
Great Library of fleeing Ideas

A book containing random fanfics I wrote in my free time. Not a serious work and won’t probably stick with one fanfic for too long.

1nTroll · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Hunting MHA

Synopsis: dude gets a system to summon horror movie characters.

Was watching some horror movies and got inspired.

Chapter 1

I slowly opened my eyes, awoken by a loud ding sound. Above me floated a transparent blue screen. Through it, I could see the high wooden ceiling.

Displayed on the screen were the words, "synchronization complete. Haunting System loaded."

Perplexed, I blankly stared at the game-like window. 'Am I dreaming?' I Wondered. 'If so, is this a lucid dream? It would be my first ever.'

As if answering my thoughts, another ding rang in my head. The text on the floating screen changing along with it. [No. This is not a dream.]

Surprised, I quickly sat up. The window following my eyeline. "Did you just read my mind?"

[In a sense, yes.]

"How? Who are you? What are your intentions?"

[please slow down, I'll answer your questions one by one.]

[First, as a system linked to your soul, wouldn't reading the host's surface thoughts be an easy task?]

"I suppose…"

[Second, like I have already stated prior, I'm a system. A Haunting System to be precise.]

"A Haunting System? What exactly does that entail?" It's quite easy to understand the basic premise from just the name, but I want an in depth explanation.

[Like the name suggests, I allow you to haunt people. The more people you scare, the more experience and Scare Points you earn. Depending on how scared a person is, you could gain a plethora of both.]

[Using SP, you can buy Summon Tickets, and various abilities and items. The strength and rank of them depend on your level.]

[Using Summon Tickets, you can summon various horror characters from movies and stories. E.g. Michael Myers, Pennywise, Jason Voorhees, etc.]

[Summons are 100% loyal to the host.]

Wow, what the heck? I was given a crazy system. This might've made me excited if I was a horror fanatic but, I'm really not a big fan of horror.

[As for your third question, I'm here to assist you in any way I can.]

[Please say "status" when you are ready.]