
Greek Goddesses Are Hot Milfs

Damian transmigrated as a demigod in ancient Greece, and runs into many Greek goddesses and you know what they are all hot milfs. He does many acts that change the course of mythology. Do you wanna see how they look? join discord - https://discord.gg/SZPksDrm

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9 Chs

Confronting Athena

The path led me back through the familiar yet now ominous terrain where I had last spoken with the sage. The morning sun was climbing higher, casting long shadows that danced upon the ancient stones and gnarled trees. As I approached the sage's abode, an eerie silence filled the air, broken only by the sound of my footsteps and the faint rustle of leaves.

When I reached the clearing, I was met with an unexpected sight. The sage was nowhere to be found, and instead, a woman sat on the ground, her shoulders shaking with the weight of her sobs. Her hair was a cascade of dark, wavy locks, and her attire was simple, a tattered dress that spoke of a long-suffered hardship.

I approached cautiously, my instincts on high alert. "What happened here?" I asked, my voice gentle but filled with concern.

The woman looked up, her tear-streaked face etched with sorrow and pain. "Someone did an injustice to me a long time ago," she began, her voice trembling. "I have suffered ever since, burdened by the curse they placed upon me. Can you bring me justice? Can you free me from this torment?"

Her plea struck a chord deep within me, and without hesitation, I knelt beside her, offering a promise. "I will do everything in my power to help you. Tell me what I must do."

But as the words left my lips, a transformation began to unfold before my eyes. The woman's sorrowful expression twisted into one of anger and vengeance. Her hair began to writhe and twist, each lock turning into a hissing serpent. Her eyes, once filled with tears, now glowed with a sinister, petrifying power.

Realization struck me like a lightning bolt. This was no ordinary woman—this was Medusa, the Gorgon cursed by Athena, whose gaze could turn any living being to stone. Her once beautiful face was now a mask of fury, her skin taking on a ghastly, greenish hue. The serpents in her hair hissed and coiled, their scales glistening in the light, and her eyes burned with an intensity that could freeze the bravest heart.

In a desperate move, I covered my eyes, feeling the rush of air as her transformation completed. My heart pounded in my chest, and I could sense her presence, close and threatening.

"Damian," Medusa hissed, her voice filled with a mix of sorrow and malice. "You promised me justice. Can you deliver it, even when faced with a monster?"

I kept my eyes tightly shut, relying on my other senses. "I promised, and I will find a way," I replied, my voice steady despite the fear that gripped me. "But you must let me help you without turning me to stone."

There was a moment of silence, broken only by the hissing of her serpents. "Very well," she said, her tone softer, though still laced with bitterness. "You may live for now. But remember your promise, Damian. Find a way to lift this curse, or you will not escape my wrath."

As the air settled around me, a voice, filled with ancient power and sorrow, echoed in the clearing. Medusa's presence, though unseen, was palpable, and her words held an undeniable weight.

"Damian," she began, her voice both a whisper and a command, "know this: you are bound by divine words. If you fail to fulfill your promise to bring me justice, you will suffer as a crippled soul for eternity. The curse of my suffering will be yours."

A chill ran down my spine, the gravity of her words sinking deep into my consciousness. The path I had chosen was no longer one I could abandon. It was a binding, a destiny entwined with the fate of a cursed Gorgon.

"Bring me justice," she continued, her voice growing softer yet more intense. "Make Athena realize her mistake. She must understand the pain she inflicted upon me, the injustice of her punishment."

Her voice trembled with a mix of anger and longing, a reflection of centuries of suffering. "To make her see, you must embody the very force that brought about my curse. Be Poseidon for Athena. Do to her what he did to me."

The implication of her words struck me with the force of a tidal wave. To seek justice for Medusa, I was to confront Athena, the goddess of wisdom and warfare, and subject her to the same humiliation and violation that Poseidon had inflicted upon Medusa. The task was not only perilous but morally complex, challenging the very foundations of justice and retribution.

I stood in silence, the weight of Medusa's command pressing down upon me. "Medusa," I began, my voice steady despite the turmoil within, "I will find a way to bring you justice. But know that I seek a path that will not perpetuate the cycle of suffering and vengeance. There must be a way to make Athena understand without becoming what Poseidon was."

Her presence lingered, and for a moment, there was silence. Then, her voice came again, softer, almost resigned. "Find your path, Damian. But remember, the bond is sealed. Fail, and you will know the eternal torment that has been my life."


The climb back to Mount Olympus felt steeper this time, burdened not just by the physical ascent but by the weight of the promise I carried. The path was familiar, yet each step was heavier with the knowledge of the task ahead. Reaching the summit, I hurried to Aphrodite's chambers, only to find them empty, the lingering scent of jasmine and ambrosia the only testament to her presence.

