
Greatest Marvel Hero

He lived selfless life as much as he could. From donating most of his money to needy children, to donating his blood whenever he could. Our MC would do anything he could if it meant he could help others, but the greatest deed he did was saveing a bus full of passangers from a terrorist strapped with gernades dying in the process. His only regret in life was that he could not help more people. "If I could be reincarnater I would definetly help more people..." I do not own any Marvel characters or Marvel, its just a fan fic I thought of for fun ;) Of you guys watch streams on twitch, then go support a friend of mine that plays games and is pretty funny! Twitch.tv/tdjc1010

bamjrr · Others
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39 Chs

Chapter 11 Monday

As soon as Varen and Peter walked in to the schools through the front doors, they were surrounded by people. The people were mostly girls as they either new or heard of Varen, after all he was the schools 'Prince'.

After fighting that great battle, Varen and Peter went to class as the bell rung. Peter went to go sit by Ned and the other two people at the table, and Varen went to sit by himself in his own table since he always worked by himself. Although the moment he sat down, he yet again was bombarded with question by the girls.

(They must of heard about me getting shot)

Varen thought to himself as the teacher told them to sit down.

Teacher: "Settle down now class, ww have three new students joining our AP Chemistry class today. Girls please walk in and introduce yourselves."

As the teacher finished saying this, three girls walked into the classroom. One had Platinum blonde hair, emerald green eyes, and a perfect figure like she works out. The other had blonde hair, greyish blue eyes, and also had a charming figure. The last girl had long red hair, bright blue eyes, and a seductive body like the first girl. She wore more revealing clothes as she had on a white shirt that showed her belly button, ripped jeans, and white vans. One was Sexy and Seductive, the other Charming and Beautiful, and the last one Hot and gave off the feeling of being a rebel.

Varen almost jumped out of his seat when he saw them, since they were Felicia Hardy(Black Cat), Gwen Stacy, and Mary Jane Watson.

(What are they doing here!!?) Varen wanted to shout out. He had no idea why they were here, and why they showed up at the same time. Did I change something important to the time line? I dont think I did, I have tried to be really carefull with that matter. *sigh* Oh well, it does not matter since these three girls are the ones that he had crushes on in his past life.

Felicia: "My name is Felicia Hardy, thats all you have to know."

When Felicia spoke, many of the boys eyes lit up. She is freaking hot! All three of them are top class beauties!

Gwen: "Im Gwen Stacy, I just moved here so I hope I can get to know everyone!"

Yet again a few boys gave their praise as Mary Jane waited for the class to quiet down.

Mary Jane: "And Im Mary Jane Watson, but my friends call me MJ. So if we are not friends dont call me that."

Seeing that the girls were done introducing themselves, the teacher began to speak again.

Teacher: "Alright girls, please take a seat...oh, there are none open except Varens table. Please go sit there, I hope its okay Varen?"

Varen: "Its perfectly fine Ms. Choya"

It was at this moment that the girls notice the godly boy in the back. When Gwen saw him she blushed, as did MJ. Felicia also blushed since she has never seen such a man before.

As they were walking to sit down, they could feel how many jealous stares that she was getting from the girls in the class. Varen could feel the same with the boys.

As they sat down, Varen decided to introduce himself.

Varen: "Its nice to see you again beautiful" he said towards Gwen making her blush. Then he looked towards MJ.

Varen: "I never thought I would see my beautiful neighbor here, tho im not complaining." He smiled at her making her face heat up as well. Then he turned towards Felicia and extended his hand for a handshake, which she returns.

Varen: "Its a shame I never got to meet you tho, it pains me not to have been able to see your beauty untill today." He brings her hand to his and kisses her knuckles, this made her heart skip a beat and steam could almost be seen.

The other boys watched as they were screaming inside theie heads. (He is to damn good!!!!)

The girls could only watch in envy as the wish they could switch places.

The three girls were in a daze for a while untill they slowly recovered. Felicia was the first to speak.

Felicia: "Your a real charmer arent you?" She claimed with red still tinged on her face.

Varen: "Of course, Beautiful woman deserve to be praised." He said smiling with his eyes closed.

Felicia: "You would not be able to handle me hot stuff."

Varen: "On the contrary kitty, it is you who would not be able to handle me. Although I could slow down for you." Varen winked making it hard for Felicia to breath. Then she felt weired because he called her kitty, since it was almost lime he knew she was black cat. Does he? No thats impossible, no one knows. As she was slightly relieving herself in her mind, Varen turned towards Gwen.

Varen: "You know I was expecting for you to call me, since I still owe you that tour of the school." I smile at her.

Gwen: "Y-yeah, you do." Gwen was really happy since she actually likes Varen.

MJ looked between Gwen and Varen and immediatly understood her feelings towards Varen. When she found out she felt a little unhappy since she also wanted to get closer to Varen.

MJ: "Varen, I cant believe we are in the same school. You have to show me around to ok? Then we can go home together!"

When Gwen heard MJ, she felt displeased. Felicia also felt a little unhappy although she did not know why.

Gwen/Felicia: "What do you mean you can go home together?"

They both asked at the same time, startleing the both of them. They looked towards each other then nodded to themselves. (We'll be allies!)

MJ: "Because we live in the same apartment duh! Right next to eache other actually." She smiled at the advantege that she had compared to the two girls.

When Gwen and Felicia heard this they stiffined a little. (How was this Fair!) They thought as all three of them stared at each other. A small rivalry started between the three of them today, but this small rivalry will eventually lead them to becoming best friends!

When class was done, Varen noticed that he had all of the same classes with Gwen. This was because the were both taking the most advanced classes in the school. Gwen was happy at the advantege that she got since she can spend more time with him this way.

When lunch time started the three girls made there way to where Varen, Peter, and Ned were sitting.

Varen: "Hey girls." Varen greeted while smiling

The three girls blushed as they really could not withstand that smile of his. Felicia was a little upset at the fact that Gwen had all the same classes with him, although she did not know why. She was wishing that she also had an advantage, but what she did not know was that she already had an advantage by being Black Cat.

Peter and Ned went stiff at the three beauties sitting down at their table as they turned towards Varen with confused expressions.

Varen just shrugged his shoulders while signaling that everything was ok. As the boys were confused, another girl came and sat next to Peter. It was Liz, apperantly seeing tree stuningly beautiful girls sit down near Peter was made her jealous.

I take this oppertunity to introduce the girls to everyone at the table.

Varen: "This is my brother Peter, although we are not blood brothers. We adopted him after his parents, my aunt and uncle, passed."

When the girls heard this, they offerd their appologies to Peter for his parents death. But they were happy that they got to know more about me, although Falicia was still confused as to why that is.

Then I introduced Ned and Liz. They all seemed to be getting along fine, in fact they seemed to be enjoying their comversation. After that I gave the girls a tour of the school, although Gwen was upset that MJ and Falicia came too. Then we went back to class where I spent AP Calculus, AP Government, and AP physics with Gwen. After school was over I called a cab to the appartment with Peter and MJ.

It was a pretty nice day, but after he got home he went to the NightCave and Peter started on his web shooters.

Taking Votes:

Should he join the Avengers?

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