
Greatest Warrior of The Multiverse

Dropped due to negativity( Don't leave comments etc. I Won't read...) --- This is the story of Nion, the Saiyan who became the greatest warrior of the Multiverse. Nion was and is the greatest scientist, dimension traveler, Universe traveler, time traveler, Hero, Villian, and many other things of the Omniverse. The most important is Warrior though because he believed and still holds himself a warrior in his heart. However, No one knows that this warrior used to be an ordinary human on earth until one day...

TheMystic · Movies
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28 Chs

Absolute Void

There was nothing but flashing rainbow lights, occasionally lighting up the endlessness as if a crack of lightning in the dark cloudy sky.

A being stepped into such a scenery, he looked at the surroundings with wide eyes. He used his eyes and they changed somehow to perceive this void.

In the distance, however close it seemed yet infinitely far, hidden from the eyes, were complex gas-like halos in incomprehensible ever-changing shapes. These were universes and their ever-changing shapes, the flow of their time.

There were countless of such things and more, forces beyond understanding that held reality together. He saw them but he could not comprehend them.

Gazing at infinity, flowing in Eternity of the Absolute Void, did he feel powerful? Did he feel great for he had come such a long way to come where he was? No, he felt small; like a frog who had just stepped out of the well and saw the boundless starry sky.

He was mesmerized by the beauty of existence. An innate desire to know more, to explore and comprehend all of its beauty came to life within him, like a small flicker of flame that would one day turn into a raging inferno.

His body was covered in complex geometrical shapes of energy that were multidimensional, these interacted with the reality around him and kept him safe and separated from his surroundings. His suit worked perfectly, he was protected in this Void.

He looked down at his watch and tapped on it, A message appeared on a screen made of pure energy. It did not use light rather gravity waves that his eyes could see to show him. Those could travel in the Void. The suit gave him the ability to interact with the Void and the screen.

[Ava: Nion, I am using the VNS and it works. I have detected a total number of... infinite universes... There are countless quantum realms with their own unique features around us. Most of them have a few things in common with each other and the universe you named DCEU, which suggests that we are in the multiverse you named DC.]

[I am using the information gathered to make the Versal Map. DC Multiverse looks as such...]

A 3D picture was shown on the screen and Nion looked at it with focus. 'It looks like a cloud composed of many smaller ones that are universes.'

He began typing on the screen with one hand and communicated with Ava.

[Nion: Ava, How long will it take to travel to another universe and Multiverse nearby?]

[Ava: Roughly... 1 year to a universe as for the nearest Multiverse... 1.3 centillion years.]

Nion's eyes widened. 'That's a 10 with 303 zeros..'

[Nion: Ava...]

'What are you doing here?' Nion was interrupted by a voice that spoke directly to his mind. He froze for a moment and immediately looked around but saw nothing.

'Don't be alarmed, I wish you no harm at the moment... I am rather curious since I haven't seen a Mortal being from another Multiverse come here with clever tricks. My omniscience doesn't seem to work on you... Who are you? You don't seem to be a Beyonder...'

Nion gulped and thought hurriedly, 'Judging from the telepathic power, this entity can harm my mind directly, he has no form... possibly omnipresent here? It claimed to have omniscience so if I add those two together and the power to talk about and know of Multiverses... The presence?!'

'Impressive, you know of my existence. How peculiar... I sense the power of some entity on you... You have been granted absolute immortality of body? Interesting. What do you want here?'

Nion realized it could read his thoughts instantly and know his emotions, he felt a little helpless. 'Is this the power of an omnipotent being? How terrfying... can you hear my thoughts right now?'

He was unsure how to feel and communicate, it wasn't like a telepathic connection with Ava. The presence directly read his mind.

'Yes, I already read your memory... no need to answer. Some parts of your memory I can't seem to read, strange... but the other parts suggest you were a normal human that became what you are due to unique circumstances... I shall allow you to stay within my domain.'