Undeterred, I made my way through the majestic halls of Olympus, seeking anyone who could guide me to Athena. My journey led me to a secluded courtyard where Dike, one of the Horae, stood gracefully amidst blooming flowers. Her serene presence was a stark contrast to the turmoil within me.

"Dike," I called out, my voice echoing through the serene garden. She turned, her eyes meeting mine with a mixture of curiosity and calm.

"Damian," she acknowledged, her voice gentle, "what brings you back so soon?"

"I seek Athena," I replied, urgency evident in my tone. "I must speak with her."

Dike's expression grew contemplative, and she nodded slowly. "Athena is not here. She has gone to Nysa."

"Nysa?" I repeated, the name unfamiliar yet filled with promise.

Dike stepped closer, her presence soothing. "Nysa is a land of hidden secrets and divine encounters. It is where many gods retreat for contemplation and renewal. You will find her there."

I felt a surge of determination. "Thank you, Dike. Your guidance means everything."

She smiled, a soft, knowing smile. "Remember, Damian, the path to justice is often fraught with trials. Stay true to your heart, and you will find the way."

With her words echoing in my mind, I left the courtyard, my destination clear. The journey to Nysa would be long and arduous, but it was a journey I had to undertake. For Medusa, for justice, and for the promise I had made.

The descent from Olympus was swift, driven by purpose. As I ventured through the landscapes of ancient Greece, the legend of Nysa began to unfold in my mind—a place of divine convergence, where gods and mortals alike sought refuge and revelation.

The landscape of Nysa stretched out before me, a land of lush forests and hidden valleys, imbued with an aura of ancient magic. The air was thick with the scent of pine and wildflowers, and the songs of distant birds echoed through the trees. As I ventured deeper into this mystical realm, my senses were on high alert, every rustle and shadow a potential threat or clue.

I wandered through a dense grove, the canopy above filtering the sunlight into dappled patterns on the forest floor. It was here, amidst the tranquil beauty, that a sudden, piercing shriek shattered the calm. I spun around, my heart pounding, as a creature descended from the treetops with terrifying speed.

The harpy was a nightmarish vision, her upper body that of a fierce, wild-eyed woman with matted hair and sharp, angular features. Her lower half was avian, powerful talons extending from scaled legs, and massive, leathery wings that flapped with a deafening roar. Her eyes gleamed with malice, and her mouth twisted into a vicious snarl, revealing rows of sharp, jagged teeth.

Before I could react, she lunged at me, her talons outstretched. I barely managed to dodge, feeling the rush of air as her claws sliced through the space where I had stood moments before. The gauntlets on my hands glowed faintly, responding to my rising adrenaline.

With a growl, I swung a punch at her, the gauntlets enhancing my strength. The blow connected with her torso, but she barely flinched, her wings beating furiously as she hovered above me. She lashed out again, this time catching my shoulder with a glancing blow that sent me staggering backward.

I steadied myself, adrenaline coursing through my veins. This was no ordinary fight; the harpy was a creature of myth, and I had to bring my all to defeat her. With a roar, I charged forward, my gauntlets glowing brighter as I unleashed a flurry of punches. Each strike was met with resistance, her shrieks filling the air as we battled.

The harpy swooped down, her talons aiming for my chest. I ducked and rolled, coming up behind her and landing a powerful uppercut to her jaw. She screeched in pain, flapping her wings wildly as she tried to regain her balance. I seized the opportunity, grabbing one of her wings and pulling with all my might.

The sound of tearing flesh and breaking bone was gruesome, but I didn't relent. The harpy's screams grew frantic as I tore her wing from her body, feathers and blood scattering in the air. She staggered, half-falling, half-flying in a desperate attempt to escape.

But I was relentless. I lunged at her again, my gauntlets a blur of motion as I pounded her remaining wing. With a final, furious effort, I tore it free, sending the harpy crashing to the ground. She lay there, writhing and screeching in agony, her once-mighty wings now reduced to tattered remnants.

Breathing heavily, I stood over her, my chest heaving from the exertion. The forest around us had fallen silent, the echoes of our battle still reverberating through the trees. The harpy's eyes, once filled with feral rage, now showed a flicker of fear and defeat.

The grove thinned out, giving way to a clearing bathed in golden light. In the center stood a magnificent temple, its white marble columns glowing with a divine radiance. As I approached, my heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and resolve. Athena, the goddess of wisdom and warfare, was within. The moment of confrontation had arrived.

