
Greek Goddesses Are Hot Milfs

Damian transmigrated as a demigod in ancient Greece, and runs into many Greek goddesses and you know what they are all hot milfs. He does many acts that change the course of mythology. Do you wanna see how they look? join discord - https://discord.gg/SZPksDrm

Playwright · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Aphrodite's Invitation

I hastily dressed, still reeling from the encounter with the siren, when a presence made itself known. Turning, I beheld a vision of breathtaking beauty—a woman with long, flowing hair that shimmered like spun gold in the twilight. Her figure was voluptuous and graceful, radiating an ethereal aura that seemed to illuminate the surrounding landscape.

"My, my," she purred, her voice as melodious as a summer breeze. "What an intriguing mortal I've stumbled upon."

I blinked in astonishment, trying to gather my wits as I beheld the goddess before me. "Aphrodite?" I managed to stammer, recognizing her from the tales and myths.

She smiled, a mischievous twinkle in her luminous eyes. "The one and only, darling."

Aphrodite stepped closer, her presence overwhelming yet captivating. "I've heard whispers about you, Damian. Stories of your journey, your encounters. You've piqued my interest."

I swallowed nervously, the weight of her attention settling heavily upon me. "What... what do you want with me?"

She chuckled softly, a sound like the tinkle of bells. "Oh, Damian, it's not about what I want. It's about what you can offer."

My mind raced, trying to comprehend her words. "Offer?"

"Yes," Aphrodite continued, her gaze lingering on me with unabashed curiosity. "You see, I have a proposition for you. A challenge, if you will."

I furrowed my brow, wary yet intrigued. "What kind of challenge?"

Her smile widened, revealing a glimpse of her enchanting nature. "I invite you to visit me on Mount Olympus, Damian. But reaching Olympus is no easy feat, even for mortals as... gifted as yourself."

Mount Olympus—the very heart of the divine realm. The thought sent a shiver down my spine, both exhilarating and daunting.

"What if I refuse?" I asked cautiously, knowing that defying a goddess was not a decision to be taken lightly.

Aphrodite's expression grew serious, her eyes locking onto mine with a hint of challenge. "Then you'll never know what you're truly capable of, Damian. The choice is yours."

With that enigmatic statement, she turned and began to fade into the twilight, her form blending seamlessly with the ethereal glow of the evening sky.

The bustling city greeted me with its familiar chaos as I navigated through narrow streets and crowded market squares. Thoughts of Aphrodite's challenge and Mount Olympus consumed my mind, urging me to seek a way forward, a path that would lead me undetected to the summit of the divine mountain.

Amidst the throng of merchants and traders, I spotted a booth adorned with barrels of fine liquor—its proprietor, a stout man with a weathered face and shrewd eyes, calling out to passersby.

"Fresh wine from the vineyards of Thrace!" he announced proudly, his voice carrying above the din of the marketplace.

Approaching him, I studied the trader intently. "Excuse me," I began, "I'm looking for information. Specifically, the best way to reach the top of Mount Olympus."

The trader raised an eyebrow, appraising me with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. "Mount Olympus, you say? Not many mortals seek that path."

I nodded, urgency coloring my voice. "It's... important. I need to find a way to reach the summit without drawing unwanted attention."

He scratched his chin thoughtfully, his gaze darting around as if wary of eavesdroppers. "Hmph. It's no easy task, that's for certain. Olympus is guarded by divine beings, and mortal feet seldom tread its sacred slopes."

"Surely there's a way," I pressed, a hint of desperation creeping into my tone.

The trader leaned closer, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "There's an old shepherd's trail," he began cautiously, "hidden among the foothills. It's not well-known, but it winds its way through valleys and ancient groves, away from prying eyes."

Relief flooded through me. "Where can I find this trail?"

He nodded slowly, as if weighing the risk of revealing such information. "Follow the river to the west of the city," he instructed quietly. "You'll find a stone marker—a weathered stag carved into the rock. That's where the trail begins."

Gratitude surged within me as I reached into my pouch, withdrawing a handful of coins. "Thank you," I said earnestly, placing the payment in his outstretched hand.

The trader pocketed the coins with a nod, his eyes lingering on me with a mix of wariness and curiosity. "Be cautious, mortal," he warned cryptically. "The path to Olympus is fraught with peril, and not all who seek its heights return unchanged."

