
Gray Skies

The adventure of two friends who got sucked into the world of the book that they were reading.

Churr0_0 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Abyss

The sun rose from the edge of the horizon as the soft golden light of the sun brushes through the field of tall grass that waves along the winds creating an ocean like view of green outside the father's office window, the birds hummed as they flew by as well creating an almost painting like scene, muffled footsteps echoed through the dim corridors of the monastery, a heavy steps that seemed to came from heavy boots and a pair of softer sounding footsteps followed.

the door to the nursery bursts open there, the boy named Asche as well as the other babies got woken from their sleep as the reverent father scans the room walking around with a dignified demeanor, he touched a baby's forehead as the baby's eyes seemed to give off a golden hue, the baby chuckled before going back to sleep, he did it to all of the babies except for Asche.

"the child who had a strong affinity with the unique element darkness was it sister Laurenzia?" the sister who was covering her face nodded with her eyes closed, she stood close to the father's left side with a solemn look, however an older sister just peered down the baby with a book in her hand that seemed to give off an ominous aura.

"I the reverend father, asks the gods whom blessed this young child. to give us mortals your audience oh great ones."

then not a moment after his hand began to rot and heal again then rot again then heal and ultimately it turned into sea foam amputating his left hand effectively, the father screamed in pain as he fell to the ground, the younger nun was alarmed yet the older nun was composed throughout the altercation.

"let the sovereign of the abyss consume the ones who oppose his path and let his children bore fruit of the many as we the ones who preach their name witness the world get devoured by his will and the will of the us the many."

the older nun sang a prayer as the clouds outside began to cover the skies and the smell of the ocean began to intensify in the room that they are in, the babies that were sleeping peacefully began wailing an unholy tune, as if to preach something to someone that was about to descend from where it came from.

"The hymn of the greatest depths..." the babies that were singing began to float from their bassinets as they began melting into sea foam turning into what looks like a coral with a type of white flower on the top that has scales instead of plant like flesh, the flowers continued singing the hymn.

as a distant singing began to crept closer, it was leading the flowers' choir "we acknowledge the power that has been brought into your domain, mortals... do not trespass the realm of we the many... we will overlook our(your) transgression again, no no no we the many are elated! for this summons, yet not we all are pleased..." the flowers were glowed brightly in the darkened room as the smell of the ocean whiffed out the scent of anything else in the surface. "we the many declare the birth of a being that will topple the entity... the mortal kind call... destruction yes?"

the disembodied voices seems to be elated... yet nothing makes sense. their voices are constantly changing, and what they're talking about our becoming confusing as well.

The younger sister grabbed onto the sleeve of her outfit to compose herself yet her legs were shaking out of fear from what she is seeing, yet the older nun seems to be composed and has seen it before, The Reverend father has raised his hand in an attempt to mitigate the power of the abyss that seems to wrap the room in an instant, but his attempts were futile as his palm glow a faint golden hue, it turned into the color of the abyss, a golden light being replaced by a cold ominous blackness, the father screamed in agony as he felt his hand get imprinted on by we the many.

"Sister Laurenzia, this may be a ridiculous request but never let the world know what happened to these 16 babies... especially about this baby... Asche was it? yes... he might be a corrupted core... of the god we call, we many..." the older nun turned to sister Laurenzia with her whole eyes blackened out as it began dripping black tears, sister Laurenzia yelled out in terror but the reverend father managed to calm her down using holy magic "please don't attract too much attention while in the presence of a god's proxy..."

"We Many shall return and cover the earth with water and help our kin to evolve beyond the grasps of the water, the core shall lead us into evolution... we many will be delighted... we many will be sad... we many will be accomplished through the child we many has given to mortals..." the flowers that the babies has turned into grown tentacles and has began to rot almost immediately as they began singing their farewell hymn of the abyss, it was hauntingly beautiful as if bewitching anyone to kill themselves when they hear it.

