
Great Power and Great Responsibility

Someone else gets bitten by the Spider meant to bite Gwen Stacy in Earth 65. The webs of fate weave another story for a character who was never meant to exist. Meet Ace Jameson. Grandson of the J. Jonah Jameson. Also, a dude who's not actually from this universe at all. He's not quite a fan of this mantle he has. Same name, the ones who post it are me, just under a different username. Edited by Ludwig_The_Mad/Wolfenstein/Leffyet.

TheBlackSkull · Movies
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14 Chs

Chapter 1: Great Power

How would you react if you were one day thrown into a world you once believed was fictional? 

Would you be happy?


Would you try to accumulate power and return to your home universe?

Would you be resigned to your fate? Well, something like that happened to me. A version of it, at least.

See I got thrown into a version of the Marvel Universe. I'm not sure which exactly, but judging from the fact that there isn't a Spider-Man or Woman, yet, I'm probably before the 

spider bite field trip thing.

And, yes, there is a Gwen Stacy and Peter Parker in my class, in addition to Harry Osborn and some other characters. Crazy huh? If I were younger I'd kill to be in such a world, but this happened when I was doing good in life! I was getting all A's and my parents were proud of me.

Then this shit happened.

Oh god, my parents. I can't remember their faces, I can remember experiences but names and faces… I can't see them. It's like they were erased from my brain or something. I… I feel angry, but I guess this is for the best. If I remembered my family, I'd be burdened and constantly trying to get back, but now I can at least try to live in this life, instead of constantly thinking of what I had lost.

I guess… it's a blessing. But I'd rather keep those memories instead of losing them. it feels even worse knowing you've lost something yet cannot get those memories back. 

However, as I was thinking, I was jolted out of my reverie by our Biology Teacher, Doctor Curt Connors, aka the future Lizard, clearing his throat.

"Class I hope you're all prepared for the field trip to Oscorp today. Now, I want all of you to remember to act respectfully, and behave because you represent Midtown High. Now, file out in an orderly line to the buses, please." With that, he opens the door to the classroom.

As this happens, all I can think of is that today is when the legendary web-slinging superhero will be born.

I sat in the middle of the bus, keeping an eye on Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy, and watched as Peter mid-sentence was tripped by some fat guy, Ned Leeds my brain so helpfully names. Gwen Stacy immediately jumps in to protect him and insults Leeds making it seem like a scuffle is likely to begin before she and Peter head to the front seats and sit together.

I shifted in my seat uncomfortably and put on some earphones, plugging in some catchy hip-hop song that I don't think existed in my old world before gazing out the window as the bus lumbered to life as we made our way to Oscorp. When we arrived I pulled my earphones out and then got out of the bus, briefly stuffing my earphones into my pocket.

The building is tall, at least 20 stories tall and the Oscorp symbol on the side of it is massive with purple lighting. As we head inside the building I see some keycard scanners and metal detectors. The lobby has a stunning aquarium that I walk over to, tapping at the glass to annoy the fish inside while Doctor Connors talks to the receptionist. 

We're all given an Oscorp Visitor Pass by the tour guide and then the tour begins. We're escorted to the exhibits and I'm filled with jitters. We started with the lizard's section as Dr. Connor immediately launched into an explanation about, enthusiasm clear in his tone since he's been working with Oscorp. I tune it out until we arrive at the spider exhibit.

I leaned forward and stared at one of the spiders, crawling on the side of the container, idly tapping the glass before suddenly I was pushed and smacked my hand against the container's top. I turned around and glared behind me but whoever it was had already moved. I rest my hand on the container for a brief moment, and before I can do some quick thinking and narrow down who shoved me, I feel a searing sharp pain in my hand.

I looked down at my hand and saw the massive black and red spider that I had been observing before, with its fangs sunken into my hand. Like any rational person who fears spiders, I smacked it with my other hand and squashed it. I spent the rest of the admittedly short tour scratching at the bitten area and by the time we were back on the bus, I was sweating like a pig. My head was spinning like the blades of a helicopter and I could barely think without erupting into pain.