I stepped through the grand entrance, the cool air inside a stark contrast to the warmth outside. The interior was adorned with intricate mosaics and statues, all tributes to Athena's glory. At the far end, on a raised dais, stood the goddess herself, commands attention with her statuesque beauty and commanding presence. Her figure is athletic yet undeniably feminine, with a generous bust that strains against the confines of her intricately adorned breastplate. Beneath the protective armor, her sculpted legs and rounded rear are clad in skirts that swish with every purposeful stride. Her gaze, sharp and penetrating, hints at a depth of intellect that matches the allure of her physical form.

"Athena!" I called out, my voice echoing through the vast chamber. "I am here to speak with you."

Athena turned, her gaze falling upon me with a mixture of curiosity and annoyance. "Who dares intrude upon my sanctuary?" Her voice was commanding, filled with the authority of ages.

"I am Damian," I replied, standing tall. "I have come to confront you about Medusa. She was wronged, and I am here to see that justice is done."

Athena's eyes narrowed, a flicker of recognition and disdain crossing her features. "Medusa?" she said, her voice dripping with contempt. "That creature brought her fate upon herself. Leave now, mortal, before I lose my patience."

I took a step forward, my resolve unshaken. "You wronged her, Athena. You punished her for something that was not her fault. I won't leave until you understand the pain you caused and face the consequences."

Athena's expression hardened. "You are bold, mortal. Too bold. You overstep your bounds."

"Perhaps," I said, my voice steady, "but boldness is needed to right a wrong. I am here to punish you for what you did to Medusa."

With a swift motion, Athena drew her spear, the tip glinting menacingly. "You dare challenge a goddess? So be it. Prepare yourself."

The air crackled with tension as we faced each other. Athena moved first, her spear thrusting toward me with blinding speed. I barely dodged, the weapon slicing through the air where I had stood moments before. The gauntlets on my hands glowed, responding to the threat.

I swung a punch, aiming for her midsection, but she parried effortlessly with her shield, the impact sending a jolt up my arm. Athena countered with a swift kick, her strength surprising. I stumbled back, regaining my footing just in time to dodge another thrust of her spear.

The fight intensified, our movements a blur of steel and sweat. Athena was relentless, her attacks precise and powerful. I could feel the divine energy radiating from her, each strike a testament to her godly prowess. But I was no ordinary mortal now; the pond had granted me strength and resilience.

I landed a solid hit on her shield, the force reverberating through the chamber. Athena's eyes flashed with annoyance, and she retaliated with a series of rapid strikes. I blocked and dodged as best I could, the gauntlets enhancing my reflexes.

"You are persistent," she hissed, her voice filled with grudging respect. "But persistence alone will not save you."

With a burst of speed, she closed the distance, her spear aimed at my heart. I twisted to the side, my gauntlets glowing brighter as I delivered a powerful uppercut to her jaw. Athena staggered, a look of surprise crossing her face.

Taking advantage of the moment, I launched a flurry of punches, each one striking her armor with a resounding clang. Athena recovered quickly, her spear whirling in a deadly arc. I raised my gauntlets just in time, the weapon's impact sending a shockwave through my arms.

Athena pushed forward, her attacks growing more furious. "You think you can best me, mortal?" she taunted, her voice filled with the confidence of a thousand victories. "I am a goddess!"

I gritted my teeth, deflecting a blow aimed at my head. "You may be a goddess, but you were wrong," I shouted back, my voice filled with determination. "And I won't stop until you face that truth."

With a roar, I summoned all my strength, my gauntlets glowing with an intense light. I charged at her, our clash shaking the very foundations of the temple. Athena's spear struck my side, but I ignored the pain, focusing all my energy into a powerful strike to her chest.

The impact sent her sprawling backward, her spear clattering to the floor. I stood over her, breathing heavily, my body aching but my resolve unbroken. Athena looked up at me, a mix of anger and something else—perhaps a glimmer of respect—in her eyes.

I quickly retrieved her majestic unicorn from a nearby stable, its silver coat shimmering in the dim light. Carefully, I lifted the unconscious goddess onto the back of the unicorn, making sure she was secure in the saddle.

With a deep breath, I mounted the unicorn myself, feeling its powerful muscles tense beneath me as we prepared to leave. As we soared into the sky, the temple grew smaller below us, a mere speck on the landscape.

We flew towards the temple of Athena, a towering structure that had stood for centuries. It was a place of worship and reverence, a sanctuary for those who sought the wisdom and guidance of the goddess.

In a fit of rage, I grabbed Athena and threw her in front of her own statue, the marble figure a stark reminder of her divine heritage. I tore her clothes apart, revealing her lithe form beneath the tattered remnants of her armor.

