
Gray Rogue

A 27-year-old man deep in debt died protecting a little child from predators. His life was worthless, but he decided in the last moments of his life to save another. He reincarnated in a world similar but not entirely the same as his previous one. Reborn in a peaceful village with the name of Luka, he is blessed by the gods with his golden eyes as proof. He explores this new world with great curiosity. He learns many things and meets many people. But the world isn't so nice to its inhabitants, and Luka will realize that fact in a cruel, hard, and bloody way. Join him on this journey in another world. A journey filled with strife, friendship, love, and loss. A journey that would force Luka to make a choice. A choice that will either save the world...or ruin it. ======================================== Warning: contains mature content. Readers discretion is advised. No update schedule. I'll try to be active and release chapters frequently and not slack off for 3-4 months like what I do with my fanfic. Chapter length: 1k-1.5k words. Maybe more depending on my mood.

Wataterp · Fantasy
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184 Chs

Knights vs Mercenaries

The two mercenaries successfully pulled out the sleeping 'girl' inside the tent.

One of them hoisted the girl on their shoulder, and the two moved away from the campsite and returned to the squad.

The leader of the squad formed several hand signs, ordering the others to retreat as they already have the target.

The other 5 mercenaries understood the order and returned to their hideout, but they didn't use the same path they took.

The 'girl' opened 'her' eyes ever so slightly to see the area 'she' was being dragged from, aware that the mercenaries are making their escape.

'She' controlled the air to break small branches and twigs to create a trail, while making sure to mask 'her' wind ability with the turbulent wind being formed from the fast movement of the mercenaries.

It worked. The 6 mercenaries never suspected a thing. Why would they? Their expertise is in the shadows, not the wind.

Back at the campsite. All 7 knights were woken up by the maid Rachel. As the person sleeping right next to 'Rosaline', she obviously felt that that 'she' was gone.

Rebecca gathered her men and rebriefed them on the plan they made before.

"Everyone remembers everything?"

The six knights nodded.

"Alright, let's go."

The knights moved to follow the trail 'Rosaline' left behind while Rachel stays at the campsite to protect 'Luka'.

'Luka' wanted to come with. 'He' wanted to help, but Rebecca refused to allow 'him' to come.

The knights set out into the dark forest. Along the way, they found twigs, plants, and branches broken, as if a storm passed by. But Rebecca and the others knew that there was no such storm.

They followed the trail, careful not to get lost. The hike continued for an hour.

Soon, the knights found a cave boring through a cliff face.

Inside the cave, the mercenaries were already expecting the knights to follow. But they didn't expect the knights to have found their hideout this fast.

They readied their weapons to face the knights, leaving 'Rosaline' behind while bound in rope.

The knights unsheathed their swords and channeled Aura of various colors.

The mercenaries went out of the cave to greet their guests. Their bodies were covered in a dark blanket of black Aura.

Two sides face each other. One glowed with an assortment of colors, looking like a painter's palette. While the other is pitch black, blending in the darkness of the night.

"You have someone we want to be returned," Rebecca said.

The mercenaries stayed silent.

"Alright then, let's do this the hard way. Griffin Knights!!"

"CAW!!!" The knights cried in response.

Their cries echoed in the night, then they rushed toward the mercenaries.

The mercenaries did what they did best. They blended into the shadows, completely throwing off the knight's visuals on them.

"Circle formation!" Rebecca ordered.

The knights huddled in a circle with their backs against each other.

Rebecca and the knights waited. They waited for any sign that might give away the position of the mercenaries.

One of the mercenaries rushed out of the shadows to attack. Their short sword blackened by imbuing their dark Aura into the sword.

They slashed, but the knight's defenses proved to be a hard nut to crack.

Then, three black blades of Aura flew in the air. Rebecca sensed the attack coming, but she couldn't see where exactly.

She trusted her instincts to block the three Aura blades.


The circle formation rotated to allow Rebecca to receive the Aura blades. As a 3rd stage herself, her Aura's strength would cancel out the Aura blades.

She swung her sword three times, hoping to block the projectiles. But she only blocked two.

The last Aura blade slipped past her defenses and cut her shoulder. The leader of the mercenary squad accurately shot his Aura blade projectiles into the gap of her armor.

Mason saw Rebecca get injured.

"Rebecca, take a potion!" Mason begged for Rebecca to heal her injuries.

But Rebecca shook her head in disapproval.

"No time! If I let down my guard for even a second, it'll be my or your head that'll be flying next."

Rebecca grit her teeth, enduring the pain the laceration is giving her. She ignored the blood spilling out, staining her armor and clothes.

More mercenaries rushed out to attack. The knights successfully defended themselves but they couldn't chase after the mercenaries as they instantly retreat into the dark where they can't be seen.

The leader of the squad kept slashing his sword, as blades of black Aura shot out of the tip of his short sword to injure Rebecca.

Rebecca continued to sustain more injuries, but she slowly adjusted and got used to the invisible attacks from the dark.

Soon, she was able to deflect each and every Aura blade coming her way.

The knights and mercenaries were stuck in a stalemate. The knights could only keep defending while the mercenaries could only keep performing fruitless attacks.

Back in the cave. 'Rosaline' has heard the commotion outside.

'She' channeled Aura and forcefully broke the ropes binding 'her'.

'She' sneaked towards the cave mouth to inspect the battle.

Realizing the battle is in a stalemate, 'she' removed the silver wig off his head, revealing gray hair.

Luka looked at his clothes.

'Shit, I don't have my throwing daggers. At least I got my main dagger strapped to my thigh.'

Luka pulled out a dagger hidden underneath his skirt.

"Let's kill some bastards shall we?"