
Greatest Streamer System

"That was fun..." A sickly young man named Breeze was forsaken by fate, only discovering the fun of livestreaming in the last month of his life. However, he suddenly woke up in an unfamiliar room and heard a voice. It was a system. [Greatest Streamer System has been installed.] [Quest: Get 5 Followers!] [Reward: Streamer Profile Banner.] Breeze had been given a chance and transmigrated as Max Charles in a world where streaming has become a favorite job due to the advancement of Virtual Reality Technology. He worked hard to finish the quest given by the system. However, the viewers were always the same no matter what or where the world was. They were unhinged. — Woah!! Triple kill! — Can he get a rampage? Go rampage! — I want to be Breeze! I envy Breeze! I want to be Breeze! I envy Breeze! — Let him cook, guys! Let him cook! Follow Breeze's journey to become the greatest streamer in the world! *** Discord Link: https://discord.gg/99w3KWsREz

ShuviLily · Fantasy
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483 Chs

Chapter 355 – Party Date and Ordering a Suit

Exiting his VR Capsule, Max was greeted by Lily holding a towel for him.

"Good work."

Taking the towel from her, he smiled brightly, "Thanks."

It was nice having someone taking care of you without asking them to. He wiped his sweat as Lily kept looking at him with a slightly flushed face. She averted her gaze every now and then.

It was a bit awkward, so he decided to start a conversation.

"Have you finished your song? You planned to create 5 or 6 for your album, right? Is it going well?"

"Hmn…" Lily shook her head, "I haven't yet. When you live-streamed earlier, I got a call from my brother. He told me about the family party date and location."

"Oh, finally?" Max raised his eyebrows.

He would finally meet with Lily's family. He didn't know how they would see him, considering he was just an orphan that rose from streaming. However, he would make the best impression if possible.

"When is it?"