
Great Power and Great Responsibility

Someone else gets bitten by the Spider meant to bite Gwen Stacy in Earth 65. The webs of fate weave another story for a character who was never meant to exist. Meet Ace Jameson. Grandson of the J. Jonah Jameson. Also, a dude who's not actually from this universe at all. He's not quite a fan of this mantle he has. Same name, the ones who post it are me, just under a different username. Edited by Ludwig_The_Mad/Wolfenstein/Leffyet.

TheBlackSkull · Movies
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23 Chs

Chapter 5: The Chapter in which things happen.

I woke up the next day refreshed and after a quick breakfast of some french toast, I got in my mom's car. I had a massive grin on my face and to be honest, who wouldn't? Today I'd be going on my first patrol as Spider-Man! Even me, the dude who wasn't quite a big fan of this mantle given to me was excited. 

I'd need an adjective to distinguish myself of course. Maybe the Undefeatable Spider-Man? Nah too arrogant. The Spectacular Spider-Man? Nah, already copyrighted. The Marvellous Spider-Man? Hey, that works! Plus it's a pun as well which makes it twice as good. I arrive at school a few minutes before class and head to the principal's office.

When I get there I spot Flash sitting in a chair and take the seat next to him. I silently hand over the letter to him and he stuffs it in his pocket. The principal then clears his throat," Now Mister Jameson. I am glad you and Mister Thompson have reconciled. I hope to assume that I won't have to see you both in my office again?"

I bite down on my tongue to not say anything rude and nod as Flash slaps me on the shoulder playfully,

"You got it, Mr. Li! We'll be on our best behavior? Ain't that right buddy?" He grins at me and I grumble affirmatively. Mr Li clasps his hands together and smiles, "Good. You can both go now."

I follow behind Flash, this version of him wasn't what I expected. It was hard to hate the dude when he was like a damn teddy bear. I felt really bad about attacking him now. I was surprised with him. I hadn't known this guy for long but he was way nicer than I would have expected. From what I recalled Flash Thompson was known for being a dick, and a bully.

This was a different universe though, so maybe not all things had to line up perfectly. Not everything was gonna be as accurate as to what I remembered. I'd have to remember that for the future. Anyways, I made my way to my homeroom and after a bit headed to Chemistry.

I sat on a stool and glanced at my partner. He was tall and skinny, with a jacket that had the Decepticon symbol on it from Transformers. It was a pretty nerdy thing to wear but I wasn't gonna judge. The dude looked like the standard pretty boy with blond hair, and blue eyes combination. I was pretty sure I could have lifted him with one hand with my newfound powers.

Anyways, I plastered on my most charming smile and stuck out my hand to him because if we were gonna be partnered for Chemistry I might as well be on good terms with the dude and said, "Yo, I'm Ace! Ace Jameson! What's your name?" 

With narrowed eyes and a glint of recognition, he slowly took my hand and firmly shook it.

''Hanz. Hanz Von Wolfenstein. I assume you are the son of JJJ? I heard your father was an astronaut.'' He said in a chilly neutral tone.

I kept that grin plastered on my face even as I was kind of confused, most people knew my grandfather a lot more than they knew my father. I was spot on then when I called this dude a nerd. "Yeah, my dad's an astronaut. You must be really interested in space stuff." After a few minutes of awkward shaking, he doesn't let go of my hand.

''You know, I don't usually judge people's fashion sense, but I must ask. Gloves in plain summer? Wouldn't your hands be uncomfortable? Sweaty? What about your fingers? Hm?'' He asked with a glint of curiosity and growing amusement, letting go of my hand.

I don't give any sign of outward reaction," I've got really sweaty palms. The gloves are specially made. Anyways, Hanz? That's a German name, right? Are your parents from there?" I ask shifting the conversation back onto him. 

He had a knowing look, but allowed the shift in topic as he spoke with… Bitter coldness. ''Yes, my parents were from Germany. Though I'm unsure I would call them that. They act and behave more like Americans than Germans. And, really? Isn't the name Von Wolfenstein German-sounding to you?'' He ended with a small smirk, clearly amused.

I ran a hand through my hair fighting the urge to punch him, "I didn't wanna be a racist and assume what your nationality is. Besides it's not like I know a lot of German people to comment on what sounds German and what doesn't. Anyways, I saw your jacket, Decepticons, huh? I'll admit Megatron is pretty cool." 

