
Greater Love

Julia Scott , a young woman having everything she ever wanted, happily family with a famous status in the country , being a queen in school and all other she ever need . Her life changes in one night and everything sucks more when she finds out that she is pregnant for a man she ever loved in secret. Life becomes hard as she had to live with her child after a tragedy but what will she do when a man she ever longed for comes back to her life seeing her differently and when he becomes his boss . Radson Jovin , a man who comes from rich and highly statued family leading a easy life with no knowledge about what he occured to his first love and how she leads her life only to meet her in unsuitable comdition bearing hatred toward him and the only was to keep her close than ever.

Reney_Archer · Fantasy
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14 Chs

We missed her.

A silence occupied the table as the family took their breakfast. A woman gazed at the two man whom sat infront of her and other beside her and she was totally annoyed by the heavy atmosphere that lingered within the house.

It was an usual occurrence and still nobody took a step to make things right. Some memories came to her mind on the old days that this table was filled with joy and laughter.

" Dad when is Brigitte coming back , i missed her " Rad said placing his fork on the table looking at Mr. Jovin.

" We missed her the woman added " and Jovin turned his gaze to her . " I don't know Lily" he said making Radson to smirk .

" Well you should since you banned her yourself" Rad said almost shouting when Jovin leaned on his Chair and shot him a killer gaze warning him not to raise his voice again.

" I won't stop this time , so stop killing me with your eyes " Rad said reciprocating the same gaze to his father. " Radson take it easy " Lily said while caressing Jovin's hand .

" It's four years mom , and this husband of yours cares less than anyone while he is the reason for unhappinesses in this family " now he shouted and his father clenched his fists trying to accept his wife's warmness.

" She will be back after punishment is over " Jovin shouted when his last patience string broke andbpushed away Lily's hand while leaning toward the table.

" Okay then , take it like that untill when i bring her back " Rad said standing ready to take his leave and Lily fumed . "Why are you always like that , can't you see that out family is falling apart" she lamented but Jovin did not care at all as he stood and rushed upstairs leaving her all alone.

When jovin arrived upstairs , paced around tge room until the idea popped in his mind. He took his phone and dialed someone demanding to meet immediately.


" I have to show her where she belongs , Calvin is mine " a girl roared as she paced around the room clenching her fists making her nuckles white.

A door clicked and Julia walked in, leaning at the door after closing it . " Heard you asked for me " she said looking at the girl who tried to keep her composure .

" Yes , and i want you to stay away from Calvin , he is mine " she said with a stern look and Julia raised her eyebrow indicating she's amused.

" Did i just walk this far to hear your dull threat " Julia scoffed and the girl held her anger though it was so vivid. " Relax , Becca i don't want him either and better tell him to stay away from me instead " she added and the Becca's face showed the real her as she laughed hard.

"My Calvin is not clingy like you and it's not a threat but instead a warning and you better be careful ain't like what you see me " Becca said a sly smile plastered on her face and Julia smiled.

" Ooh , am afraid Becca but be ware of this because everything is paid fairly " She said walking toward Becca as she moved back and when the space was enough Julia opened the door and left .

As she walked back to class Calvin blocked her way and she scoffed. " Am in no mood Calvin move before your girl gets jealous" she said and he smirked , " It's good knowing that you are being pestered by my fans "

" Fans , Becca loves you and i won't like any battle with her " she said and he frowned , " Don't you like me " that very statement made Julia to laugh so hard and Calvin felt bad knowing that she doesn't love him .

" Never will I , so wake up Cal " she walking past her and went to the classroom. Calvin clenched his fists and roared " Find Becca " .


Jovin and Ivon sat facing each other as the foods were served to their likings , smile plastered on their face making the atmosphere aroind them so inviting.

" How was your journey , Ivon ?" he asked and she smiled , " It was great and tiring too " . " I understand and i appreciate your hardworking too " he added and she smiled again.

" Well i heard you came to my house " she said cutting a steak and ate it. " Yes i did and I think we should rush the plan , i can't wait and time is not on our side " he said muching his steak.

" Good i was thinking about it too , thanks god you came before me , i will soon invest it " hearing that he smiled then sipped his drink. " Prepare a family dinner at your house tommorrow " he added and she nodded approving the idea.

After the lunch both left and headed back home . Meanwhile Radson drove to the school and walked to the principal and Julia was called , in a time the principal went out and the two remained.

" Didn't you miss me ?" Rad spoke as he stretched his hands and she pouted walking to him , he then pulled her into his embrace and sniffed her hairs losing himself in into her world , this girl he loved so much was once on his hands after so long .

" I did miss you Rad" she said hugging him tightly and pretended coughing like he was in pain and they let go .

" Is everything alright ?" she asked seeing expression changes on his face and he sighed them gave her a befitting smile showing that he was only pretending to be uneasy.

" Gosh , you just scared me right now " she exclaimed and he laughed a bit before capturing her lips with his , indulging themselves in a lost world.

" I misses you " Rad spoke between his kiss and went on his fantasy as she responded with the same ferocity. On the break both gasped forcing air into their lungs and laughed on meeting their eyes . Julia looked down shly and he raised her chin forcing her to meet his gaze then caressed her cheeks slowly.

" How is Dad ?" she asked and he held her hands tightly , " He is fine , we haven't seen each other for a long time now " he said snuggling her closer so as he can sniff her hairs.

" Why is that ?" she asked suprised cause she always knew that Rad will mot pass a day without visiting at their home, despite being busy filling on his own responsibilities and supporting his father as he's planning on candidating the presidential seat , this year.

" Because nothing makes me happy like you and since you're here then i got no business to deal with others " he said and she hit his chest teasingly feeling happy deep down knowing that atleast he spends less of his time with other woman including her sister.

If you like the book add it in your library and don't forget to comment as that motivates me and i wish to interact with all of you and see your views on this story.

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