With a final nod of thanks, I turned and hurried away, the trader's words echoing in my mind. The shepherd's trail—a hidden path through ancient lands, leading toward Olympus and the challenge that awaited me there.

The path led me deeper into the rugged terrain, the air growing thin and crisp as I ascended toward the looming peak of Mount Olympus. The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the ancient landscape, when I stumbled upon an unexpected sight—a serene lake nestled amidst towering cliffs.

As I approached the water's edge, a ripple disturbed the surface, followed by the emergence of a monstrous creature—a hydra, its serpentine heads rearing up in a sinister display of fangs and scales.

My heart raced as instinct took over, the ring on my finger pulsing with an intense glow. Without warning, heavy gauntlets materialized on both hands, their weight and craftsmanship undeniable.

The hydra lunged with startling speed, its heads snapping in a frenzy of hunger and rage. I dodged and weaved, relying on newfound strength and agility granted by the gauntlets. With each blow, the impact reverberated through my arms, a stark reminder of the power now at my disposal.

The battle raged on, the lake becoming a turbulent arena of thrashing limbs and snapping jaws. Adrenaline fueled my movements as I focused on the task at hand—defeating the hydra, ensuring that its threat was neutralized.

In a moment of clarity, I seized upon an opportunity. With a mighty swing, I aimed a crushing blow at one of the hydra's heads. The impact was devastating, the skull of the head collapsing under the force of the gauntlet's strike. Unlike the stories, this head did not regenerate—it lay motionless, severed from the creature's twisted form.

But the battle was far from over. The remaining heads continued their onslaught, fueled by primal fury and unrelenting hunger. With gritted teeth and steely determination, I pressed forward, each maneuver calculated and precise.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a crimson glow across the water, the struggle reached its climax. With a final surge of strength, I delivered blow after blow, each strike weakening the hydra's resolve until, at last, the creature faltered.

With a deafening roar, the hydra collapsed into the depths of the lake, its life force extinguished. Silence descended upon the scene, broken only by the gentle lapping of water against the shore.

Breathing heavily, I surveyed the aftermath of the battle—a testament to the challenges that awaited on the ascent to Olympus. The gauntlets on my hands shimmered briefly before dissipating, leaving me once again in the quiet solitude of the mountain.

Exhausted yet triumphant, I knew that this victory was just the beginning. The path ahead would test my courage and resilience, pushing me to embrace the power and purpose bestowed upon me by the shifting pond.

The ascent to the summit of Mount Olympus had been arduous, each step a testament to determination and resilience. Finally, I stood before the grandeur of Olympus, its peaks bathed in the soft glow of dawn as I navigated its celestial heights with cautious steps.

Avoiding the watchful eyes of divine beings and servants that populated the Olympian realm, I made my way through ornate corridors and winding passageways until I arrived at Aphrodite's chamber—a sanctuary of beauty and grace amidst the divine splendor.

As I entered, the air seemed to shimmer with an ethereal light, and there she stood—the goddess Aphrodite herself, a vision of unparalleled loveliness and allure. Her attire was as radiant as her presence, adorned in flowing robes of gossamer silk that draped elegantly around her form. Pearls and jewels adorned her hair, cascading in golden waves down her back, enhancing her divine aura.

"Welcome, Damian," she greeted with a smile that could melt the hardest heart, her voice like the soft murmur of a summer breeze.

I bowed respectfully, overwhelmed by her beauty and the gravity of my surroundings. "Thank you, Aphrodite."

She gestured gracefully, indicating her attendants who stood beside her—a trio of goddesses known as the Horae, daughters of Zeus and Themis, guardians of divine order and the seasons.

The first was Eunomia, embodiment of good order and lawful conduct. She stood tall and regal, her attire a shimmering gown of celestial blue, adorned with symbols of justice and governance. Her eyes held a calm authority, and her demeanor exuded a sense of serenity and purpose.

The second was Dike, goddess of justice and moral order. Her presence was commanding yet fair, clad in robes of deep crimson that symbolized the righteous judgment she imparted. A balance scale rested in her hand, a testament to her role in maintaining cosmic harmony and truth.

Lastly, there was Eirene, goddess of peace and springtime. Her countenance was gentle and serene, garbed in a flowing robe of pastel hues that evoked the freshness of new beginnings. She carried an olive branch, a symbol of reconciliation and prosperity.

