer to the campfire, her presence calming yet sorrowful. "It's not just about the grapes, Damian. The celestial silver deer you hunted was no ordinary creature. I created it to keep me company during the long months when my daughter, Persephone, is in the underworld."

I felt a pang of guilt twist in my chest. "I had no idea," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'm so sorry, Demeter. If I had known—"

"Intentions matter little when the damage is done," Demeter interrupted gently. She knelt beside the fallen deer, her hand brushing over its shimmering coat. "This deer was a symbol of hope and comfort for me. Its presence eased the pain of Persephone's absence."

I watched as Demeter's eyes filled with unshed tears, her sorrow palpable. The forest seemed to share in her grief, the night growing even quieter as if in mourning.

"Is there anything I can do to make amends?" I asked, my voice tinged with desperation. "I never meant to cause you pain."

Demeter looked at me, her expression softening slightly. "What is done cannot be undone, but perhaps there is a way to bring some balance to this situation." She stood and placed a hand on my shoulder. "You must help me restore what was lost. The deer cannot be revived, but its essence can be returned to the earth, ensuring its spirit lives on."

I nodded, eager to do whatever it took to make things right. "Tell me what I need to do, Demeter. I'll do anything."

She smiled sadly, her hand warm on my shoulder. "First, we must perform a ritual to honor the deer's spirit and return its essence to the land. It will require your full commitment and sincerity. Only then can we hope to restore balance."

As she spoke, I felt a sense of purpose settle over me. Despite the mistakes I had made, there was a chance to make amends, to show that I could learn and grow from my experiences. The path ahead would not be easy, but I was determined to see it through.

Demeter began to gather materials for the ritual, her movements graceful and precise. As I watched her, I felt a renewed sense of responsibility and a deeper understanding of the delicate balance within this divine world.

After a long day filled with unexpected encounters and heavy realizations, I returned to my palace on Mount Olympus. The grandeur of the place still struck me every time I saw it, its majestic columns and intricate designs a testament to the power and splendor of the gods. However, tonight, the opulence felt almost oppressive, weighed down by the emotional turmoil I had experienced.

As I entered my chambers, I was surprised to find Athena waiting for me. Her presence was both a comfort and a reminder of my earlier confrontation with her. She stood with a serene demeanor, her armor gleaming in the soft light.

"Athena," I began, my voice heavy with regret. "I am truly sorry for what I did to you. I was driven by Medusa's pain and my own sense of justice, but I acted without fully understanding the consequences."

Athena studied me for a moment, then nodded. "Your actions, though harsh, were not without reason. Medusa's curse was a heavy burden, and in confronting me, you sought to right a wrong. In that, you were not entirely wrong."

I felt a weight lift from my shoulders at her words. "Thank you for understanding," I said quietly.

Before the conversation could continue, Aphrodite appeared in the room, her presence instantly changing the atmosphere. She wore a knowing smile as she addressed Athena. "Thank you for accepting my invitation and coming here, Athena."

Moments later, Medusa entered as well, her restored beauty breathtaking. She joined Athena and Aphrodite, the three women forming a striking trio. Their gazes turned to me, and I sensed an unspoken understanding pass between them.

Aphrodite's eyes sparkled with mischief as she stepped forward, her voice smooth and inviting. "Tonight, we have something special in mind, Damian. An orgy, to celebrate the resolution of past conflicts and to explore new connections."

My heart raced at her words. "An orgy?" I echoed, my curiosity piqued. "How are we going to do this?"

Aphrodite's smile widened. "Aren't you a shape-shifter? Use your abilities."

Taking a deep breath, I focused on the power within me. I felt the familiar surge of energy as I willed myself to multiply. Three identical versions of myself emerged, each with distinct eyes: one with fiery red eyes, the other with a burning orange hue. and one with deep purple, I was omnipresent felling what all three could feel.

Aphrodite examined us with a critical eye. "We need one more," she said, her tone playful but insistent.

With a nod, the version of me with purple eyes stepped forward. He concentrated, and another copy emerged, this one with bright pink eyes. The four of us stood before the goddesses, ready to fulfill their desires.

