
Great Hero becomes Demon Lord Slave

Why can't the world give me a simple, happy life? I don’t have anything. I don’t have anyone. My only attachment to this world is gone. I feel like dying. Yeah, maybe dying is the best outcome for someone like me who doesn’t have anything. ================================================================= Hello guys... Comeback to writing since My life is broken in rl... Rather than killing myself, I better find something to mend my broken life :') Doesn't care about your comment... I just writing for healing... https://discord.gg/fYwzCSR5 My dc Also, I'm looking for a cover that explains my brokenness Got a recommendation? comment or chat me in discord, doesn't matter, since I don't get any in google that resonate with me *Note: Not an English native, just using Grammarly to help with my Grammar

DimLight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

4. Light (Not yet Edited)

When I opened my eyes, there was nothing but darkness as far as my eyes could see. Though if I have eyes, that's it. Since I was sure I had died, vaporized into nothingness by the instabilities of the energies bought by the disruption of the summoning ritual. I was floating in this void, devoid of any sense of time or space. Yet, here I was, conscious, aware, and shrouded in an impenetrable darkness.

In this void, I was adrift, a lone consciousness divorced from the concepts of time and space. My life before this moment felt like a distant dream. Everything had been a mess—my debts, my failures, my shattered life. The only light had been my little sister, but now, she too was gone. And I was dead, reduced to a mere existence, a soul without a body or a purpose, drifting all alone in the dark endless void.

My only regret was that even in death, I couldn't meet my sister.


Maybe this is also fate. At least now I could be free of my burdens, left to drift eternally in this tranquil abyss.

As Steven closed his eyes and let his soul drifting apart in the endless void, he felt a sudden pull, a subtle draw from somewhere beyond the void. Opening his eyes, he saw a faint glimmer in the distance. It was too dim to be called a light, but in this abyss, it was the only beacon, the only sign of something beyond the darkness.

Propelled by a force he couldn't comprehend, he found himself drawn towards the light. As he moved closer, the light grew brighter, warmer, something that he didn't felt in a long time.

'When was it again when I feel it?'

'Ah, yes, when I was still a baby, wrapped in the warmth of my mother's and father's embrace.' Strangely enough, he can even remember the memories that were so distant that usually a human can't comprehend them.

As Steven closed the distance between himself and the light, he felt a warmth that cascaded over him, a warmth reminiscent of his parents' tender embrace—an emotion he hadn't experienced in a long time. The light grew brighter, almost blinding, but he pressed on, drawn to it like a moth to a flame.

Suddenly, there was a flash, and then he was no longer in the void. Though his vision was still blurred, he could hear a lot of commotion around him.

"Askfngeht krukaisjfek khurusfastif!"

He frowned, or tried to at least, and his confusion mounting. 'What in the world are they talking about?' Steven wondered.

When Steven was finally able to see again, he discovered that he was lying limp in the embrace of a beautiful ash-blonde giant woman… No, the woman wasn't a giant, but it was him who had turned into a baby. It took him a moment to register the bizarre reality of the situation.

"Asrku mindu warudo, askuku badudu!" The woman speaks, her voice soothing despite the incomprehensible language, looking at the baby, or to be precise at Steven, with eyes full of joy, love, and motherly protectiveness.

Stunned and overwhelmed by the sudden shift in reality, Steven could do nothing but stare wide-eyed at the woman cradling him. Her ash-blonde hair cascaded beautifully in the soft, dim light that seeped through the cracks in the stone walls of the room, and the loving gaze in her eyes was unmistakably that of a mother looking at her newborn child.

The reality of the situation started to sink in. Steven had been reborn. However, his memories remained intact—a peculiar anomaly that defied the traditional understanding of reincarnation. But why? And how? Questions swirled in his mind, yet he had no way to voice them.

The room was quaint and simple, lit dimly by a single glowing crystal suspended from the ceiling. The rough-hewn stone walls bore the marks of pickaxes and drills, a testament to the room's previous use as a mining site. Jagged veins of unmined minerals created a natural, intricate pattern across the rock faces. This place was alien, an unfamiliar world far removed from the life he once knew.

"Askuku badudu, aka suna, badudu."

The woman's voice interrupted his thoughts. She was cooing at him, her voice a soothing melody. Even though Steven didn't understand her words, the warmth and love in her voice was without a doubt conveying how much she loved him.

Overwhelmed by his new reality, he did the only thing a baby could—he started to cry. The woman, startled at first, began to hum softly. Her gentle voice slowly calmed his tears and brought him to sleep.


Author Nore:

Sup guys,

Just want to ask for your help, please donate to me in PayPal... Alright, before that I think I need to tell you a little about me, I guess? And why I'm literally begging you to help me.

So, I've entered a hospital because of an accident, long story short, I don't have any money, so my only choice is debt, I hope my recovery is fast, but shit happened, and I'm 1 month in the hospital with piled up debt... Added to how I got fired from my work...

Yeah, I'm miserable af... Now I'm discharged, To pay for a fraction of the debt, I sell everything I have, and leave with my laptop which I use to write a novel here... I just don't know what I should do... I want to look for a work, but there is no way I can get it fast

My debt is about 1890$ well maybe next week it's already 2k... I want to die actually... But I also don't want to

So I hope you can help me... Whatever it is, it means a lot to me :')


And you can join my discord