Athena gasped in shock and pain, her eyes widening in disbelief. "You dare to touch me, mortal?"

I growled, my anger fueling me. "You dare to create a monster and unleash her upon the world, and you have the audacity to question me?"

I grabbed her throat, my fingers digging into her skin, forcing her to open her mouth wide in a desperate search for air. Athena's eyes filled with fear, and she struggled against my grip, but I was too powerful for her to break free.

As I held her captive, I felt a primal urge rising within me, an uncontrollable desire to assert my dominance over the goddess. I shoved my penis deep inside her mouth, my hips bucking wildly as I took what I wanted.

Athena struggled and gagged, her eyes filled with hatred and revulsion. But I didn't care. I was taking back the power she had stolen from me, asserting my control over her and the world she had created.

I grabbed Athena's hair, my fingers twisting in the soft locks, and shoved my cock into her mouth once more. This time, I held her head in place, my hips bucking wildly as I thrust deep into her throat.

Athena gagged and choked, her eyes filling with tears as she struggled against my grip. But I didn't care. I was taking back the power she had stolen from me, asserting my control over her and the world she had created.

As I continued to force myself upon her, I could feel my anger and frustration building, my orgasm rapidly approaching. I wanted to make Athena suffer; to feel the pain and humiliation she had inflicted upon others.

Finally, I couldn't hold back any longer. I came inside her mouth, my cock throbbing as I filled her with my essence. I held my cock deep within her, my hips pressed against her lips, as I savored the feeling of dominance and control.

Athena struggled against my grip, her eyes rolling back as dizziness overcame her. But I didn't let go, my fingers tangled in her hair as I held her in place, ensuring that she felt every moment of my orgasm.

As I finally released her, Athena collapsed to the ground, her body spent and her face flushed. I looked down at her, my breath coming in ragged gasps.

I approached Athena, who lay on the ground, her body still trembling from our encounter. I could see the hatred in her eyes, but I didn't care. I had to take back what was mine.

"Spread your legs," I growled, my voice low and menacing.

Athena hesitated for a moment, her eyes flicking to mine. But she knew there was no escape, no way out of this. So she did as I commanded, her legs parting wide to reveal her untouched flesh.

I could see the fear in her eyes, the realization that she had lost control. But I didn't care. I had to take back what was mine.

I positioned my cock at her entrance, my breath coming in ragged gasps. I could feel the power coursing through me, the desire to assert my dominance over Athena and the world she had created.

"Athena," I said, my voice firm and resolute, "this is for everything you took from medusa."

With that, I thrust my cock into her pussy, taking her virginity and asserting my control over her. Athena cried out in pain and shock, her body trembling beneath me as I fucked her senseless.

As I pumped into her, I could feel my anger and frustration building, my orgasm rapidly approaching. I wanted to make Athena suffer, to feel the pain and humiliation she had inflicted upon others.

Finally, I couldn't hold back any longer. I came inside her, my cock throbbing as I filled her with my essence. Athena cried out, her body convulsing beneath me as she experienced pleasure for the first time.

"You know, Medusa wasn't always a monster. Poseidon raped her, just as I raped you. She was just as helpless as you are now."

"Enough," she said, her voice steady but edged with frustration. "You have proven your point, mortal. I will listen."

I extended a hand to help her up, the intensity of the battle slowly ebbing away. "Medusa deserves justice," I said, my voice firm but calm. "She deserves your understanding and acknowledgment of the wrong done to her."

"You have shown me the error of my judgment," Athena finally spoke, her voice carrying the weight of centuries of wisdom and regret. "Medusa suffered unjustly, and for that, I must make amends."

With a gesture, Athena summoned the divine energies that bound Medusa's curse. A shimmering light enveloped the temple, and I felt a profound sense of relief wash over me, knowing that justice, at long last, would be served.

Athena's expression softened further, a rare smile gracing her lips. "May this be a new beginning for Medusa," she said, her voice echoing with sincerity and resolve. "And may she find peace where there was once only suffering."


Word of my confrontation with Athena spread swiftly through the halls of Mount Olympus, stirring whispers among gods and goddesses alike. Zeus, the mighty ruler of the gods, recognized the significance of my actions and the impact they had on divine affairs. He thought I might dethrone him. So, he thought he should be in my good books.

In a grand gesture, Zeus decided to honor me for my courage and resolve. A massive palace was erected within the sacred grounds of Mount Olympus, a testament to my newfound status among the gods. The halls gleamed with marble and gold, adorned with statues and paintings depicting heroic deeds and ancient myths.