"These are my attendants, the Horae," Aphrodite introduced with a gesture of pride. "Eunomia, Dike, and Eirene embody the virtues that uphold Olympus and guide its inhabitants."

I nodded respectfully, taking in the presence of these divine beings who radiated wisdom and power. Each of them bore the mark of their divine lineage, their grace and poise a testament to their role in the celestial realm.

"Your journey has brought you here, Damian," Aphrodite continued, her gaze piercing yet compassionate. "What you seek lies within your grasp. Embrace the challenges that await, for they will shape your destiny in ways you cannot yet fathom."

As the soft glow of dawn filtered through the chambers of Aphrodite's sanctuary atop Mount Olympus, I stood before the goddess, awash in the radiance of her presence. She regarded me with eyes that seemed to hold secrets as old as time itself, her voice a melodious whisper that stirred the very air around us.

"Damian," she began, her words woven with metaphorical elegance, "Artemis, the steadfast huntress of the celestial realm, plans to pursue a rare and elusive quarry—the celestial silver deer. This creature, born of moonlight and starfire, roams the boundaries of mortal perception. Only a man with a rare insight, attuned to the whispers of the cosmos, can perceive its fleeting presence."

Her words resonated within me, stirring a deep curiosity and a sense of destiny. "Why me?" I asked, my voice filled with wonder and uncertainty.

Aphrodite smiled knowingly, her expression both gentle and profound. "Because, Damian, you possess a unique gift—an ability to see beyond the veil of ordinary sight. The shifting pond has bestowed upon you not only strength and resilience but also a deeper connection to the divine mysteries that shape our world."

She stepped closer, her presence enveloping me like a warm embrace. "This task will not only test your mettle but will also deepen your understanding of the divine tapestry that weaves through Olympus and beyond."

As I prepared to depart on this daunting quest, Aphrodite's demeanor shifted subtly. With a snap that echoed through the chamber, she closed the door behind me, locking eyes with me in a moment of unspoken understanding.

"Damian," she murmured, her voice tinged with a hint of intrigue, "why the haste? Is there not more you wish to uncover?"

Her words hung in the air, laden with unspoken implications. Did she know of the other powers that stirred within me, powers yet to be fully realized?

Before I could respond, Aphrodite turned to her attendants—the Horae—who stood poised and graceful by her side. With a gesture of command, she ordered them to shed their clothes, their robes falling away to reveal their naked form.

Her attendants stepped forward, their hands reaching for the buttons of my tunic. I stood still, my heart racing, as they stripped me bare, leaving me vulnerable and exposed.

Her attendants stepped forward, their hands reaching for the buttons of my tunic. I stood still, my heart racing, as they stripped me bare, leaving me vulnerable and exposed.

The women changed positions gracefully, and I found myself standing up as they surrounded me. Dike stepped forward, her eyes locked onto mine as she leaned down and sucked on the head of my cock. Her warm, wet mouth enveloped me, and I could feel my heartbeat quicken.

Eirene and Eumonia moved in tandem, each sucking on one side of my shaft, their mouths moving in perfect unison. The sensation was intoxicating, and I could feel myself growing harder, my cock pulsating in their mouths.

As they continued to pleasure me, I could feel the orgasm building, the pressure mounting with each passing moment. I looked down at Dike, her eyes locked onto mine, and I knew that it was time.

With a roar, I came, my orgasm erupting within Dike's mouth. My semen shot out in powerful bursts, so intense that it even shot out of her nose, a testament to the force of my release. Dike swallowed, taking every last drop, her eyes never leaving mine.

The three women then kissed and licked each other, sharing my cum. Their tongues danced together, tasting my essence, and they moaned in unison, the sound driving me wild with desire. Their lips glistened with my seed, and they fed off each other, their eyes locked onto mine, filled with hunger and desire.

As the three women continued to share my cum, Aphrodite's voice cut through the moment. "Damian, tell me, do you truly have the power to summon infinite erections at will?" she asked, her voice laced with curiosity.

I hesitated for a moment, considering her question. "I'm not sure, Aphrodite," I admitted. "But I can try."

Aphrodite nodded, her eyes locked onto mine. "Then try you must," she murmured, her voice filled with anticipation.

I looked down at my penis, still glistening with the remnants of our encounter. To my surprise, I could feel it beginning to harden once again, rising to attention as if beckoned by some unseen force.