15 minutes later, I'm back at my house, my dad is out at his job and won't be back till 9, and my new mom is in the kitchen probably baking something delicious but right now, it only makes my stomach feel like hurling more. As I open the door and make my way back to my room she calls.

"Hey honey! Are you back from that trip to Oscorp? How'd it go?" She said curiously.

I know that whatever I'm feeling right now will pass, and I'll wake up with powers later, but I'm still Inches away from throwing up in her face as I mutter.

"Went fine, not feeling good right now. Going to lie down." I hear her say something but I can't decipher it so I just go upstairs feeling increasingly drowsy.

By the time I make it to my room, I'm about to collapse right where I am.

I take the last step and collapse into my bed before darkness overcomes me. I feel myself falling into a deep indescribable void and I see a brightly colored speck that slowly grows larger and larger as it approaches until it is the size of a planet. I held my hands out ahead of me to brace myself, before suddenly slamming into the ground, and causing a massive crater to appear. Somehow, I'm unharmed and covered in space dust instead, so I brush myself off and climb out of the crater.

As I step out I see a massive huntsman spider that grabs me with such instant swiftness my eyes can barely track it, lifts me with its forelimbs, and looks me dead in the eyes.

"You are not of this world are you man-thing?" His voice sounded like a thousand bugs chattering at the same time and I did not like it in any way.

I'm still too shocked to say anything before he lifts me with his fuzzy legs and stares at me with those creepy black eyes of his.

"Still, I sense that glorious spark of rage deep within you. Rage to help fight against injustice. To fight against the Other." Amusement, and faint interest clear in his voice.

 I'm inches away from screaming or trying to struggle when the spider who got into the creatine box starts speaking again in that disturbingly creepy voice,

"Eh, you'll probably be better than that Stacy girl, and if not…." Here he fucking shrugs his forelimbs.

"Well, then I missed the part where that's my problem." You could feel the sick smile on its terrible face as it said it.

Before I can even say anything, telling this cunt to give these powers to someone else because I wasn't interested in the misery porn that was Spider-Man's life, I was pulled forward close to the spider's mouth and then with a sickening crunch! 

I was eaten by the spider-

And then I was back in my room, in my bed with my shirt feeling several sizes smaller and my hair looking like I had just woken up after having some of the wildest sex in my life. I suppose that for some people being devoured by a giant spider god sounded like a great evening, but it was not my idea of an ideal evening. The shivers that went through my body were quickly ignored.

Looking at my hands I release a sigh filled with emotion.

"Why the fuck did I have to become Spider-Man? I was fine with being a side character or something! God fucking damn it…." Reluctance and anger were obvious in my tone.

I get up and head to the bathroom, and after I'm done whining, I check my newly muscled body in the mirror. I will say one thing about these powers, was that they made me buff as hell without having to go to the gym to build those muscles. I can already hear some of my old friends scream about how unfair this was. My hair is still the same shade of blackish brown and my eyes are still that boring shade of hazel. The only interesting thing is my jawline seems sharper I guess? I went from like 6 inches to 8.3 inches so that's cool. 

I put on a black jacket, jeans, and a green shirt before I make my way downstairs for some breakfast. I could have walked down the stairs like a normal person but out of a desire to test my powers, I jumped over the banister and executed a perfect landing before heading to the kitchen. As I enter, my mom turns around and grins

"Hey there, Ace! I made some pancakes for you! Chocolate sauce and Maple syrup are on the table." She says before moving towards the table.

I lick my lips ravenously as she heaps a massive pile of pancakes onto my plate before grabbing some chocolate sauce and squirting it on them. I then dig into my meal and in a matter of minutes am done. Guess my new powers need tons of food to work huh? That or it was my giant stomach. Kinda sucks but at least my mom won't be suspicious about how much I eat considering the amount of food I scarf down daily.

After finishing up, I wash my hands, grab my bag, and leave but not before telling my 'mom'.

"I'm gonna be out late tonight!" With a shout as I pass through the front door and into the streets.

As I head to school I briefly debate with myself. I could go to school, and then after class ends experiment with my abilities…. Or…. I could ditch school and mess around with my abilities right now!