As I walked through the palace, escorted by attendants who spoke in hushed tones of reverence, I marveled at the splendor surrounding me. The chambers were vast and opulent, each room offering breathtaking views of the celestial realm outside. It was a world far removed from the mortal life I had once known, yet strangely familiar in its grandeur.

Zeus himself appeared before me, his presence commanding the attention of all who stood in his presence. "Damian," he spoke, his voice resonating with power and authority, "you have proven yourself worthy of the highest honors Olympus can bestow."

I bowed respectfully before the king of gods, overwhelmed by the magnitude of his words and gestures. "Thank you, Zeus," I replied, my voice steady despite the awe I felt. "It is an honor beyond my wildest dreams."

Zeus nodded, a hint of admiration in his expression. "You have shown courage and wisdom beyond your mortal years," he continued. "For that, I offer you residence here, among the gods. This palace is yours to command, a sanctuary where you may dwell in peace and prosperity."

With a wave of his hand, Zeus gestured toward the panoramic view of Olympus beyond the palace walls. "May this realm be your home," he proclaimed, his voice echoing through the halls, "and may you find fulfillment in the company of gods and goddesses who now count you as their equal."

As Zeus departed, leaving me to contemplate the vastness of my new domain, I knew that my journey was far from over. Here, amidst the immortals and legends of ancient mythology, I would find new challenges and discoveries awaiting me.

With a deep breath, I walked to the balcony overlooking the majestic landscape of Olympus. The sunbathed the peaks in golden light, casting a warm glow over the realm of gods and goddesses. It was a sight that filled me with a sense of wonder and gratitude—a reminder that even in the realm of gods, the spirit of adventure and discovery thrived.

Medusa, now freed from her curse and restored to her original form, stood before me with a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty. Her long, flowing hair cascaded down her back in luscious waves. Her ample, firm tits were perfectly shaped, accentuated by a delicate, sheer gown. Her skin was smooth and radiant, glowing with youthful vitality. Her hips were curvaceous, leading to long, elegant legs. Her eyes, bright and captivating, promised warmth and allure.

"Damian," she spoke softly, her voice carrying the weight of centuries spent in exile and torment. "I am... grateful for what you have done."

I met her gaze with empathy, understanding the magnitude of her transformation. "Medusa," I replied, my voice gentle yet resolute, "you deserve this redemption. You have suffered long enough."

She nodded, a tentative smile touching her lips. "Zeus has entrusted me with a new role," she continued, her words measured. "I am to be your attendant, here in this palace."

I considered her offer, knowing that her presence would bring both challenges and opportunities. "You are welcome here, Medusa," I said finally, extending my hand in a gesture of acceptance. "Together, we can find purpose and meaning in this new chapter."

Medusa hesitated for a moment, then placed her hand in mine. It was a gesture of trust and solidarity, bridging the gap between our worlds—mortal and divine, past and present.

As we walked through the halls of the palace, Medusa at my side, I felt a sense of peace settle over me. The challenges I had faced, from the shifting pond to the confrontation with Athena, had led me to this moment of reconciliation and renewal.

As the days passed on Mount Olympus, word of my exploits and alliances spread among the gods and goddesses. Among them, Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, took a keen interest in my presence. Drawn by curiosity and perhaps a hint of admiration for my actions, she began to visit my palace more frequently.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and painted the sky in shades of pink and gold, Aphrodite appeared at the threshold of my palace. Her presence brought an aura of grace and allure, her golden hair cascading in waves over her shoulders, adorned in a gown that shimmered like starlight.

"Damian," she greeted me with a smile that could enchant even the most steadfast of hearts. "I find myself drawn to your sanctuary on Olympus. It feels... different here."

I nodded, sensing the undercurrent of her unspoken words. "You are always welcome, Aphrodite," I replied, motioning for her to join me in the palace's grand hall. "This place is yours as much as it is mine."

Aphrodite's eyes sparkled with amusement as she surveyed the opulence around her. "Such generosity from a mortal," she mused, her voice playful yet tinged with curiosity. "You intrigue me, Damian. There is a depth to you that goes beyond mortal reckoning."

As our conversations deepened and our bond grew, Aphrodite decided to make her presence more permanent. With a snap of her fingers that echoed through the palace, she claimed one of the chambers as her own—a sanctuary where she could retreat from the bustling activities of Olympus and find solace in the mortal-turned-demigod's realm.

In the days that followed, Aphrodite's presence brought a new energy to the palace. Her chamber became a haven of beauty and artistry, filled with exquisite tapestries and sculptures that spoke of love and passion. The fragrance of roses and myrtle lingered in the air, a testament to her domain over desire and devotion.