
3: Pyronica

Warnings: Flashbacks, Mild Cussing

Published on 9/5/2020


But know this! A darkness approaches! A day will come in the future where everything you care about will CHANGE! Until then I'll be watching you! I'll be watching youuu!

-Bill Cipher


Dipper jerked his head in the direction of the voice, but then the lights went out. "Hey! Show yourself!" He yelled. He squinted his eyes to try and see the intruder, only to find nothing.

"I'll be watching, Hun." He heard, just as a bright light flashed through the room, leaving nothing but glowing, bright pink ashes and scattered papers everywhere.

His eyes snapped open and he realized that he had been asleep. The demon was in his mindscape.

He rushed to the light switch and hurriedly turned it on. He looked through the shelves, the drawers and the cabinets. His eyes widened at what he found.

It was another rift. Had the Stan Twins reopened the portal? What were they thinking? Dipper stared at it, unsure of his next move. He decided to tell the others.

"Guys," He said, leaning against the vending machine and getting everyone's attention. He noticed that the others were there, either doing research or talking with each other.

They all turned their attention to him. "Yes, Dipper?" Mabel asked. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Someone was here," He said.

"What? Who?" Mabel frantically asked, rushing to Dipper. "I. . . Don't know who she is. . ." He mumbled. "She came for this." He held up the rift. "T-That's-- That's the--"

"The rift. Yes." He answered. "What in tarnation is that?" Gideon asked. "It's an interdimentional rift, and if this breaks," He looked at everyone in the room. "All hell is going to break loose."

"What did the intruder look like?" Pacifica asked. Dipper took a seat at the table and sighed. He took a sip of his now cold coffee, cringing at the taste.

"I didn't see her very well. But I know she's not human. She disappeared in a bright flash and left bright pink ashes. Had a sickly sweet voice, too."

Marvel's eyes lit up. "I think I know who that is." She whispered quietly, but loud enough for everyone to hear. "Who?" Dipper looked at his sister confusingly.

"She. . . came to me in one of my dreams. Offering a deal. O-Of course I rejected it but, I couldn't forget about it. She's the reason why I still have Insomnia, I guess. She left in a rage, leaving pink ashes in my mindscape.

"She called herself Pyronica and offered me a spot among the demons. She even threatened to hurt you, but I knew she couldn't do that." She finished explaining.

"Pyronica," Dipper said, tapping his foot. "I feel like I've heard that name before." When it finally clicked, he shared the information with the others. "Pyronica was one of Bill's henchmaniacs."

"Why did she come here and not Bill? Knowing him, he would've done it himself. Him and his ego." Fiddleford said, still rapidly typing at his laptop. He must have been going 200 Words Per Minute.

Silence. "Who's to say he's still alive?" Dipper asked. "Besides, if he really was alive then his statue would have disappeared." He said logically.

"Why don't we take a look then?" Robbie suggested. "Mabel and I will go check it out. The rest of you, you guard this rift with your life. You hear me?" Everyone nodded.

They arrive at the woods and take a deep breath before going in again. They knew exactly where the statue would be. Everyone did. They followed the stone trail the townsfolk have built.

Stepping into the clearing, they look a look at their surroundings. A small creek was flowing, some trees, perfect sunlight, and a few pesky gnomes. Dipper inched closer to where the statue should be.

He sighed in relief as he saw that the statue was, in fact, still standing. "Good, we should get back to the others." Dipper turned away without another word. But Mabel saw something. the tiniest detail.

There was a crack on the statue. "Mabel!" She ran back, ignoring what she just saw. It was probably vandalism. After they both arrived back at the Mystery Shack, they began talking to the others, trying to come up with a plan.

"What if they're targeting someone else?" Wendy asked. "Good question," Dipper said, giving it a lot of thought. "Well, if she does have targets, other than the Grunkles, of course, we help them. We don't need anymore people to end up missing."

Soon, they called it a night and went to bed. Dipper had the rift on his nightstand, making sure it was safe. He wasn't gonna get any sleep anyway.

"Dipper, why did the Grunkles try to reopen the portal anyway?" Mabel asked.

". . ."

"I don't know, Mabel. Maybe something happened." He answered. "I hope they're okay. They're. . . not exactly what they used to be. They're old, Dipper. What if they can't handle it?" Mabel asked, tears in her eyes.

"Hey, hey. It's fine. Their strong, Mabes. Don't worry." Dipper reassured her. She sniffed and nodded. "I'll try to sleep." She mumbled. "Goodnight, Dipper." "Night, Mabes."

Mabel soon fell asleep, and Dipper stared at the rift. "How did they. . ." He started, but then he stopped. "I'll find them. Whatever it takes."

He layed down on his bed, occasionally checking his Grunkles' Journals, counting the hours till sunrise. He wouldn't be getting any sleep for a few nights.

"Hey, Hun. What're you reading?" Dipper's breathing quickened and he quickly sat up in his bed. "Pyronica." He said, his voice dripping with venom.

"I fell asleep, huh?" He said, getting in a defensive stance. She grinned. "You did." She sat on his bed and Dipper merely glared at her. "What do you want?" He snapped.

"Why? Can't a demon just come to say hi?" Pyronica's lips twitched into a teasing pout. "I know what you want." "You do." She smiled again. "You know full well to hand it over then,"

"Was that a threat?" Dipper laughed. "Even Bill can come up with better threats." Pyronica's skin flashed red. "Don't compare me with that filthy excuse of a demon."

"Well too bad." Dipper shot back, Fire in his eyes. "You really need to watch what you're saying, Dippy." She said playfully. "And why is that?"

"I'll make your sister suffer."


Word Count: 1068