
Greater Love

Julia Scott , a young woman having everything she ever wanted, happily family with a famous status in the country , being a queen in school and all other she ever need . Her life changes in one night and everything sucks more when she finds out that she is pregnant for a man she ever loved in secret. Life becomes hard as she had to live with her child after a tragedy but what will she do when a man she ever longed for comes back to her life seeing her differently and when he becomes his boss . Radson Jovin , a man who comes from rich and highly statued family leading a easy life with no knowledge about what he occured to his first love and how she leads her life only to meet her in unsuitable comdition bearing hatred toward him and the only was to keep her close than ever.

Reney_Archer · Fantasy
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14 Chs


It was night when Radson parked his car outside of their mansion and walked inside smile plastering his face as he remembers the moments that he experienced with Julia , how much he loved that naughty girl of his.

His steps took him inside while his thoughts spoke otherwise , but that time of cherishing the memories ended as he heard his father's voice reached his ears. How could he forget that both had quarreled this morning , ooh he forgot everything when he meet Julia back at school.

" Radson " Jovin called his voice calm but yet strong than a thunder and if it were to be someone else , they would eventually be kneeling down , fear dripping down their nerves but since he knew what such a sound means , he knew he was angry but could not give in to his madness this time , which father banish her daughter for such a long time with no any contact with her family , he was tired of that and he will bring back his sister.

He stood gazing at his dad , his forehead formed thin lines parallel to each other making him looking so annoyed with him . Jovin' s gaze did not change either the two men went into battle with their eyes and none was ready to give up.

Jovin stood and walked toward him then stood few inches from his son still giving him a killing aura. " Prepare yourself , you will be going to Australia " .

Rad's face paled instantlu and his stiff shoulders fell as the shocking news hit him hard. " You have to take over my businesses and for that you have to learn it " he added and Rad smirked and became more annoyed , this young man mastered the change in facial expression in seconds.

" Is it a must ?" he asked and his dad moved back from him , pulled his coat and looked at him again. " Juliette will accompany you since she has the same fate for now " he said leaving giving him no chance to defend himself , he was so suprised and his mind flew to Julia immediately.

" And prepare yourself for dinner , you have to bide the Scott's " he added as he faded upstairs and his voice was not so loud as before. Rad froze , this was bad because he won't be getti g anymore chances to see his love .

He knew this journey was ahead of him but he did not like it at all how it popped out now and most of all with Julia , this was never there in a plan before . Same fate as him , was she going to study business too , same place , that can't be she always dreamt to be a pilot , did she change her mind.

" When will this happen " he asked himself , fuck how could he forget to ask his dad , what?? is it's tomorrow ...no that can't be right ?. Juliette , i have to call her , i can't go with her if Julia comes to know of this she will be mad definitely.

He picked his phone and dialed Juliette as he huffed toward his room . Unfortunately she did not pick up and he did not stop at time , he called again untill she picked up . " Juliette , thanks God you picked up " he said breathing heavily.

" Why are you going to Australia ?" he added as a silence followed and that made knuckles turning white as a result of fisting his palms. In a time his phone was disconnected and his face was plastered with shock , how could she cut him off , she never behaved like this .

He slammed his phone to the floor making it break into some pieces as he ruffled his hairs sweat forming on his body. He opened the bttons and threw a shirt across the floor and dashed into the bathroom , banging his door.

" Why is he angry ?" Lily asked herself standing outside the door of her favourite son , hearing all the commotion he's making in there .She waled away leaving him alone .


" Was that Radson " Ivon asked walking to her daughter whom had a sulking face looking at tge phone on her hand . Juliette turned to face her mother who smiled like it was not a big issue , yes of course to her was like nothing at all.

" Come over here " Ivon held her hand and they sat facing each other on a sofa . " I know you like him and trust me everything will go well princess " she added giving way her best smile.

" Mom , he kmows that i have always dreamt to be a pilot and this sudden change is something he will never miss " Juliette spoke tears threatening to fall down and Ivon raised her hand wiping her tears off .

" Trust me Juliette , he loves you too i have seen that in his eyes " Joy creaped on Julie's eyes as they glimmered happiness that he does feel the same as she does.

" Just make sure that these two years , you will make him look only at you and nobody else and things will work out well " she added and a warm hug was all she received from this precious gem she treasured so much .

" Don't worry his father likes you too and he already accepted you as his daughter in law " . Ivon went on patting her baby assuring her that she will be married to Radson , this was well planned this time and she will make sure to fulfill this wish that Juliette had for a long time.

" Go and get some good sleep , everything will be alright " She said letting her go and wiped tge remaining tears on the corner of her eyes. Julie stoo and kissed her mom's cheeks before she headed upstairs .

" Juliette " Ivon called and she turned smiling as she stood on the stairs. " He'll be here for dinner prepare yourself " . Now Juliette smiled widely and she rushed upstairs happily.

Ivon sighed and sat back on sofa pinching her eyebrows calming her nerves when she heard avoice that caught her off guard. " Stop what your doing " .Ivon turned to the sources of the voice and found Scott standing on the stairs , his hand holding the rail.

" Shouldn't i even rub my yead for one peaceful moments , Scott " she lamented and his grip on the rail tightened, this woman knew how to get best of him sometimes.

" You can't force love Ivon, that will only hurt your daughter " he voiced and she smirked. " I have seen her love for him and he will love her back " she said laying her head back on the sofa while closing her eyes.

" Did your love made me love you ?" he question and a frown could not be missed on her face as she opened her eyes and threw him a killer gaze. " I loved you first and made a move too , that's when you loved me back if i remember " he added making her jolting in anger toward him and that did not faze his gaze.

" I showed you love and ruled you onto it and not you , so stop playing the cards while you don't know how it real feels to lose a game " he added causing her to close her eyes as anger surged on her body making her trembling a little bit.

" Radson will marry Juliette , she is your daughter Scott , can't you support her in times like this ". she said realising a heavy sigh that she was holding back for a time now.

" Am not against her marriage , never will i but i will also not support whatever will her feelings not in this or the next life if i appear as her father again, so stop this madness while you can because if anybody gets hurt , you shall pay " he spoke almost shouting and he knew that this hard headed woman that he married was so persistent on pursuing anything she ever planned and wanted in her life , that was how she got successful afterall.

" Let's give them a try " she said still unfazed with his emotional speech he just realised onto her face . Scott heaved and turned away rushing upstairs knowing it is pointless in talking some senses when she had her things planned.

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