"Reverend father... I have heard the call of the abyss one too many times... my time as the head of the nuns is about to pass... I will organize my own funeral later today." the father bit his lip in pain from the curse in his hand and the fact that his most trusted ally is about to die "how many days left?" the nun looked at her wrist, the skin turning paler and paler to an almost transparent color"not long... possibly today evening if the great abyss is feeling generous." her hands are already turning into sea foam that dissipates midair, the scent of the sea vanished not so long after the god's proxy has left their presence. "for my years 500 years of being alive I have always imagined myself dying to the curse of the abyss... so be not afraid nor regretful reverend father for I do not fear death."

the older nun said with a still emotionless facade and dignified demeanor.

the younger sister held the older's nun other hand "I ask for the grand mother's blessing to see the endless future the world shall offer for this monastery." their bodies began to glow golden as the older nun nodded "I offer you the blessing of immortality to foresee the world as it forms around your hand... I offer you the blessing of wisdom to deal with earthly matters efficiently... I offer you MY OWN blessing as the 3rd grand mother of the church... I offer you the blessing of homeliness to provide for the younger generation's brighter future in your hands."

the father gripped onto his amputated his hand as he watched the two pass down the blessings to another as the other's time is about to end.

"Mother I shall miss your presence in the monastery..." the younger nun said with an aching heart... the older nun remained stoic as she brushed the younger one's hair. "poise up... look straight... be dignified for the lord that we worship..." and for the last time she smiled... as her entire body turned into sea foam...

the younger nun breathed as she held Asche in her hands "none shall get out as to what happened to the children... and none shall know this child is a core of the abyss..." she muttered to herself, the reverend father stood up as he nodded "we can only assume as to what type of person this child will become... so lets raise him properly... like the rest of the rascals we have in this place." 

Laurenzia looked lifeless in her eyes but nodded "we shall..."

A year has passed after that horrifying event Asche has turned one summer older, he has also learnt how to speak and read due to his past life's line of work being able to decipher ancient text and the likes, the young boy sits at the base of a bookshelf in a library with piles of books stacked beside him, mother Laurenzia has made sure to look after Asche with special care since his body might not be able to sustain the core of the abyss like the other children in the past did, but this one is already holding up well...

"Asche my child do you want me to read these books to you?" Asche looked at the mother with a smile as he shook his head "I can read them just fine but thanks for the concern..."

Mother Laurenzia held her cheek as she gaze on Asche "a very smart child at age one... could be the influence of the abyss... oh grand mother how I wish you were still here to offer me more wisdom..."

not so long after the reverend father walked past by the two "Mother Laurenzia what seems to be the problem?" the mother gazed on the father with a defeated sigh "I promised Grand mother to look after Asche but I cannot seem to figure him out at all and he is only a mere single year older..." the father chuckled as he invited the mother outside to chat.


Those two are finally gone so I can continue my research about this world, there isn't much written about this world but one thing has been highlighted in most books, mana came from demons so priests or nuns are not allowed to use conventional magic since it will corrupt their holy spells that came from the god of light directly, this world has 15 months instead spring 3 months, then a month of stagnation, summer 3 months then a month of celebrations, autumn 3 months then a month of decay, then finally winter for 2 months then a month of rebirth... each month in between seems to give the world a universal blessing...

I have also learnt that this continent I am in is the 3rd main continent out of the five that was written in the books the continent I am in is called Aroth and its most abundant in plantains and other agricultural resources, the 1st continent is called Higoria it is abundant in mineable resources and has capitalized on it since day one the 2nd continent is called Strosaun this is where the mixed races live and has thrive via commerce and trading since it is in the middle of all the continent it has thrived that way the 4th continent is called Igia this is the largest continent that is covered entirely of forests, this is where the great elven race lives and other mixed races lives outside of elven territory as well, then the last continent which was destroyed by the first ascension of a core entity is called Clayen this is where the main human capital used to be but now it is overrun by monsters that the core entity erupted into.

for some reason nobody seems to know what happens to a core entity once they erupted, and or awaken, or evolve but they all know that a core entity must be kept alive in order for the world to progress... nobody knows as to what the world will progress into but the cores has a lot of influence in that part... do they actually not know or is this library just have shitty books...

I groaned as I walked out and for the first time saw myself in a mirror, I have brown eyes that has a tint of red in it, and my hair was grayish black, I have a single fang on my top left row of teeth, I tilted my head as I twirled around the mirror and chuckled "I look like as if I'm gonna be a vampire or something...

I looked at my palm and tentacle shaped bright red birth marks encompassing the length of my arm seems to be embedded on my skin...

"the call of the abyss... I can't hear it..."