''I'm more of a Shockwave fan. Megatron, as cool as he was, didn't strike me as an overtly intelligent leader. Though I digress, Shockwave didn't make smart choices as well. I still admire him, though. Such intellect and knowledge, it's almost salivating to think about.'' He said with a fond tone, as he shifted into a neutral stoic look, only his eyes showing his emotions.

I nodded as though I understood, in my brain I had no clue which one Shockwave was. I only remembered Grimlock, Megatron, Optimus Prime, and Bumblebee. "Anyways, I think I might have heard of you. Didn't you win that one Biology trophy last year?" I ask trying to divert the conversation to something that I was more familiar with.

 ''Hmm… Yes. Both the Biology and Chemistry trophies. Though I just smelted them when I got home and made them into paperweights. Such useless and frivolous things, completely illogical.'' He said shaking his head, annoyance tinged in his tone but barely perceptible.

I was not going to lie, I only understood the smelting and paperweight part. This dude was like no other guy I had ever encountered before. I'd have to bring out the big guns. I put one hand in my pocket, letting it wrap around my phone to make sure it was there before speaking," So Hanz, any girls in this school you got a crush on? C'mon, you can tell me! I promise not to tell anyone." I crossed my heart in front of him to prove my seriousness. 

''What is a Woman? What is a Man? What does it matter if it's either or none?'' He spoke with a mysterious tone, before cracking a wide smile at my confused look. ''I like Gwen Stacy, she's one of the few people I can keep a conversation with, without having to dumb down my words. And, well, she does have a nice figure.'' He said with a thoughtful tone.

I nod at that. "You and half the school buddy. I don't get the obsession with the girl. Sure she's in a band, smart and good looking but that doesn't mean everyone here should wanna date her. There's like… a ton of girls who are just as cute as her. Like that one girl, with the platinum blonde hair? Something something Hardy." I shrug, I wasn't good with remembering names. 

''Felicia Hardy? Yes, I agree. She's a good acquaintance, though I would like her to stop trying to come to my house at night. I had to replace my cameras thrice, by now.'' He said with an annoyed tone before shaking his head. ''Though she isn't my type. I like Gwen, not because of her appearance, though it does help, I like her because of her brain. Do you know how hard it is to find a singular person in this forsaken school that isn't a simpleton?''

I rub my chin in thought. Felicia Hardy? That was the hot chick I saw? Goddamnit. I sighed,

"So you're some kind of supergenius, huh? Tell you what, I need some help with technology stuff. I'll give you money or something in exchange? That sound fair to you? But you can't question me on why I need it or what I need it for." I tack that last bit on to try and hide my identity. It wasn't like he'd know that I was Spider-Man when I had even gone out for my first patrol yet. 

''Money is useless. Or, should I say I have enough of it. I could always use more, but I don't need it as of right now. What I need… Hmmph… How do you feel about stealing? I would've asked another acquaintance, but she's got strict, steals from the rich, and give to herself code. I need materials, for a few… Personal projects. I'm willing to help you with, whatever it is you need, as long as you bring me something that I can use. As for your privacy.'' He looked down at his hands before looking him in the eyes again, ''Loyalty is one of my defining traits. Keep your end of the bargain, do not misuse or sell my technology, and I'll keep mine.''

I nod, "Don't worry, I plan on using whatever I ask you to make exclusively for the benefit of the common people." At this I flash a smug knowing grin at him before continuing," And I'll steal. Just as long as it isn't from some homeless dude or something. Besides, my dad works at NASA. I can just sneak you in there." I say and his eyes widen momentarily, clear interest showing in them.

I then started thinking about what I could ask Hanz to make for me. "I'll tell you what I want you to make for me at a later date. Here's my number. I'll contact you when I figure out what I need made. Anyways, you got Gym class next? If so we can go together since I got the same class next." I say as I scrawl my number onto a paper I rip from my notebook and pass it over to Hanz. 

With a raised eyebrow he nodded slowly, as he took the note and put it in his leather jacket's pocket. ''If I didn't know any better, I would say you are inviting me to a date. But, sure. I could use some company, my usual one has overslept and is probably repainting my kitchen walls with food by now.'' He said with a tired, annoyed tone in his voice. 

I grin goodnaturedly," It's not a date, don't worry. I prefer chicks to dudes anyway. Except femboys. But they don't count. Anyways, you have another best friend? I'm shocked. Appalled even. And here I thought we were so close." I say with mock hurt. 

''Ah, a Man of Culture, I see. And yes, I do, he's a pain in the ass, sometimes quite literally, but our relationship is beneficial. And we just met, so stop with that terrible acting. I have seen cats do better.'' He chuckled at him, in a joking tone.