Aphrodite's eyes widened in astonishment. "By the gods, Damian," she breathed, her tone filled with awe. "You truly do possess the power to summon infinite erections at will."

I looked down at my erect penis, my heart pounding with a mix of pride and disbelief. "I... I don't know how," I confessed, my voice barely a whisper. "It just happens."

Aphrodite stepped forward, her eyes locked onto mine. "It is your divine power, Damian," she murmured, her voice filled with reverence. "A gift from the gods, a testament to your greatness."

As the three women continued to surround me, Aphrodite's voice cut through the air once more. "My dear Damian," she said, her voice laced with seduction, "I believe it is time for these ladies to leave my chamber."

The three women nodded, their eyes filled with a mix of desire and respect, and they stepped back, allowing Aphrodite to take center stage. As they obeyed her command, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within me.

Aphrodite moved closer to me, her eyes locked onto mine as she ran her finger seductively along the length of my erect penis. "Your cock is magnificent, Damian," she murmured, her voice filled with desire. "Long and thick, just as I imagined."

As she spoke, her words filled with seduction, I could feel my heartbeat quicken, my body trembling with anticipation. Aphrodite's eyes never left mine as she described my penis in a way that made my heart race and my pulse quicken.

With her hands, she traced the contours of my cock, her touch delicate yet firm, sending shivers down my spine. "Perfect in every way," she whispered, her voice a mere whisper against my skin.

Aphrodite then stepped back, her eyes locked onto mine as she seductively called me towards her. I obeyed her unspoken command, stepping closer as she sat down on the bed, her eyes never leaving mine.

As I approached her, she reached out and took my erect penis in her hand, her grip firm yet gentle. Her eyes locked onto mine as she leaned forward, her lips brushing against my skin as she kissed my cock, her tongue darting out to tease the head.

Aphrodite leaned back on the bed, her eyes locked onto mine as she wrapped her legs around me. "Just so you know, Damian," she murmured, her voice filled with a mix of desire and anticipation, "I like it rough."

Her words sent a shiver down my spine, my heart pounding with excitement and anticipation. I hesitated for a moment, my mind racing with the implications of her statement, but I knew that I couldn't resist the allure of her seductive gaze.

With a growl, I shoved my cock into her wet pussy, my eyes closing briefly as I felt her warmth and wetness envelop me. As I began to fuck her, I snapped my fingers, and two heavy metal gauntlets appeared on my hands, their surfaces slick and polished.

I gripped Aphrodite's tits, my fingers digging into her soft flesh, and I felt a surge of power course through me. The gauntlets seemed to amplify my strength, my thrusts becoming more forceful, more intense.

Aphrodite moaned in pleasure, her nails digging into the sheets as I fucked her, her eyes locked onto mine, filled with desire and hunger. "Harder, Damian," she urged, her voice laced with lust. "Give it to me harder."

I obeyed her command, my thrusts becoming more forceful, more intense. The bed creaked and groaned under the weight of our passion, the sound filling the room, a testament to our shared desire.

As I continued to fuck Aphrodite, I could feel her pussy stretching to accommodate my girth, her wetness and warmth enveloping me completely. But even as she moaned in pleasure, I could tell that her pussy couldn't contain all of me, my cock leaking a steady stream of precum as it dripped out of her.

Aphrodite's eyes locked onto mine, her breath coming in ragged gasps. "Fill me, Damian," she urged, her voice filled with desire and hunger. "I want to feel you deep inside me."

I hesitated for a moment, considering her request, but the seductive tone of her voice was too much to resist. With a growl, I thrust deeper, my cock buried to the hilt within her tight pussy.

As I deepened my thrusts, I could feel my orgasm building, the pressure mounting with each passing moment. Aphrodite's moans grew louder, her nails digging into the sheets, her legs tightening around me.

Suddenly, I released her tits, my hands now free to grip her hips, guiding her body in perfect unison with mine. The metal gloves left many scratches and minor cuts on her tits, but Aphrodite's eyes never left mine, filled with desire and anticipation.

With a roar, I came, my orgasm erupting within Aphrodite, my cum filling her pussy, her eyes locked onto mine, filled with hunger and lust. As I emptied myself within her, I could feel a sense of power and control, my body moving in perfect unison with hers, the gauntlets enhancing my every movement, my every thrust.