'... What are you doing in the Void?'

Nion was a little nervous as he answered or thought is a better term, 'I want to travel universes and Multiverses to find a certain place. I have no intention to interfere with your domain.'

The presence was silent for a while and Nion's nervousness grew.

'With the current level of your tools, you have the ability to barely explore my domain. Getting past the source wall will take you an infinite amount of time, traveling the source to other Multiverses as you call it, even longer. Your soul seems to not be in a particular state affected by an entity of the source. Your future is not bright, anomaly. I will do you this favor since you peaked my interest a little.'

Nion blinked for a fraction of a second and he discovered he was not in the Absolute Void. He was in a dirty alley somewhere unknown.

He looked around frantically and flew up and saw he was in a city. He saw the hollywood sign and It didn't take long for him to realize what had happened.

'The presence put me in a universe? But which one and why?'

He flew down with a frown and landed in the same alley. Suddenly, someone appeared in the alley out of thin air as if he had teleported.

He was a handsome and charming man in a classy suit. "I sensed something here..." The man murmured as he walked forward and looked at Nion. He had a british accent.

He looked him up and down with slightly raised eyebrows as he muttered to himself, "3... no 6, that's not it. Nine! 9 dimensional? no... It's a suit?! Marvelous."

Nion felt he was familiar but he didn't know why. He was on high alert though, if he learned his suit's dimensional properties in such a short time... It was a powerful being.

The man looked at his suit with scrutinizing eyes and smiled charmingly, "Nice one! What a great suit! I want one. How much? By the way, you look a little funny with that look, I suggest you morph the suit into something classy like mine, you are not doing it justice! What are you, Caped Crusader in the 70's or something?". He looked at Nion with a smirk.

Nion looked down and something dawned on him, 'Since when did it become normal for me to wear capes and stuff?'. The suit morphed into a casual outfit instantly.

He coughed into his hand to gather his bearings and asked with a little frown, "Who are you?".

The man seemed taken aback, "Oh my, where are my manners?" He extended his hand for a handshake and said with a smile, "Lucifer Morningstar.".

Nion stood still, 'I see now... Presence and now this? Why send me here?'.

He extended his hand for a firm handshake, "I am Nion... I also go by Ion Grimm.".

Lucifer frowned as he shook his hand, he looked at him with unusual seriousness. "Your soul... It is damaged and corrupted. I have seen this before... It is from the beings in the source..."

Nion paid rapt attention. 'That's why the nanobots didn't fix it? I only temporary fixed the symptom not the disease itself! I only looked at it in a physical way not spiritual...'

"Mr. Morningstar, Do you know of a way to fix it?"

Lucifer suddenly smiled deviously, "I assume you know who I am based on your reaction... I also feel my father's aura around you? Did he send you here?"

Nion nodded and thought quickly as he said, "I met the presence and he just sent me to this universe suddenly, I don't have a clue why... You wanted the suit right? I will make you one if you can help me."

Lucifer suddenly wrapped his arm around Nion's shoulder and dragged him away with enthusiasm, "I can patch it up for a few years, sure. Call me Lucifer, Shall we make a Deal?".

He seemed very interested in the suit for some reason.

He had met God and the Devil of this multiverse in one day, he was a little shocked at the sudden turn of events. He was speechless...


I am putting this story on a Hiatus. I am extremely busy and can't write for a while. I don't know how long till my business is finished...

For those who don't know, we are still in DC but out of DCEU. Let me give you some info:

The Presence is the god of the DC Multiverse. A omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscience being.

Lucifer Morningstar is the Devil, A.k.a Samael. He is in the top 5 powerful beings in the DC Multiverse. He can do anything except creating something out of nothing.

The lucifer in the show is supposed to have these abilities but the show never showed much, in the crisis crossover it showed a little.

I am changing little things but nothing too major of DC itself.

TheMysticcreators' thoughts