I snicker, "Hey! I'll have you know I was the lead in our middle school production of the Wizard of Oz. I was a horrible Dorothy though. No clue why I was even casted besides my voice." I shake my head ruefully and look back at him, "So who's your other bestie?" I waggle my eyebrows teasingly. 

''Terrific. It must've been terrible.'' He says with an amusingly sarcastic tone, before whispering almost inaudibly, ''Fucking animal, more like. If only he didn't have a great dick.'', clearing his throat, he shrugged before he spoke. ''His name is Arslan, a real annoyance, and a giant wastage of money. I practically adopted him in all but name, ever since we met. I swear he'll milk me dry into homelessness. So many dresses.'' He whispered the last part before shivering. 

I just shrug at that information. It's New York. Weird shit was common, best I just move on. "Damn. Does he at least look good in dresses?" I ask as the bell rings and I pack my stuff up. 

''Like a shooting damn star. It's unbelievable, and he's so smug as well, fucking brat.'' He shook his head, as he quickly and efficiently packed his stuff, and was already walking out of the door in the time it took for me to pack my own stuff.

I quickly rushed shoving things without care and hurried behind him, "Damn. Lucky you, I guess? Anyways, were you on that trip to Oscorp?" I asked curiously as we entered the gymnasium.

''Yes, and no. I had to leave halfway through it as Arslan had set a fire in my kitchen trying to cook cookies. Though it was fascinating to learn, briefly as it was, about the genetically modified spiders. If only I had the equipment…'' He trailed off with a wishful tone.

"Damn, I imagine you must know Peter Parker right? Resident nerd. I think he might like Gwen as well. They seem pretty close too. How do you feel about having competition?" I tease making my way over to the bleachers with Hanz as we sit and wait for the rest of the class. 

He sneered before speaking. ''Fear is the mind killer. The little-death that brings total obliteration. If fear is complete obliteration, then Envy is the ultimate corruptor. But Parker is one of the few people I give some measure of respect, our intellects are equal in many things, but he's utterly innovative in Biology. If only he didn't obsess over about lizards of all things, such a waste of research. Axolotls would have been a much better choice, Hydra's, tiny little jellyfish-like things, even better. But, no, the idiot is fixated on the lizards that can only regrow their tails.'' His accent became heavier as he spoke, with a truly annoyed tone in his voice.

"Chillax buddy, ain't no need to get so pissed. Besides, what a dude does is his choice. If he wants to fuck around with lizards, that's his choice. Even if lizards are lame as fuck." I watch Felicia Hardy walk into the gym, surrounded by a clique of other girls. "Anyways-" Just as I start to speak Hanz does something unexpected.

''Oi, Hardy! Catch! Should last for a month!'' He shouted bringing the attention of the clique of girls, and Felicia to himself, she, was quick on the uptake and grabbed the thrown can that Hanz pulled out of somewhere.

''I was almost running out, how did you know?'' She asked, and Hanz rolled his eyes in reply.

''I know you better than you do yourself, and you keep using too much of it! Stop wasting so much! It's completely illogical!'' He complained, but he only got a snort from Felicia as a reply.

I just stay silent, looking over at Hanz with wide eyes while waiting for Felicia to leave. As soon as she walks back to her friends I begin whispering to him, "Since when did you know her? I thought she was like super popular or something?" I couldn't actually remember anything about Felicia but she did hang around with girls who I vaguely recalled as being rich and well-connected.

''We have known each other personally for a few weeks. Though I knew of her longer than that. Her parents were business partners with the Company my dad works in, and we are well connected. And we did have nightly meetings, to the point I made her some hair dye to stop her from coming to me almost every gods damned night.'' He said with slight annoyance and fondness, of all things in his tone.

It's New York, weird shit is common. Ignore it. "Cool. Looks like we gotta play some Volleyball. Let's go. I'm sure whatever team I'm on will trounce the others. In fact, I'm so confident I'm willing to bet on it." I brag to Hanz. 

He raised an eyebrow, his eyes glinting with amusement and knowing as he spoke. ''That's a fool's bet, and you know it. But, sure, how about fifty bucks?'' He said with a wide amused grin.

I walk over and line up next to the other students. The P.E. teacher made Flash and some other kid I didn't know the captain. Flash obviously picked me, I still don't understand how he thinks the two of us are friends when old me literally had a diary entry all about how much he hated him. I burnt that shit obviously. Mostly cause diaries are cringe. 