As we continued to fuck, the door to the chamber suddenly burst open, and Hephaestus, Aphrodite's husband, stepped into the room. His eyes locked onto us, filled with a mix of anger and disbelief.

Aphrodite ignored him, her eyes never leaving mine as she spoke. "Damian, please, get your cock hard again," she murmured, her voice laced with desire and anticipation.

I hesitated for a moment, my mind racing with the implications of her request, but I knew that I couldn't resist the allure of her seductive gaze. As I focused my energy, my cock began to harden once again, rising to attention.

Aphrodite got on all fours on the bed, her eyes locked onto mine as she positioned herself. I stepped forward, my cock throbbing with desire, and I slowly slid it into her asshole, her tightness and warmth enveloping me.

Hephaestus watched us intently, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and disbelief. As I began to fuck Aphrodite, I could feel my power growing, my movements becoming more forceful, more intense.

With a growl, I grabbed Aphrodite by the throat, my fingers digging into her soft flesh. I pulled her close, her back pressed against my chest, and I bit her trap, the pain causing her to cry out in pleasure.

A drop of blood dripped from her trap, flowing down her cheek and onto her tits. The sight of her blood mixed with the act of fucking her sent shivers down my spine, my orgasm building with each passing moment.

With a growl, I pulled out of her, my cock glistening with her wetness and my precum. I turned her onto her back, her eyes never leaving mine as I positioned myself above her.

I thrust into her once, twice, three times, and with a roar, I came all over her face and body, my semen erupting from my cock in powerful bursts. The sight of my seed covering her beautiful features filled me with a sense of primal pleasure, my heart pounding with excitement and anticipation.

The semen dripped from her nipples and eyebrows, a testament to the intensity of our passion. Aphrodite moaned in pleasure, her eyes locked onto mine, filled with hunger and lust.

As she lay beneath me, her body covered in my cum, she licked her lips, cleaning off the semen with her tongue. The sight of her tasting my essence sent shivers down my spine, my heart pounding with desire and need.

As I left Aphrodite's chamber, I found the three ladies waiting for me outside. Their eyes locked onto mine, filled with desire and anticipation, as they stood in silence, their bodies glistening with sweat and cum.

I gestured for them to hug a nearby pillar, their asses protruding back. One by one, they obeyed my command, their bodies pressed against the pillar, their eyes locked onto mine as they presented themselves to me.

I moved between them, my cock throbbing with desire and need. As I fucked each of them in turn, I could feel my power growing, my movements becoming more forceful, more intense.

With each thrust, I filled them with my semen, their bodies covered in my essence. They moaned in pleasure, their eyes locked onto mine, filled with hunger and lust.

As I finished with the last woman, I looked down at the three of them, their bodies covered in my cum, their eyes locked onto mine, filled with desire and anticipation. And as I stood before them, my heart pounding with excitement and anticipation, I knew that this was just the beginning of my journey into the divine. A journey that would push me to my limits and reveal the true extent of my powers.

The descent from Mount Olympus was a journey filled with reflection and newfound understanding. The events of the night with Aphrodite, Artemis, and the Horae left a lingering sense of connection, but now, my thoughts turned inward, processing the gravity of my actions and their implications.

As I navigated the rugged terrain, the early morning light began to filter through the canopy of ancient trees, casting dappled shadows on the path ahead. The air was crisp, carrying the scent of pine and earth, and the gentle rustle of leaves provided a soothing backdrop to my contemplations.

It was then, in the quiet solitude of the mountainside, that a realization struck me like a bolt of divine lightning. The hydra—the creature I had battled and defeated—was one of the legendary twelve labors of Hercules. My actions had altered a cornerstone of myth and legend, reducing his arduous tasks to eleven.

A mix of awe and trepidation coursed through me. I had interfered with a tale as old as time, one that had been recounted through the ages, a testament to the heroism and endurance of Hercules. The significance of this was profound, and the weight of it settled on my shoulders like a mantle of fate.

"Did I truly change the course of history?" I wondered aloud, my voice barely a whisper against the backdrop of nature's symphony. The thought was both exhilarating and daunting.

The implications were vast. By slaying the hydra, a creature meant to test the mettle of a demigod, I had inadvertently claimed a place in the annals of myth myself. But what did this mean for my journey? For the path that lay ahead?