Aphrodite clapped her hands in delight. "Perfect. Now, let's begin."

The air was thick with anticipation as Damian with purple eyes lifted Aphrodite up and placed her on a nearby table. Damian with pink eyes stood behind her, pulling her back so she leaned against the table's edge. Aphrodite's eyes sparkled with excitement as she watched the two Damians take control.

"Are you ready, my love?" Damian with purple eyes asked, his voice low and sultry.

Aphrodite nodded, her eyes never leaving his. "More than ever."

As Damian with purple eyes positioned himself, he looked over at Damian with pink eyes, who gave him a nod of encouragement. With a slow, deliberate thrust, Damian with purple eyes slid his cock inside Aphrodite's wet pussy.

Aphrodite gasped, her eyes rolling back in pleasure. "Oh, yes," she moaned, her hands gripping the table's edge.

Meanwhile, Damian with pink eyes leaned forward, putting his cock in Aphrodite's mouth. She took him in eagerly, her tongue swirling around his shaft as he thrust gently.

The three of them moved in perfect harmony, their bodies intertwined in a dance of desire. Aphrodite's moans echoed through the room, spurring Damian with purple eyes on, as he pumped into her with increasing intensity.

As the orgasm built, Aphrodite's cries grew louder, her body shaking with pleasure. Damian with purple eyes thrust harder, wanting to ensure she reached the peak.

Damian with red eyes grabbed Medusa's right leg and lifted it up, placing it on his chest. He positioned himself at her entrance, his cock hard and ready. "Are you ready, Medusa?" he asked, his voice low and husky.

Medusa looked at him, her eyes meeting his. "Yes," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

With that, Damian with red eyes thrust himself inside her, feeling her wetness envelop him. He grabbed her waist, lifting her onto him, and began to fuck her, their bodies moving in a primal rhythm.

Medusa's gasps and moans filled the air as Damian with red eyes pumped into her, his thrusts powerful and relentless. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the room, a testament to their passion.

As the orgy continued, Athena decided it was her turn to take control. She pushed Damian with orange eyes onto the sofa and sat on his lap, straddling him and effectively positioning herself on his cock. Damian looked up at her, his eyes filled with desire and anticipation.

"Are you ready for me, Damian?" Athena asked, her voice sultry and seductive.

Damian with orange eyes nodded, his eyes never leaving her face. "More than ever," he replied, his voice strained with desire.

With a slow, deliberate motion, Athena began to ride Damian with orange eyes, her hips moving in a hypnotic rhythm. She gripped his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin as she picked up speed, her body moving in perfect harmony with his.

As they moved together, Athena's eyes locked onto Damian's, their gazes never breaking contact. The intensity of their connection was overwhelming, and Damian felt himself falling deeper into her spell.

Feeling bold and confident, Athena leaned forward, grabbing Damian's cheeks and pulling his face closer to hers. Their lips met in a passionate kiss, their tongues entwining as they explored each other's mouths.

As the orgasm built, Athena's moans filled the room, her body shaking with pleasure. Damian with orange eyes thrust into her, matching her rhythm, wanting to ensure she reached the peak.

As the orgy reached its culmination, the three goddesses - Athena, Medusa, and Aphrodite - found themselves lying on the ground, their bodies spent from the intense encounters. Damian with red, orange, purple, and pink eyes approached them, their cock still hard and ready for more.

The goddesses looked up at them, their eyes filled with desire and anticipation. They had all experienced the passion and connection that the night had to offer, and they were eager to see what the final act would bring.

They stood before them, his eyes locked onto the three goddesses. They knew that this was the moment everyone had been waiting for, the culmination of their shared experience.

With a determined look in their eyes, Damian with red, orange, purple, and pink eyes came onto the goddesses, covering their bodies in their semen. The sight was awe-inspiring, a testament to the power and passion that had been unleashed throughout the night.

As the semen dripped down their bodies, the goddesses looked at each other, their eyes meeting in shared understanding. They knew that this was a night of magic, a moment that would forever bind them together.