Anyways, Hanz was picked for the opposing team. Now normally I would be all for not abusing my powers. But, this was a great opportunity to test my powers out a bit more. Since most our team was uncoordinated, we all just picked a random position. It was an easy match for us though.

While I was fast and stronger than any human, I couldn't be everywhere at once. While Hanz and Felicia were teamed together, my team was comprised of a bunch of girls who weren't quite interested in playing and were busy talking on the sidelines. Even some of the guys were too interested in flirting.

Every opening there was, the two of them exploited with uncanny coordination. While Flash was a great football player, he was a subpar volleyball player. By the time the game ended we had lost horribly. I forked over the cash sullenly, "Here. You win. Good game." 

He snorted and shook his head, ''Your definition of a good game is vastly different than mine.'' He said as he pushed his hand back to him, his own holding fifty bucks in it, ''And keep it. I like a good challenge and bet. And this game wasn't one. Just be glad I didn't involve Felicia or tell her about this bet, she would've grabbed your cash and ran to the hills.'' He chuckled as he walked away going towards Felicia's clique, who surprisingly looked at him warily, while Felicia had a big fat smile on her face, and I understood why when he forked over 100 bucks to her.

I grinned and stuffed the cash into my wallet. A bit closer to my goal. Soon I'd have a knife-proof vest. Then I could start creating a proper costume for myself. I stared at Hanz talking with Felicia and headed into the showers, before heading back home.

Once there I headed up to my room, saw I had a message from Hanz, added him as a contact, pulled out my costume, and changed into it, leaving the mask stuffed in my pocket. I snuck out through the window and made my way into the bustling city streets where my outfit was ignored. After all, this was New York, weird shit happens everyday. So me heading into an alleyway, pulling on my mask, and crawling up shouldn't be that weird.

I then pointed my wrist outwards, fired a web, and began swinging through the air. I whooped and hollered with joy as I flew through the air, "I'm king of the world!" I roared before smacking face-first into a billboard and flopping off it onto the floor of the roof it was on. "Ouch…"

I was gonna need a serious training arc…. I thought as I began trying to swing without brutally injuring myself. I closed my police radio app since I wasn't gonna be stopping any crimes if I hit every object in front of me. First I'd learn to swing, then came crime fighting. A quick thwip and I was swinging again before I released too early and fell onto the road.

I quickly flipped myself back into the air and after a few hours of trial and error had finally started to get the hang of swinging. Unfortunately, even with this newfound understanding of this mode of transport, whenever I would swing over to any crimes my police scanner reported, I'd always be a bit too late. 

It was aggravating. I knew it was expected considering I was webswinging for the first time and had no intrinsic knowledge on how to do this but it still frustrated me. I was messing up whenever I fired a web, causing me to have to overcompensate which slowed me down. Slowly I fixed my mistakes though. 

Eventually, I managed to spot a guy snatching another dude's bicycle and trying to get away with it. I was excited to finally get to stop a crime and swung down on him without care. He tried to turn and fell off his bike onto the sidewalk. It was seriously underwhelming. I just webbed his face up and returned the bicycle to its owner before I decided to give up for today. Maybe I'd have better luck next time, I thought sighing as I swung back home. 

I slid open the window to my room and hopped in, dropping onto the floor stealthily. I then undressed and hid my costume before charging my phone. When I connected it and the screen flashed with all recent notifications, I saw a message from Hanz. I opened it and stared at the message and what little good cheer I had left me.

 The first part was innocuous enough, "Greetings, Hanz here. I hope this is AJ? JJJ's grandson?" It was the second part that filled me with dread, "Don't do anything stupid, claws. I saw that look, and I get that enough from Arslan." I gritted my teeth angrily at it. 


My fists clenched at my sides and I was tempted to fish my costume out and go after him right now. In the dead of night, he'd be asleep. It would be so easy and a threat to my identity would be gone… But that… He hadn't done anything to deserve it. 

Tomorrow is the weekend. I'd confront Hanz at his house tomorrow. I'd be free from school so it would be the first thing I would do after waking up. That was if I would even sleep with the pit of anxiety I had in my stomach from that text. Just as I was about to turn my phone off another text pinged it.

"I'll be waiting for you. :^)" It made my blood run cold. My clammy hands found the power button and turned the phone off but let it charge. This settled it in my head, I'd have to confront Hanz tomorrow. I set an alarm for 9 A.M. and drifted off to a fitful dreamless sleep.